England has new Doner Laws. They have lost control

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
I was looking around the Europe for News and found that England has new laws that take away your right to NOT donate your organs.
The UK government are planning to make all citizens organ donors by default, without seeking their explicit permission.

Theresa May’s cabinet will introduce reformations to organ ‘donation’ laws which they say will increase the availability or organs for transplant by 700 per year, according to the BBC.

They will do this by effectively stripping UK citizens’ right to decide the fate of their own organs after they die, unless they specifically opt-out of the controversial new scheme.

Breitbart.com reports: The legislation is expected to be brought before the House of Commons when MPs return from recess in Autumn, and if Parliament approves the organ donation law, it will come into effect in England by Spring 2020.

Currently, Wales already operates such a system, Scotland is looking to introduce a similar scheme, and Northern Ireland is also considering it.

The law will mean that unless a person has expressed a wish to not donate their organs, doctors will presume the dead person is a donor.

There will be exceptions — children under 18, those with diminished mental capabilities, and foreigners who have been in the country less than 12 months — and relatives can still override the ‘presumed consent’, if the ‘donor’ has relatives in the first place to object.

Those who do want to opt out will be able to do so by using a National Health Service (NHS) app to be launched at the end of the year.

However, medical ethicist Dr Piers Benn raised several issues arising from the Government legally changing all Britons to presumed organ ‘donors’, saying that it may leave some people feeling “cheated” and “uncomfortable” with what has hitherto been treated as a “gift”.

Dr Benn said the current system respected that “you know what you’re doing and you’re doing it because you want to save someone’s life”, he told Sky News on Sunday.

“The problem with opt-outs is that — while it does save lives — people may not be aware that that is the default assumption. so people will be ‘donating’ their organs without knowing they are doing that.”

Asked by the news anchor whether it would give doctors licence to take your organs, the medical ethicist said: “Sometimes if there is no known wish a doctor can approach relatives and some relatives decide not to donate.

“But the issue really is how do we weigh up the number of lives saved with the need to respect fully the consent of the person who has just died to what happens to their organs.”

Recognising that the 700 additional organs would be available every year under the new system by virtue of being taken by the deceased who may not have expressed a wish to donate when alive, Dr Benn observed that “There is something lost [in this system].

“I don’t say this solves the issue completely as it removes that you know what you’re doing and you’re giving.

“After all, no one has an obligation to save strangers’ lives.”

Asked whether it would make people feel that the government is presuming ownership over there body, the medical ethicist reiterated that you can opt out — but that it was down to a person reading the “small print”.

“You can opt out but you have to be pretty savvy to do so. Of course, the reason why the government have shifted from the opt-in to the opt-out position is to increase donations — which is a good thing, but done in a way which is at risk of being done by slight of hand.”

I wonder if these laws are active in Canada.?
Democrats have been trying to do the same thing here for years. I'd have "not a donor " tattooed on my arm.
Democrats have been trying to do the same thing here for years. I'd have "not a donor " tattooed on my arm.
Why would you not want to help someone in need ? In a way you live on through somebody else. many grieving relatives have taken some comfort from this.
It is already working well in civilised Wales. The number of lives saved is up and loved ones are not faced with difficult decisions when they are at their most vulnerable.
Democrats have been trying to do the same thing here for years. I'd have "not a donor " tattooed on my arm.
Why would you not want to help someone in need ? In a way you live on through somebody else. many grieving relatives have taken some comfort from this.
It is already working well in civilised Wales. The number of lives saved is up and loved ones are not faced with difficult decisions when they are at their most vulnerable.
Live on through someone else? Isnt that what jeffrey dahmer used to say?
Democrats have been trying to do the same thing here for years. I'd have "not a donor " tattooed on my arm.
Why would you not want to help someone in need ? In a way you live on through somebody else. many grieving relatives have taken some comfort from this.
It is already working well in civilised Wales. The number of lives saved is up and loved ones are not faced with difficult decisions when they are at their most vulnerable.
Live on through someone else? Isnt that what jeffrey dahmer used to say?
'I could feel his heart:' Organ donor families bond with recipients after transplants - NBC News


Its life affirming,the sign of a society that works.

