Energy Sec Rick Perry Contradicts Trump, says humans Do play role in Causing climate change

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
(Please Move to "Environment". Wrong section. aa)

Oh Look.
The Military says so, The Energy sec says so, even Exxon Mobil says so.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry contradicts Trump, says humans do play a role in causing climate change
Energy Secretary Rick Perry contradicts Trump, says humans do play a role in causing climate change
Matthew J. Belvedere@MATT_BELVEDERE

  • “The climate is changing. Are we part of the reason? Yeah, it is,” says Energy Secretary Rick Perry.
  • Veering off the Trump administration message, Perry adds, “I’ll let people debate on who’s the bigger problem here.”
  • Perry says that it’s worth developing Zero-Emissions technology and that the Trump administration has made great strides. (abu afak: LOL on that last point. He's gone backwards)
It just shows a leopard doesn't change it's spots.

Maybe Rick is thinking about going back to state politics.
(Please Move to "Environment". Wrong section. aa)

Oh Look.
The Military says so, The Energy sec says so, even Exxon Mobil says so.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry contradicts Trump, says humans do play a role in causing climate change
Energy Secretary Rick Perry contradicts Trump, says humans do play a role in causing climate change
Matthew J. Belvedere@MATT_BELVEDERE

  • “The climate is changing. Are we part of the reason? Yeah, it is,” says Energy Secretary Rick Perry.
  • Veering off the Trump administration message, Perry adds, “I’ll let people debate on who’s the bigger problem here.”
  • Perry says that it’s worth developing Zero-Emissions technology and that the Trump administration has made great strides. (abu afak: LOL on that last point. He's gone backwards)
Where is your trump quote
(Please Move to "Environment". Wrong section. aa)

Oh Look.
The Military says so, The Energy sec says so, even Exxon Mobil says so.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry contradicts Trump, says humans do play a role in causing climate change
Energy Secretary Rick Perry contradicts Trump, says humans do play a role in causing climate change
Matthew J. Belvedere@MATT_BELVEDERE

  • “The climate is changing. Are we part of the reason? Yeah, it is,” says Energy Secretary Rick Perry.
  • Veering off the Trump administration message, Perry adds, “I’ll let people debate on who’s the bigger problem here.”
  • Perry says that it’s worth developing Zero-Emissions technology and that the Trump administration has made great strides. (abu afak: LOL on that last point. He's gone backwards)
Where is your military quote?
(Please Move to "Environment". Wrong section. aa)

Oh Look.
The Military says so, The Energy sec says so, even Exxon Mobil says so.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry contradicts Trump, says humans do play a role in causing climate change
Energy Secretary Rick Perry contradicts Trump, says humans do play a role in causing climate change
Matthew J. Belvedere@MATT_BELVEDERE

  • “The climate is changing. Are we part of the reason? Yeah, it is,” says Energy Secretary Rick Perry.
  • Veering off the Trump administration message, Perry adds, “I’ll let people debate on who’s the bigger problem here.”
  • Perry says that it’s worth developing Zero-Emissions technology and that the Trump administration has made great strides. (abu afak: LOL on that last point. He's gone backwards)
Where is your exon quote. Right or wrong you may be but when you leave three key quotes out of your OP that is just lazy ignorance.
Trump has repeatedly over the years expressed skepticism about the role humans play in climate change

It appears, Abu afak lied. Trump expressed skepticism. Skepticism at the role humans play. Trump did not state humans do not play some role. So it is the liberal ass hats that are liars attempting to divide the people with lies.
Where is your exon quote. Right or wrong you may be but when you leave three key quotes out of your OP that is just lazy ignorance.

Exxon Mobil Acknowledges Climate Change Risk To Business For First Time

""ExxonMobil takes the risk of climate change seriously, and continues to take meaningful steps to help address the risk and to ensure our facilities, operations and investments are managed with this risk in mind," the company said in the report.

