Endless Palestinian Demands

Oh didn't you know, Mohomod Latici only posts "facts"! From drug addicts and rock stars, that is! Ha ha ha.

Posted an article from the antisemitic Jerusalem Post. But yes, criticizing Israel in the minds of maniacs is antisemitic.
You posted an article about Pink Floyd's opinion on Israel. It didn't matter where you got the article from, what mattered was you gave some drug induced rock star's comments as much weight as the historical facts of Palestinian Arabs and their love for the Nazis.

You can't even keep track of what you are posting now. Are you off your meds again, Mohomod Latici?

Well, it's not just former rock stars:

Belgian government website compared Israel to Nazi Germany
September 18, 2013 8:03am

"The website featured a caricature of a Jewish man impaled on the fence of a concentration camp next to a man wearing Arab headress, their limbs arranged in the form of a Nazi swastika. The caption “Never Again” appears above the image of the Jew and the words “Over Again!” are written at the Arab’s right foot."

Report: Belgian government website compared Israel to Nazi Germany | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Posted an article from the antisemitic Jerusalem Post. But yes, criticizing Israel in the minds of maniacs is antisemitic.
You posted an article about Pink Floyd's opinion on Israel. It didn't matter where you got the article from, what mattered was you gave some drug induced rock star's comments as much weight as the historical facts of Palestinian Arabs and their love for the Nazis.

You can't even keep track of what you are posting now. Are you off your meds again, Mohomod Latici?

Well, it's not just former rock stars:

Belgian government website compared Israel to Nazi Germany
September 18, 2013 8:03am

"The website featured a caricature of a Jewish man impaled on the fence of a concentration camp next to a man wearing Arab headress, their limbs arranged in the form of a Nazi swastika. The caption “Never Again” appears above the image of the Jew and the words “Over Again!” are written at the Arab’s right foot."

Report: Belgian government website compared Israel to Nazi Germany | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

And I believe that the editor was arrested and charged with ANTI SEMITIC RACISM
You posted an article about Pink Floyd's opinion on Israel. It didn't matter where you got the article from, what mattered was you gave some drug induced rock star's comments as much weight as the historical facts of Palestinian Arabs and their love for the Nazis.

You can't even keep track of what you are posting now. Are you off your meds again, Mohomod Latici?

Well, it's not just former rock stars:

Belgian government website compared Israel to Nazi Germany
September 18, 2013 8:03am

"The website featured a caricature of a Jewish man impaled on the fence of a concentration camp next to a man wearing Arab headress, their limbs arranged in the form of a Nazi swastika. The caption “Never Again” appears above the image of the Jew and the words “Over Again!” are written at the Arab’s right foot."

Report: Belgian government website compared Israel to Nazi Germany | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

And I believe that the editor was arrested and charged with ANTI SEMITIC RACISM

No, there was no arrest.
Aw bless you for showing all of us this Belgium website. It's about time those Zionists have reason to search for the truth of all he horror of the Palestinian holocaust committed by Israel in this Gaza concentration camp.

Naked Philadelphian: Gaza: Pictures From A Mediterranean Paradise

Well, it's not just former rock stars:

Belgian government website compared Israel to Nazi Germany
September 18, 2013 8:03am

"The website featured a caricature of a Jewish man impaled on the fence of a concentration camp next to a man wearing Arab headress, their limbs arranged in the form of a Nazi swastika. The caption “Never Again” appears above the image of the Jew and the words “Over Again!” are written at the Arab’s right foot."

Report: Belgian government website compared Israel to Nazi Germany | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

And I believe that the editor was arrested and charged with ANTI SEMITIC RACISM

No, there was no arrest.
Well, it's not just former rock stars:

Belgian government website compared Israel to Nazi Germany
September 18, 2013 8:03am

"The website featured a caricature of a Jewish man impaled on the fence of a concentration camp next to a man wearing Arab headress, their limbs arranged in the form of a Nazi swastika. The caption “Never Again” appears above the image of the Jew and the words “Over Again!” are written at the Arab’s right foot."

Report: Belgian government website compared Israel to Nazi Germany | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

And I believe that the editor was arrested and charged with ANTI SEMITIC RACISM

No, there was no arrest.

Any comment on the accusations of ANTI SEMITISM laid at the feet of the source of the cartoon

The caricature was drawn by the Brazilian artist Carlos Latuff, whom the Simon Wiesenthal Center has accused of anti-Semitism

Read more: Report: Belgian government website compared Israel to Nazi Germany | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Care to answer a question :

What possessed you to post this article knowing that it was JEW HATRED and ANTI SEMITIC in the worst possible way. To me you are setting out to demonise the Jews for purely religious reasons and see no problem in comparing the Jews to the Nazis and muslims. One further question were are the concentration camps in the west bank, were are the gas chambers, were are the mass graves and were are all the bodies of the dead muslims.

The wrong answers to these will show once and for all what ideology you follow and who is your paymaster.
Aw bless you for showing all of us this Belgium website. It's about time those Zionists have reason to search for the truth of all he horror of the Palestinian holocaust committed by Israel in this Gaza concentration camp.

Naked Philadelphian: Gaza: Pictures From A Mediterranean Paradise

And I believe that the editor was arrested and charged with ANTI SEMITIC RACISM

No, there was no arrest.

In 1967 when Israel occupied the west bank and gaza they found human beings starved almost to death inside barbed wire cages by the Egyptians and Jordanians. No sanitation, no running water, no medical provisions, no power, no fuel and no hope. The people who put them in these cages are the real Nazis, not the Jews who freed them and gave them schools, hospitals, doctors, running water, sanitation, electricity, fuel and hope for the future. Then less than 10 years after this we hear of up to 50,000 unarmed Palestinians being shot inside some of these death camps by Jordanian forces. Not a murmur from this ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST about how the palestinans were treated by their own, or how the Jews appalled at the conditions rebuilt gaza and parts of the west bank for the Palestinian inmates. Now the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST is trying to show that other nations see the Jews as the new Nazi's when she knows the truth and giggles about hiding the evidence from the world.
Has anyone ever heard a single Palestinian or Palestinian supporter complaint over Jordan's Black September? When will Israel ever learn from the surrounding Arab countries how to deal with Palestinians?

Aw bless you for showing all of us this Belgium website. It's about time those Zionists have reason to search for the truth of all he horror of the Palestinian holocaust committed by Israel in this Gaza concentration camp.

Naked Philadelphian: Gaza: Pictures From A Mediterranean Paradise

No, there was no arrest.

In 1967 when Israel occupied the west bank and gaza they found human beings starved almost to death inside barbed wire cages by the Egyptians and Jordanians. No sanitation, no running water, no medical provisions, no power, no fuel and no hope. The people who put them in these cages are the real Nazis, not the Jews who freed them and gave them schools, hospitals, doctors, running water, sanitation, electricity, fuel and hope for the future. Then less than 10 years after this we hear of up to 50,000 unarmed Palestinians being shot inside some of these death camps by Jordanian forces. Not a murmur from this ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST about how the palestinans were treated by their own, or how the Jews appalled at the conditions rebuilt gaza and parts of the west bank for the Palestinian inmates. Now the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST is trying to show that other nations see the Jews as the new Nazi's when she knows the truth and giggles about hiding the evidence from the world.

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