EU may put USA in same category as Brazil and Russia

BRUSSELS — European Union countries rushing to revive their economies and reopen their borders after months of coronavirus restrictions are prepared to block Americans from entering because the United States has failed to control the scourge, according to draft lists of acceptable travelers seen by The New York Times.

That prospect, which would lump American visitors in with Russians and Brazilians as unwelcome, is a stinging blow to American prestige in the world and a repudiation of President Trump’s handling of the virus in the United States, which has more than 2.3 million cases and upward of 120,000 deaths, more than any other country.

Just another example of how Trump and his administration has taken America down with his incompetence and ineptitude.

If this comes to fruition there will be many, many angry Americans come November.

That can work both ways.

Or didn't you think of that?
Why would we? Their coronavirus infection rate is going down. Our rate is skyrocketing. Our handling of the virus is more akin to third world Brazil and Russia then the developed world. That is what Trump has done to our nation. Made it small.
Where do you get this shit? Even CNN wouldn't write that crap.
It is breaking news. It is just now coming out.
"Our rate is not "skyrocketing" idiot.

Thats his wishful thinking. He has wanted it so intensely that he jumped the gun into fantasy land for a moment. Whatever is bad for Americans is good for Democrats and vice versa.
That is pure BS. It is you that lives in a fantasy land that somehow we live in bubble and that what we do here has no effect abroad. You are having a reality check. The EU does not think Covid is a joke as the current administration does. The EU has covid increasingly under control. We do not.

America needs to be strong. The current Administration has made us weak. Conservatives can only live in denial so long before reality will shatter your illusion regarding what the current president has done to our nation.

You did it to our nation. You and your ilk have spent your life attacking it. The EU has your loyalty and the US your enmity. Its that simple. Americans voted for Trump to rid ourselves your type...the ones with foreign loyalties.
Yeah..LOLs coming from a supporter of a man that called on Russia and now China to help him win elections and to interfere in our elections. Yeah..look like you got bamboozled. Your ilk is just too blind to see what fools Trump has made of his supporters like yourself. He has made America weak and fools cheer him on.

Projection again. You revel at every misstep and misfortune of America. And dance around like a demon chanting about how foreigners do not approve. Your day is coming. It wont be pretty. And you will bring it on yourself.
In the meantime Americans recognize the foreign loyalties of your kind.
No projection here just the truth that you and your ilk support our adversaries and not our allies. The day of reckoning is coming this November when all the dirt bags that have sold our country down the toilet will be voted out of office. That all those that mocked the coronavirus resulting in over 120,000 dead Americans will be thrown to the trash heap history. Trumpers like yourself apparently don't give a damn about protecting the health of the American people.
Butthurt bad! Give it a rest kid.
BRUSSELS — European Union countries rushing to revive their economies and reopen their borders after months of coronavirus restrictions are prepared to block Americans from entering because the United States has failed to control the scourge, according to draft lists of acceptable travelers seen by The New York Times.

That prospect, which would lump American visitors in with Russians and Brazilians as unwelcome, is a stinging blow to American prestige in the world and a repudiation of President Trump’s handling of the virus in the United States, which has more than 2.3 million cases and upward of 120,000 deaths, more than any other country.

Just another example of how Trump and his administration has taken America down with his incompetence and ineptitude.

If this comes to fruition there will be many, many angry Americans come November.

That can work both ways.

Or didn't you think of that?
Why would we? Their coronavirus infection rate is going down. Our rate is skyrocketing. Our handling of the virus is more akin to third world Brazil and Russia then the developed world. That is what Trump has done to our nation. Made it small.
Where do you get this shit? Even CNN wouldn't write that crap.
It is breaking news. It is just now coming out.
"Our rate is not "skyrocketing" idiot.

Thats his wishful thinking. He has wanted it so intensely that he jumped the gun into fantasy land for a moment. Whatever is bad for Americans is good for Democrats and vice versa.
That is pure BS. It is you that lives in a fantasy land that somehow we live in bubble and that what we do here has no effect abroad. You are having a reality check. The EU does not think Covid is a joke as the current administration does. The EU has covid increasingly under control. We do not.

America needs to be strong. The current Administration has made us weak. Conservatives can only live in denial so long before reality will shatter your illusion regarding what the current president has done to our nation.

You did it to our nation. You and your ilk have spent your life attacking it. The EU has your loyalty and the US your enmity. Its that simple. Americans voted for Trump to rid ourselves your type...the ones with foreign loyalties.
Yeah..LOLs coming from a supporter of a man that called on Russia and now China to help him win elections and to interfere in our elections. Yeah..look like you got bamboozled. Your ilk is just too blind to see what fools Trump has made of his supporters like yourself. He has made America weak and fools cheer him on.

Projection again. You revel at every misstep and misfortune of America. And dance around like a demon chanting about how foreigners do not approve. Your day is coming. It wont be pretty. And you will bring it on yourself.
In the meantime Americans recognize the foreign loyalties of your kind.
No projection here just the truth that you and your ilk seem to support our adversaries and not our allies. The day of reckoning is coming this November when all the dirt bags that have compromised the national security of this nation for a buck will be voted out of office. That all those that mocked the coronavirus resulting in over 120,000 dead Americans and counting will be thrown to the trash heap of history because Trumpers like yourself apparently didn't give a damn about protecting the health of the American people.

Your quick switch belies the title of your thread. Americans support Trump. They don’t take kindly to your carrying foreign water.

Tell us again how foreigners don’t like the President Americans chose. You think that will be any more a winning formula than the last one?

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