Enough free the Bundy Family and 14 Patriotic prisoners


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Published on Jul 18, 2017
The stakes in U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro's courtroom in Las Vegas are high America, whether you are on the side of the United States founding principles or not. Will the greased skids of federalized corruption set a larger precedent for unchecked property seizure in America or will long established rights restricting that corruption seize the day?

Following the event held in Las Vegas on July 15 known as "Stand!", featuring Bundy family members and leading voices of Constitutional awareness. Facebook suspiciously edited a video of Sean Stone's speech, altering it's message.

But that message isn't altered here. Five Bundy family members and 14 courageous patriots took a Stand for their property rights, resulting in no less than 16 federal felonies and the failed cover up execution of Lavoy Finicum. Can we expect a similar outcome for Colorado Ranch widow Susan Robinson can as she battles corpracratic lobbyist big oil behemoth ConocoPhillips over 2,535 acres of land her family has grazed for over 100 years? Don't kid yourself naysayers. Our battered and endangered U.S. Constitution sits in that Nevada prison along with the 19 patriots ultimately charged with protecting our founding principles.


And freed they should be. Until people understand the truth behind this, and what is was really about you will remain a victim of the very same laws. You just don't know it yet. Most won't know how or why this is possible as the AGENDA 2030, Agenda 21 forces more people into the cities home ownership is being lowered in order to herd the sheep into a city where you are easily controlled in more ways than realized. Assume what you want you are their victims for as long as you deny what's unfolding in front of your blind faces.

Posted by SEAN STONE the son of Oliver Stone :

But, in another thread, you were whining about private property being taken away from the owners.

Make up what you try to pass off as your mind.
Fact is, for RWNJs, its a situational question.

Bundys stealing land - good
trump forcing Americans off their property and businesses - good

Same with the rest of the constitution.
The bundies and the unAmerican putzes with them deserve the rule of law placed on them .
The bundies and the unAmerican putzes with them deserve the rule of law placed on them .

And so do you when it makes it to you as well. The UNAMERICANS are the assholes who don't stand with them. because they're to stupid to know truth from lies and have no education on our Constitutional rights, let a lone LAND OWNERSHIP j.
The Bundys are felons, and deserve a long stretch, tens of years, in the slammer. They did millions of dollars in damage to our, all US citizens, property at the Malhuer Refuge. They have been grazing their livestock on public land without paying the fees, and putting too many units on the land for what it can support.

The Bundy's ranch, the actual land that he owns, is 160 acres, that is not even a decent sized farm in the West, let alone a ranch. He totally depends on the BLM lands for his 'ranching' operation, yet steals the use of the land when he could easily pay for the use of that land. The whole Bundy family is a den of thieves. Ammon borrowed $500,000 from the Small Business Corporation, which we taxpayers will have to pay.
The Bundys are felons, and deserve a long stretch, tens of years, in the slammer. They did millions of dollars in damage to our, all US citizens, property at the Malhuer Refuge. They have been grazing their livestock on public land without paying the fees, and putting too many units on the land for what it can support.

The Bundy's ranch, the actual land that he owns, is 160 acres, that is not even a decent sized farm in the West, let alone a ranch. He totally depends on the BLM lands for his 'ranching' operation, yet steals the use of the land when he could easily pay for the use of that land. The whole Bundy family is a den of thieves. Ammon borrowed $500,000 from the Small Business Corporation, which we taxpayers will have to pay.

So are you

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