Eric Trump: I Make my 4-Year-Old Say the Pledge of Allegiance at Bedtime Each Night

the same should be taught to Baron and all American kids. let's teach our kids to love America for a change, so that they don't turn out to be criminals, or worse, liberals

So...even a law-abiding, police officer...who votes liberal is worse than a criminal to you. are fucked up alright.
He mandated that every citizen in MA had to be insured. It was exactly like Obamacare only in MA.

Which proves my point I've been making about Republicans. They cry if the Federal Government tells them what to do but they let their local and state government legislate them just the same. It's weird. Even more invasive. They let the government in the bedroom and your doctors office.
No incorrect. The MA law was 70 pages, Obamacare 2700…moreover Obamacare killed the MA program that seemed to be working in that state
The Massachusetts health care reform, commonly referred to as Romneycare, was a healthcare reform law passed in 2006 and signed into law by Governor Mitt Romney with the aim of providing health insurance to nearly all of the residents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
History proves that to be bullshit and anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that.
I see you have no common sense. You probably still think Obama was a great president. I'm gonna tell you, he is grateful for Biden. Because Carter was grateful for Obama.
By all means post them.
13th amendment, 14th amendment, numerous anti klan laws, civil rights acts of 64. 60 57, 1866, 76 etc etc

you don’t know much about civil rights in this country…obviously we were fighting the demaklan the entire time
13th amendment, 14th amendment, numerous anti klan laws, civil rights acts of 64. 60 57, 1866, 76 etc etc

you don’t know much about civil rights in this country…obviously we were fighting the demaklan the entire time
So those laws and bills was created because of black racism in America? Please tell me you are not serious.
So those laws and bills was created because of black racism in America? Please tell me you are not serious.
sorry misunderstood your question. thought you met because of racism against blacks.

we haven’t had to make laws about black people bigtry specifically.
Why are you rich enough to be benefiting from Republican's economic policies? Then you must be rich. Why else do all of us poor and middle class people realize the GOP is the party for the rich? Only you white, racist religious Americans see it differently. Why? Because they have conned you with social wedge issues. The rich are all white, you're white, so you think you are one of them.

Notice Trump supporters like you never once got invited to Mara Lago? He hates you people. But he loves the ratings and he loves your votes. Dude, Trump was a Democrat. He just found his best way in was through the dysfunctional GOP. He would have never gotten the Democratic nomination. You fucking idiots. I can't believe Nostradumbass didn't predict Trump. Histler yes but nothing about a Trump. Not even close. So he's probably not the anti christ. Or is he? Or maybe Don Jr is??? Something to think about. Or could it be Ivanka his daughter aka a "great piece of ass" Not my words. Don's own words, about his daughter. "perhaps if she weren't my daughter I'd be dating her". Who says that? Oh yea, Don did, about his own daughter.

And I'm an idiot.
Yes, you are an idiot and a liar.
Like I said before. Life isn't that precious. If you believe it is, don't get an abortion.

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I kill living fish, chicks, hogs, calves and rabbits and I eat them. I feel bad because I agree life is precious. But I still eat them. I just feel bad. So I agree life is precious. That's why I would only late term abort if the baby was going to be retarded.

My friend's baby was born premature and he looks retarded. I feel so bad for them. The rest of their lives will be taking care of a retard. I would have late term aborted that boy. I don't tell them that. They seem happy or in love with the little thing. I'm sure I would be too if you forced me to have and raise it because I too value human life. But if the doctor told me the baby was retarded at birth and I could, I'd late term abort or MURDER that baby. Best for all concerned.

Or put it up for adoption and you're going to raise it? Bullshit.
Once again you prove you are an idiot.
Like I said before. Life isn't that precious. If you believe it is, don't get an abortion.

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I kill living fish, chicks, hogs, calves and rabbits and I eat them. I feel bad because I agree life is precious. But I still eat them. I just feel bad. So I agree life is precious. That's why I would only late term abort if the baby was going to be retarded.

My friend's baby was born premature and he looks retarded. I feel so bad for them. The rest of their lives will be taking care of a retard. I would have late term aborted that boy. I don't tell them that. They seem happy or in love with the little thing. I'm sure I would be too if you forced me to have and raise it because I too value human life. But if the doctor told me the baby was retarded at birth and I could, I'd late term abort or MURDER that baby. Best for all concerned.

Or put it up for adoption and you're going to raise it? Bullshit.
This is where we differ. You say "life isn't that preciouses", but I totally disagree. And, unless things have changed, there is a waiting list for parents to adopt unwanted children. BTW...most "retarded" (down syndrome - I am not PC, but that word is disrespectful IMO) people, whom I have taught, are some of the greatest humans on this planet with parents that are so grateful to have them.
the same should be taught to Baron and all American kids. let's teach our kids to love America for a change, so that they don't turn out to be criminals, or worse, liberals

In light of Revelation 16 that is bad to hand to ones own child--Every kingdom on earth will be mislead to stand against Gods king. Because satan rules them. No wonder Jesus will crush every mortal govt out of existence( Daniel 2:44) this world is blind.
There are many op eds written about why evangelicals grit their teeth and vote for trump. They say the same thing as you. You got to love the results. If you are con, you got to love Trump because he only served the cons in this country. Pissed everyone else off. He even pissed you off but he did so much for you too that you overlook the criminality.

I'm sure 40% of Russians who support Putin feel the same way. They like the Russian economy/government.

I'm sure conservative Germans loved Hitler for taking on jews and gays too. You seem religious. I bet you hate gays. One of the first things Trump did when he got in office was say trannies can't serve in the military. We knew right away what kind of president he was going to be. You loved it right?
Trump wasn't a criminal, you and other leftists just wanted him to be. As far as me being religious, I am not sure I have ever stated that I am religious. However, religious people (Christians specifically) typically are very loving toward gay people (and others) as instructed by the bible. Disagreeing with someone and what they do is not equivocal to hate.
How many Constitutional Amendments have we had because of black racism in America?

How many Acts, Bills or policies has there been created because of black racism in America?
If you are going to point out racism, you have to look at all sides. You made the statement about white racists, yet blacks are just as racist (or even more so) as whites. Are you one of those people who think only whites can be racist?

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