Eric Trump: I Make my 4-Year-Old Say the Pledge of Allegiance at Bedtime Each Night

no i am not racist against anyone. So why, per your definition. do you think black people cant be racist…in my opinion Lewis Farrakhan is a very racist black person.
What makes Min. Farrakhan a racist? The same thing was said about Malcolm X, Dr King, Medgar Evers and any other black person eho has spoke up for black folks.
What makes Min. Farrakhan a racist? The same thing was said about Malcolm X, Dr King, Medgar Evers and any other black person eho has spoke up for black folks.
I don’t recall those things being said about them…nor do i think they are.

Maybe you shoikd listen to what he says.

when are you going to answermy question?
A hate crime is not racism.
A hate crime is one based on racism, or it could be simply bigotry against religion, sex, or sexuality

numerous african americans, particular males, have in engaged in racist attacks against asians

Your pal Louis Farrakhan is racist against Hebrews, same with former DNC canitdate for president. Al Sharpton
that’s irrelevant. They aren’t the same laws

The people of MA can make their own decisions for themselves
I don't see how if you hate the Federal government telling you what to do but you're so fine with the state government telling you what to do.

This states rights thing is so obvious. You want your extremist right wing governments in red states to TRUMP, no pun intended, the Feds.
I don't see how if you hate the Federal government telling you what to do but you're so fine with the state government telling you what to do.

This states rights thing is so obvious. You want your extremist right wing governments in red states to TRUMP, no pun intended, the Feds.
MA didn’t trump the feds when they made their law

No i think every state is different amd has different needs and desires

Federal law under the Conatitution TRUMPs state law, never suggested otherwise

But none of this has to do with the point they aren’t the same law, you were wrong
MA didn’t trump the feds when they made their law

No i think every state is different amd has different needs and desires

Federal law under the Conatitution TRUMPs state law, never suggested otherwise

But none of this has to do with the point they aren’t the same law, you were wrong
My point is that it's odd you would be okay with your state government mandating that you be insured.
Were you even living when they were around?

I have many times, obviously you haven't.

What question am I supposed to be answering
You aren’t listening if you don’t think Louis isn’t racist

The one i asked numerous times

I didn’t expect you to answer…you never do,
What makes Min. Farrakhan a racist? The same thing was said about Malcolm X, Dr King, Medgar Evers and any other black person eho has spoke up for black folks.
He has never hidden it.
Farrakhan has a decades-long history of racist comments aimed at whites and anti-Semitic comments demonizing Jews. And he’s proud of his vile rhetoric
“White folks are going down and Satan is going down, and Farrakhan, by God's grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew, and I'm here to say you're time is up – your world is through."
Some more quotes by him.

"Murder and lying comes easy for white people." -- Louis Farrakhan in 1994.
"The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man." -- Louis Farrakhan in 1984.
"Many of the Jews who owned the homes, the apartments in the black community, we considered them bloodsuckers because they took from our community and built their community but didn't offer anything back to our community. When the Jews left, the Palestinian Arabs came, Koreans came, Vietnamese...and we call them bloodsuckers." -- Louis Farrakhan in 1995.
And my favorite.
"White people are potential humans - they haven't evolved yet." -- Louis Farrakhan in 2000.

A hate crime is one based on racism, or it could be simply bigotry against religion, sex, or sexuality.
hate crime
[hate crime]

  1. a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or similar grounds:
    "legislation to stiffen penalties for persons convicted of hate crimes" ·
numerous african americans, particular males, have in engaged in racist attacks against asians.
That was hatred not racism.

Your pal Louis Farrakhan is racist against Hebrews, same with former DNC canitdate for president. Al Sharpton

Give me some examples of said racism.
I think it would have been pretty funny if someone had demanded that Eric state the Pledge of Allegiance. We all know he wouldn't even have gotten halfway through it. He's just a vapid moron trying to cultivate personal, monetary gain for himself by vomiting whatever idea fizzles into his own colon.

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