Erasing US History

How far will the Left go? How far will you go to rewrite what you don't like or agree with?
Would you destroy the US Constitution?

The radicalized democratic party, now run by postmodernist cultural Marxists, is prepared to go all the way to the end of the line with its campaign of historical revisionism, speech and thought control. The end of the line is America, the pile of smoldering rubble.
America will be fine, just different. People will still spend themselves into life-long debt, eat like a pig, use the world like a trashcan and gorge on media consumerism.
How far will the Left go? How far will you go to rewrite what you don't like or agree with?
Would you destroy the US Constitution?

The radicalized democratic party, now run by postmodernist cultural Marxists, is prepared to go all the way to the end of the line with its campaign of historical revisionism, speech and thought control. The end of the line is America, the pile of smoldering rubble.
America will be fine, just different. People will still spend themselves into life-long debt, eat like a pig, use the world like a trashcan and gorge on media consumerism.
Not with the thought police it won't be fine.
Editors getting fired from newspapers op-ed sections because of the content?
Yeah, America will be fine as long as we think the way the government wants us to think.
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Sounds like every nation run by Socialists
Every great man is eventually nothing but a statue laying on the ground.
How far will the Left go? How far will you go to rewrite what you don't like or agree with?
Would you destroy the US Constitution?
I wouldn't destroy the Constitution. But, I might do a bit of tweaking and clarifying, just to make it clear for those that can't understand what was meant.
I would add that: The Freedom of Speech isn't absolute, but any speech must not include threats to overthrow this Constitutional Republic.
I would add that: The Right to Bear Arms, means that your average naturalized citizen can own and carry any rifle or pistol of their choosing, with limitations on carrying only in government buildings.
I would add that: Congress shall be able to make laws regarding the establishment of Religion and any religion deemed a dangerous cult or is counter to our western Constitutional freedoms, shall not be allowed in this nation.
I would add that: As our founding fathers, didn't envision actual political parties when drafting the Constitution, that political parties be limited to a total of three, as this would eliminate frivolous groups from forming, eliminating any time and expense that might be necessary to process such groups. No political group shall be allowed that diminishes the freedoms and liberties of the American citizens and there shall never be allowed, a one-party only government system.
How far will the Left go? How far will you go to rewrite what you don't like or agree with?
Would you destroy the US Constitution?

The radicalized democratic party, now run by postmodernist cultural Marxists, is prepared to go all the way to the end of the line with its campaign of historical revisionism, speech and thought control. The end of the line is America, the pile of smoldering rubble.
America will be fine, just different. People will still spend themselves into life-long debt, eat like a pig, use the world like a trashcan and gorge on media consumerism.

No. America will be neither fine nor different—not for very long. An authoritarian smackdown is imminent—a terrible action that a majority of American Citizens of all political affiliations will soon be down on their knees begging for. After the dust and wails of terror have subsided and the smackdown is over, only then will American return to a more traditional "normal". The radical leftists have stretched the rubber band of cultural change too far this time. Time to pay the headsman his due.
Statues belong in museums sometimes bro.

And btw, US history has had plenty of
less than proud moments.
Does that mean we have to erase that part of our history?
Don't we learn from our history so we don't repeat it?
Maybe we should just tell the truth about our
history and leave it at that. The USA is one big experiment- our 'history' is ongoing and part of it is removing embarrassing reminders of our dark past, if the majority of people choose to.
Statues belong in museums sometimes bro.

And btw, US history has had plenty of
less than proud moments.
Does that mean we have to erase that part of our history?
Don't we learn from our history so we don't repeat it?
Maybe we should just tell the truth about our
history and leave it at that. The USA is one big experiment- our 'history' is ongoing and part of it is removing embarrassing reminders of our dark past, if the majority of people choose to.
Removing embarrassing reminders? That is erasing our history.
Removing a statue doesn't change anything, what happened, happened
Statues belong in museums sometimes bro.

And btw, US history has had plenty of
less than proud moments.
Does that mean we have to erase that part of our history?
Don't we learn from our history so we don't repeat it?
Maybe we should just tell the truth about our
history and leave it at that. The USA is one big experiment- our 'history' is ongoing and part of it is removing embarrassing reminders of our dark past, if the majority of people choose to.
Removing embarrassing reminders? That is erasing our history.
Removing a statue doesn't change anything, what happened, happened

Excellent observation. Even statuary honoring the most questionable events in the history of any civilization can and should serve as a reminder of the good or the terrible. Lest we forget and history repeat or ideas essential to broadening minds be lost in the dust of time.
We're a pretty cool country and cool countries don't run around belittling themselves for modern day perceptions of what they did in the past. Just evolve and learn from the past. Don't try to pretend the past didn't happen.
How far will the Left go? How far will you go to rewrite what you don't like or agree with?
Would you destroy the US Constitution?

The radicalized democratic party, now run by postmodernist cultural Marxists, is prepared to go all the way to the end of the line with its campaign of historical revisionism, speech and thought control. The end of the line is America, the pile of smoldering rubble.
America will be fine, just different. People will still spend themselves into life-long debt, eat like a pig, use the world like a trashcan and gorge on media consumerism.
Not with the thought police it won't be fine.
Editors getting fired from newspapers op-ed sections because of the content?
Yeah, America will be fine as long as we think the way the government wants us to think.
The government does not care what you think as long as you behave, spend and pay taxes. If you feel oppressed because there are social consequences to overt racism and hate speech then the problem is in you. The first amendment does not protect you from being shunned for being an asshole.
How far will the Left go? How far will you go to rewrite what you don't like or agree with?
Would you destroy the US Constitution?

The radicalized democratic party, now run by postmodernist cultural Marxists, is prepared to go all the way to the end of the line with its campaign of historical revisionism, speech and thought control. The end of the line is America, the pile of smoldering rubble.
America will be fine, just different. People will still spend themselves into life-long debt, eat like a pig, use the world like a trashcan and gorge on media consumerism.
Not with the thought police it won't be fine.
Editors getting fired from newspapers op-ed sections because of the content?
Yeah, America will be fine as long as we think the way the government wants us to think.
The government does not care what you think as long as you behave, spend and pay taxes. If you feel oppressed because there are social consequences to overt racism and hate speech then the problem is in you. The first amendment does not protect you from being shunned for being an asshole.
Stay tuned, dude....your side keeps moving to the left as I'm typing.
Removing embarrassing reminders? That is erasing our history.
Removing a statue doesn't change anything, what happened, happened
It's a democratic decision.
I don't care about civil war statues or rebel flags personally.
If people want to openly display their racism and ignorance, go for it .
It's not a democratic decision, it's who's in power at the time.
Or, it's done through illegal activities as we have been seeing.
Statues belong in museums sometimes bro.

And btw, US history has had plenty of
less than proud moments.
Does that mean we have to erase that part of our history?
Don't we learn from our history so we don't repeat it?
Maybe we should just tell the truth about our
history and leave it at that. The USA is one big experiment- our 'history' is ongoing and part of it is removing embarrassing reminders of our dark past, if the majority of people choose to.
I'm not convinced you're American at all. Where you from? Where are your people from?
My people came from Spain, England, and France. Way before America was a country.
I have bibles that go back to the 1600s. What do your bibles say?
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I'm not convinced you're American at all. Where you from? Where are your people from?
My people came from Spain, England, and France. Way before America was a country.
I have bibles that go back to the 1600s. What do your bibles say?
My bible says fuck your bible.;)
Racists like you make Trump look bad.
Bibles don't say that.

My cracker ass says you're a Russian shill. Whatcha think about that?

Where you from? What's your heritage?

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