Entitled Cyclists

There is no way I would have let my kids walk by themselves on a bike trail when they were that age. The biker over-reacted and obviously likes to throw his weight around but the Dad created a potentially dangerous situation his kids and bikers.

When biking a trail and you see a group of pedestrians ahead

and prepare to stop
When biking a trail and you see a group of pedestrians ahead

and prepare to stop
You are assuming all bikers are considerate. They are not. You don't make assumptions when you are responsible for 2 and 3 year old kids who easily get distracted.
When biking a trail and you see a group of pedestrians ahead

and prepare to stop

Why ?
Make sure there is no evidence and then
Mow them down and scarper .

Three year old kid moving loose on a trail !?
Neglectful parent(s) .

There are unwritten rules of conduct and they do not include thoughtless parents allowing mini people to wander , creating trouble .

Regardless , why didn't the father kill the cyclist for being rude ?
I thought that was what Americans did for sport .
Cyclists must yield to anyone who is walking

Even a two year old

They also need to follow traffic signs and signals, but in NYC that's not happening.

I understand going on red after STOPPING and checking the intersection, but for many even that's too much.
Sounds like your a foreignor
Chain link fences are a sign that somebody learned respect for guns and childrens' rights. School children can return the respect by staying 200 yards back from the fence's no-man's land.

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