“When I hugged her, I could feel his heart,” Wagner recalls. “I could feel it pounding. It was hard to let go.”
This is what happens when health care becomes a government responsibility. People become so much cattle.
Democrats have been trying to do the same thing here for years. I'd have "not a donor " tattooed on my arm.
Why would you not want to help someone in need ? In a way you live on through somebody else. many grieving relatives have taken some comfort from this.
It is already working well in civilised Wales. The number of lives saved is up and loved ones are not faced with difficult decisions when they are at their most vulnerable.
Live on through someone else? Isnt that what jeffrey dahmer used to say?
'I could feel his heart:' Organ donor families bond with recipients after transplants - NBC News


Its life affirming,the sign of a society that works.

“When I hugged her, I could feel his heart,” Wagner recalls. “I could feel it pounding. It was hard to let go.”
IDK i just find that shit weird. PErhaps, im just not as emotional as some.
Democrats have been trying to do the same thing here for years. I'd have "not a donor " tattooed on my arm.
Why would you not want to help someone in need ? In a way you live on through somebody else. many grieving relatives have taken some comfort from this.
It is already working well in civilised Wales. The number of lives saved is up and loved ones are not faced with difficult decisions when they are at their most vulnerable.
Live on through someone else? Isnt that what jeffrey dahmer used to say?
'I could feel his heart:' Organ donor families bond with recipients after transplants - NBC News


Its life affirming,the sign of a society that works.

“When I hugged her, I could feel his heart,” Wagner recalls. “I could feel it pounding. It was hard to let go.”
IDK i just find that shit weird. PErhaps, im just not as emotional as some.
When we brought it in it was made very clear that you could opt out. I thought about it for a bit and decided to go with it. Im not keen to give up my bits but if they can give someone life then I am up for that. And it means my wife or kids arent being pestered in the waiting room as well.
I dont know what the argument is against it.
This is what happens when health care becomes a government responsibility. People become so much cattle.
I cant understand why you would denigrate such a marvelous gesture.
The same way I denigrate many other "marvelous gestures" that are, nonetheless, based on really bad legal premises. Government shouldn't be in the business of deciding what we do with our body parts. People are not the property of the state. It's supposed to be the other way around.
Democrats have been trying to do the same thing here for years. I'd have "not a donor " tattooed on my arm.
Why would you not want to help someone in need ? In a way you live on through somebody else. many grieving relatives have taken some comfort from this.
It is already working well in civilised Wales. The number of lives saved is up and loved ones are not faced with difficult decisions when they are at their most vulnerable.
Live on through someone else? Isnt that what jeffrey dahmer used to say?
'I could feel his heart:' Organ donor families bond with recipients after transplants - NBC News


Its life affirming,the sign of a society that works.

“When I hugged her, I could feel his heart,” Wagner recalls. “I could feel it pounding. It was hard to let go.”
IDK i just find that shit weird. PErhaps, im just not as emotional as some.
When we brought it in it was made very clear that you could opt out. I thought about it for a bit and decided to go with it. Im not keen to give up my bits but if they can give someone life then I am up for that. And it means my wife or kids arent being pestered in the waiting room as well.
I dont know what the argument is against it.
I am an organ donor. Wtf do i need them for? Lol
Some people are just against it because of the State. Not everyone needs their ass wiped by a bunch of assholes.
Why would you not want to help someone in need ? In a way you live on through somebody else. many grieving relatives have taken some comfort from this.
It is already working well in civilised Wales. The number of lives saved is up and loved ones are not faced with difficult decisions when they are at their most vulnerable.
Live on through someone else? Isnt that what jeffrey dahmer used to say?
'I could feel his heart:' Organ donor families bond with recipients after transplants - NBC News


Its life affirming,the sign of a society that works.

