Eric Stone tells Blacks to gun down Whites, eliminate white race in revenge after Jacksonville shooting

For folks who make this argument

What do you expect to gain by it?

Do you wish to treat the white supremacist shooter as a hero? Someone to have empathy with, because after all -- look at how all of these darkies are killing white people

Matter of fact, the media should focus more on how all of these darkies are killing white people

That way, when the next white supremacist shooter decides to kill black folks -- he will be justified because, you know.....all of these darkies are killing his people

Goes to show you how morally superior blacks folks were at a time when white supremacists were getting away with blowing up 4 little blacks girls in a church -- and according to your logic, the moral response would be to just blow up a church full of white children correct? ....but the collective response of black folks wasn't violence -- but a political movement to win over hearts and minds....

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And even 60 years later...when another racist decided to attack a black church.....folks like you were still trying to deflect by saying "but but what about black on white crime" -- according to your logic, that should have been the response right?

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It's almost like you white supremacist sympathizers don't believe you have the moral weight to win over hearts and you opine for more of these white supremacists to kill black folks -- while you pretend to be outraged by it -- even tho you aren't.
LOL you fools can't help yourself the fact is you try to make it a major problem when it is not and then cry racism when caught at it.
No one tells whites to kill 5 times more whites than whites that are killed by blacks. So when you add that fact to the millions of blacks murdered by whites since this country began, it behooves you to stay quiet.
No one tells blacks to kill 10 times more blacks then are killed by whites either dumbass,
No. It's caused by white racism. Until you experience it instead of practicing it, you don't know the bodily responses that occur when reacting to white racism. Whitee use sugar, the number 1 fried chicken franchise was founded by a white man, whites own all the tobacco companies while doing most of the chewing and smoking. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment of Alcohol as well as doing the most consumption.

No. It's caused by white racism.

Ok doctor, ignore the fat, sugar, alcohol and drugs. It's 'cause whitey gave you a dirty look.

Whitee use sugar, the number 1 fried chicken franchise was founded by a white man, whites own all the tobacco companies while doing most of the chewing and smoking. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment of Alcohol

I don't see white people blaming their health issues on blacks.
Except for all the killing blacks do. They do blame you for that.
He has to be the biggest simp loser ever.
Left wing blabber mouths like Chuck Todd call it "equity for increasing racism" and lefties eat it up as long as they aren't hurt.
Liberal activist Eric Bryan Stone says Black people should gun down White people in revenge-style killings after the Jacksonville shooting happened last night......thoughts?
1: Liberals will not take him to task
2: Here we see part of the reason the left wants to eliminate 'assault weapons'. riots in Jacksonville. Anybody with a half a lick of sense knows that boy was crazier than a shithouse rat.
I used to think that way too.

Then I went to Guatemala for a while.

Now I don't think that way anymore.

You're an advisor instead of infantry.

That's okay. All skills are useful.

I don't want to be involved in a civil war either.

But I'll bring one if that's what it takes.

Do you have kids? I do. I don't want to see them involved in a civil war either. But we raised them to survive one. Because we figured one was coming eventually. Either that or a long drawn out conflict with the Chinese. (Ten years ago I said we'd be at war with the Chinese within 20 years, and so far we're right on track).

My daughter can kick any man's ass with her bare hands, and my son's been arrested three times already, for flying drones in protected airspaces. Chip off the old block. Back in my day we used to "protest against the Man". Back in my day there was actual wiretapping on land lines with alligator clips and such. Back in my day it was pretty common knowledge how to defeat all that, and leave the feds with a bad case of headache. I don't see that times have changed. More complexity just means more vulnerability.
You're hilarious.
Because black on black crime is not politically expedient. You should know this already.

Liberals don't care about blacks, they don't give a flying fuck about blacks. They just love to use blacks killed by whites to push their racist anti gun agenda.

Blacks to liberals are what are known as "useful idiots."
And not just their racist anti-gun agenda only, but it's all the other agenda's they have going also.

They figure that if they can use government power, and then take the hard earned pay of American taxpayer's in order to bribe their gullible allies into joining them in their agenda's, then they can then overwhelm their enemies who damned sure don't want their leftist bull shite shoved forcefully upon we the Americans that don't want it...

Americans are for the most part a working class people that never asked for any of the leftist bull shite, and especially to then attempt to change the American live's of those who don't want their live's or beliefs changed, and especially by force.
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1: Liberals will not take him to task
2: Here we see part of the reason the left wants to eliminate 'assault weapons'.
They won't because they are at war with the conservative Christian Americans or with any other American that don't want what they are attempting to sell in this country.
Why would the black man listen to this white guy?
Oh we don't know, maybe because they've voted almost 90% for the leftist liberal white guy that uses them like brainless rabbits, instead of them voting for the best American that would represent their values and interest ?

Not give aways, but real values and interest.
Sounds like Eric Stone might be trying to use the blacks (just like every other white liberal leftist does), to do their dirty work against the whites that he and other's like him hate. Think about it....
Interesting possibility.
I used to think that way too.

Then I went to Guatemala for a while.

Now I don't think that way anymore.

You're an advisor instead of infantry.

That's okay. All skills are useful.

I don't want to be involved in a civil war either.

But I'll bring one if that's what it takes.

Do you have kids? I do. I don't want to see them involved in a civil war either. But we raised them to survive one. Because we figured one was coming eventually. Either that or a long drawn out conflict with the Chinese. (Ten years ago I said we'd be at war with the Chinese within 20 years, and so far we're right on track).

My daughter can kick any man's ass with her bare hands, and my son's been arrested three times already, for flying drones in protected airspaces. Chip off the old block. Back in my day we used to "protest against the Man". Back in my day there was actual wiretapping on land lines with alligator clips and such. Back in my day it was pretty common knowledge how to defeat all that, and leave the feds with a bad case of headache. I don't see that times have changed. More complexity just means more vulnerability.
I was an electronics tech in the Air Force During the Vietnam Era. I spend my entire enlistment stateside first as an electronics instructor and then as a tech on airborne electronic systems.

We qualified once a year with a rifle on a 100 yard range. I don’t think there is much I know that would be of much use to a fighting force. My role as an advisor might be to pray for success.

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