"Many governments are also taking these risks seriously, and are considering steps they can take to address them. These steps may vary in timing and approach, but regardless, it is our belief they will be most effective if they are informed by global energy demand and supply realities, and balance the economic aspirations of consumers," the report concluded."..."

All Three answered you DUMB POS.

Where is your military quote?
[QUOTE="abu afak, post: 19872408, member: 3073"

That's right CLOWN
It's only Obama who directed the Military to be afraid of Warming.
Another outrageous Ball of **** from Flacaltenn[/b].

military acknowledgement warming - Google Search

U.S. Military Forges Ahead with Plans to Combat Climate Change ...
Apr 2, 2012 - Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.
Trump's Defense Secretary Cites Climate Change as… — ProPublica
Mar 14, 2017 - Mattis has long espoused the position that the armed forces, for a host of reasons, need to cut dependence on fossil fuels and explore renewable energy where it ... Mattis' statements could hearten world leaders who have urged the Trump administration to remain engaged on addressing global warming.

US military plans for climate change - Motherboard
US military plans for climate change
Oct 14, 2014 - The military is preparing to adapt to a warming planet.

What the U.S. Military is Doing About Climate Change
Sep 20, 2017 -
While the White House denies that climate change is happening, the Military has been Aware of the risks of climate change since 1990, and has been actively working for a number of years already to avoid and adapt to the worst effects of climate change, including flooding, extreme heat, extreme weather, ...

Trump's new defense bill includes a Dire Warning on climate change ...

The defense bill Trump just signed includes a dire military warning on climate change...
Dec 13, 2017 - In the bill, current and former top US military brass attest to the national security threat of a rapidly changing climate.
By signing the bill, Trump also ordered a report on “vulnerabilities to military installations” that climate change could cause in the next 20 years. The bill's acknowledgement and anticipation of ...
You visited this page on 5/6/18.
Climate change is a 'direct threat to national security,' the defense bill ... 22, 2017 - The 2400-page National Defense Authorization Act that Congress sent to President Trump last week is packed with new military policies and weapons ... There was widespread acknowledgement of climate change under the Barack Obama administration following skepticism from the George W. Bush ...

****!, there's even a Military Consensus on Warming.... to join the Scientific one!
Ah, Reality.

PS: Finished off all comers again.
Bye for now.
Thanks for all your help in unwittingly assisting me in showing the truth.[/QUOTE]

All Three answered you DUMB POS.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry contradicts Trump, says humans do play a role in causing climate change

Where does trump state humans play no role in climate change? Are you now claiming that Sen
Rick Perry was responding to a Twitter post?

You really are a complete idiot. Any moron can do a sloppy Google search and come up with a better response.

You really do not know what you are posting, do you!

This is what Trump said, do you deny this! Do you! This is the quote you must respond to.

Trump has repeatedly over the years expressed skepticism about the role humans play in climate change
Where does trump state humans play no role in climate change? Are you now claiming that Sen
Gameover Clown
You Lost.
When someone says GW is a Chinese concoction/conspiracy, that's more than 'skepticism,' that's dismissal.

Clearly you're used to debating people with IQ's near yours: 12.
Gameover Clown
You Lost.
When someone says GW is a Chinese concoction/conspiracy, that's more than 'skepticism,' that's dismissal.

Clearly you're used to debating people with IQ's near yours: 12.
Senator Rick Perry was responding to the quote I posted, not twitter! Period. You speak of IQ? Yet you deny what the Senator was responding to? Why did you start an OP about Sen Perry and the quote if you are now going to refer to a twitter post, which is definitely out of context.

You see, when all your thinking and opinion is a google search, you look the fool that you are.

Go ahead, address this quote, you can't, because you know I am right and you are wrong. That is why you left the premise of your OP and looked for answers outside the link you gave.

You really are that special kind of stupid.
Trump has repeatedly over the years expressed skepticism about the role humans play in climate change

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