EU Puts Tarriffs on Mostly Red States

They want to hurt Trump’s base.

This may actually work if it lasts. Pocketbook issues matter

CULTISTS... you knew this was coming....

“We deeply regret this measure. Tariffs are taxes. They are bad for business, and even worse for consumers,” von der Leyen said.
And we're supposed to go die to protect the EU? The Yooros haven't thought this

It's obvious that the biggest symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome is short sightedness.
Go die?

WTF are you talking about?
They want to hurt Trump’s base.

This may actually work if it lasts. Pocketbook issues matter
We have the attention of our former friends and allies now. They're not just going to bend over and take it, as if they were a GQP congressman or FOX anchor.

Did you see where a few foreign leader/visitors to the WH took off their jackets and ties right in front of Trump, mocking the "don't you own a suit?" bullshit? Pretty funny.

On top of everything else, these people don't want to lose to a con man, a buffoon. Human nature.
Actually I don’t like it.

But maybe this will get you fucking idiots to pressure Trump to stop acting stupid
If Red states or areas go down, Prog cities are not far behind. If Prog cities went down, the effect on red areas would be minimal. You're so intellectual.
If Red states or areas go down, Prog cities are not far behind. If Prog cities went down, the effect on red areas would be minimal. You're so intellectual.
Go down? The only thing going down is your mother.

It’s going to put a hurt on you fucks.

Will that hurt all of us eventually? Yup

So stop the stupid tariff war ya idiots
Tariffs are theft.

Theft is anti-moral.

Invoking anti-moral precepts to encourage Americans to adopt the notion that the end justifies the means and/or the related idea that the means can be separated from the end when judging them morally is, I think, devil shit.
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