Entertainment Morality Law


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Many movies, TV shows, and video games promote and glamorize violence and promiscuity. Because of this the Entertainment Morality Act of 2014 has been passed. All forms of entertainment will be held to this code.

-Sex is prohibited

-violence is never to be glamorized

-Foul language is prohibited

And I bet some of you would like a law like this.
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Many movies, TV shows, and video games promote and glamorize violence and promiscuity. Because of this the Entertainment Morality Act of 2014 has been passed. All forms of entertainment will be held to this code.

-Sex is prohibited

-violence is never to be glamorized

-Foul language is prohibited

And I bet some of you would like a law like this.

Well, I did root for the FBI guys while watching the Soprano's...

The moral majority would be all over that if they did not propose it.

In some sense it is just up to adults to be somewhat cool and give answers to kids. The other day at work a young lady was watching a video of an undercover officer repeatedly using a cross walk for the purpose of catching folks who did not stop for him. He seemed reasonable and there were several close calls. The young lady ridiculed him for setting the drivers up. I suggested he was a hero and it was thanks to brave men risking their lives pulling people over that she could safely push a stroller across the street here unlike in some parts of the world.

Long story, but ya just gotta point out Tony Soprano and many protagonists are really bad guys and who the good guys are.
Did I just wake up in an alternate reality where the moral majority right winger authoritarians came into power?

Actually, the moral majority used to ban things on television, like Jeannie's belly button and no couple ever shared a bed. That was just how it was and the majority of people preferred it that way. The filth was popular with a small percent of people. Now, there are simply more people who really don't have morals, so anything goes. Just look at some of the music (if you can call it that) that we get from no-talent people. The more vulgar, the more popular. Miley Cyrus picked up where Madonna left off. Some of the worst rap music is just nasty and promotes killing.

I preferred it when most shows were wholesome. There were always bad guys in films, but there were always consequences for their actions. Everyone rooted for the hero, not the scumbag.

It's a shame that we have so much trash on television and movies, but if enough people are morally bankrupt and prefer that, we're stuck with substandard entertainment.

Seriously, if people had a modicum of intelligence, mindless crap that passes for entertainment wouldn't be as popular.

I do hope we get back to a more decent level of entertainment, but not enough people want it right now. We're stuck with reality shows and vulgar performers, who are better at twerking than at singing. If the idiots will watch, they will keep delivering shit.

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