For folks who make this argument
What do you expect to gain by it?
Do you wish to treat the white supremacist shooter as a hero? Someone to have empathy with, because after all -- look at how all of these darkies are killing white people
Matter of fact, the media should focus more on how all of these darkies are killing white people
That way, when the next white supremacist shooter decides to kill black folks -- he will be justified because, you know.....all of these darkies are killing his people
Goes to show you how morally superior blacks folks were at a time when white supremacists were getting away with blowing up 4 little blacks girls in a church -- and according to your logic, the moral response would be to just blow up a church full of white children correct? ....but the collective response of black folks wasn't violence -- but a political movement to win over hearts and minds....
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And even 60 years later...when another racist decided to attack a black church.....folks like you were still trying to deflect by saying "but but what about black on white crime" -- according to your logic, that should have been the response right?
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It's almost like you white supremacist sympathizers don't believe you have the moral weight to win over hearts and you opine for more of these white supremacists to kill black folks -- while you pretend to be outraged by it -- even tho you aren't.