Enough What Ifs, Trump IS Going To Be The Republican Nominee

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I'm saying that because I honestly don't believe that he's going to prison. I know that I've speculated some theories on here lately with if he is going to win the primaries, or the democrats have their way and lock him up,... but for the longest time I believed that it was going to be a really tough race with DeSantis and Ramaswamy.

However, DeSantis showed at the debates that he's a sheep as well as a RINO and Ramaswamy is way too inexperienced (although I still think that he would make an excellent VP) and too much like a male version of Mother Theresa.

The voters know this and that's why Trump is dominating the polls. The democrats fear him because they know that he's a true leader that can get things done. He doesn't play nice with them either. He says what he says and does what he does for the love of our country and that's exactly why if it's legit and the democrats don't cheat again that he has to win the nomination.

We also have to vote for him because otherwise the Democrats are going to get their way again and we can't let that happen if we want to get our country back.

Oh absolutely. The dems want him to be, as well as most republicans.
Hell, another year or so od biden, and then we get President harris! :lol: Because trump will lose.
Both sides are fucking MORONS.
Oh absolutely. The dems want him to be, as well as most republicans.
Hell, another year or so od biden, and then we get President harris! :lol: Because trump will lose.
Both sides are fucking MORONS.
I mean no shit, Trump is bad enough. But the lefts answer to that is a racist, lying, old as dirt, corrupt, trashy, incestuous pedo.
As I said, MORONS.
The voters know this and that's why Trump is dominating the polls. The democrats fear him

Back in reality, the Democrats laugh hard at what a whiny beta loser Trump is. We thank you for supporting him and thereby ensuring the 2024 blue wave.

Someone other than Trump might have be able to beat Biden. Trump stands no chance, so he's the one Democrats want running.

And Trump's mugshot? Just an old lardass trying to hide his prominent neck wattles.
So what popular policies will either Biden or Trump be campaigning on this election season?

Because that is what I see Trumpers talk about the least....all I see them to do is twist themselves into pretzels to go from claiming how bad it is for a presidential candidate to be the subject of a criminal investigation (Hillary) - to cheering for that person to be locked up

To now claiming being indicted multiple times is actually cool and black people will all love you because apparently, that is what black people do....

Not a single policy is discussed
They've indicted him on an invoice filed internally seven years ago regarding an NDA, which has never seen the light of day, and then they try and tell us they are not concerned about him.

I still find it hilarious that the democrats were sure that they had is this time and all that's happened is that Trump has new merchandise for his campaign. Nice one libs. 😆


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