“When I hugged her, I could feel his heart,” Wagner recalls. “I could feel it pounding. It was hard to let go.”
IDK i just find that shit weird. PErhaps, im just not as emotional as some.
When we brought it in it was made very clear that you could opt out. I thought about it for a bit and decided to go with it. Im not keen to give up my bits but if they can give someone life then I am up for that. And it means my wife or kids arent being pestered in the waiting room as well.
I dont know what the argument is against it.
I am an organ donor. Wtf do i need them for? Lol
Some people are just against it because of the State. Not everyone needs their ass wiped by a bunch of assholes.
I was never an organ donor. Like most people I never got round to it. But if asked I would have agreed. The US needs to do something though. 8000 people a year die through the lack of donations. Its an easy fix.
I was looking around the Europe for News and found that England has new laws that take away your right to NOT donate your organs.
The UK government are planning to make all citizens organ donors by default, without seeking their explicit permission.

Theresa May’s cabinet will introduce reformations to organ ‘donation’ laws which they say will increase the availability or organs for transplant by 700 per year, according to the BBC.

They will do this by effectively stripping UK citizens’ right to decide the fate of their own organs after they die, unless they specifically opt-out of the controversial new scheme.

Breitbart.com reports: The legislation is expected to be brought before the House of Commons when MPs return from recess in Autumn, and if Parliament approves the organ donation law, it will come into effect in England by Spring 2020.

Currently, Wales already operates such a system, Scotland is looking to introduce a similar scheme, and Northern Ireland is also considering it.

The law will mean that unless a person has expressed a wish to not donate their organs, doctors will presume the dead person is a donor.

There will be exceptions — children under 18, those with diminished mental capabilities, and foreigners who have been in the country less than 12 months — and relatives can still override the ‘presumed consent’, if the ‘donor’ has relatives in the first place to object.

Those who do want to opt out will be able to do so by using a National Health Service (NHS) app to be launched at the end of the year.

However, medical ethicist Dr Piers Benn raised several issues arising from the Government legally changing all Britons to presumed organ ‘donors’, saying that it may leave some people feeling “cheated” and “uncomfortable” with what has hitherto been treated as a “gift”.

Dr Benn said the current system respected that “you know what you’re doing and you’re doing it because you want to save someone’s life”, he told Sky News on Sunday.

“The problem with opt-outs is that — while it does save lives — people may not be aware that that is the default assumption. so people will be ‘donating’ their organs without knowing they are doing that.”

Asked by the news anchor whether it would give doctors licence to take your organs, the medical ethicist said: “Sometimes if there is no known wish a doctor can approach relatives and some relatives decide not to donate.

“But the issue really is how do we weigh up the number of lives saved with the need to respect fully the consent of the person who has just died to what happens to their organs.”

Recognising that the 700 additional organs would be available every year under the new system by virtue of being taken by the deceased who may not have expressed a wish to donate when alive, Dr Benn observed that “There is something lost [in this system].

“I don’t say this solves the issue completely as it removes that you know what you’re doing and you’re giving.

“After all, no one has an obligation to save strangers’ lives.”

Asked whether it would make people feel that the government is presuming ownership over there body, the medical ethicist reiterated that you can opt out — but that it was down to a person reading the “small print”.

“You can opt out but you have to be pretty savvy to do so. Of course, the reason why the government have shifted from the opt-in to the opt-out position is to increase donations — which is a good thing, but done in a way which is at risk of being done by slight of hand.”

I wonder if these laws are active in Canada.?

It’s completely fair and logical for the English government to demand your organs upon your death. When the citizenship accepts a universal healthcare system they are no longer responsible or in control of their own body, even after they are dead.
This is what happens when health care becomes a government responsibility. People become so much cattle.
I cant understand why you would denigrate such a marvelous gesture.
The same way I denigrate many other "marvelous gestures" that are, nonetheless, based on really bad legal premises. Government shouldn't be in the business of deciding what we do with our body parts. People are not the property of the state. It's supposed to be the other way around.
You stll have the choice to participate or not. Its about saving lives and you dont need your body parts when you are gone.

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