European boycotts begin to bite, catching Israel's attention

pbel, et al,

Bruce Riedel is a retread (30 year CIA). He'll write whatever you want.

I'm glad you acknowledge that there are no US Forces involved.

pbel, et al,


Could you be a bit more specific about which military engagements US troops were involved in between Israel and their surrounding neighbors?

Yes, I would like to here this answer!

Most Respectfully,

Middle East Policy Council | Israeli-Palestinian Peace: What Is the U.S. National Security Interest? How Can It Be Achieved?


Senior Fellow, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, Brookings Institution

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a national security threat to America. Indeed, American lives are being lost today because of the perpetuation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A peace agreement is a, if not the, key to achieving most of our goals in the greater Middle East. It is not the solution to everything; it is not a panacea. But that is an unrealistic standard. "Solving the Arab-Israeli conflict won't solve every problem between Morocco and Bangladesh" is, frankly, a stupid reason not to try to move ahead and solve it.

There are no US troops fighting in Israel.

Yes it is a National Security Threat. If the truth be known, nearly everything is a national security threat.

He says nothing constructive. In fact, the biggest threat is the SECSTATE (Kerry) getting involved. He has no special skill set to apply in the negotiations.

Most Respectfully,
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There is nothing a Jew knows better than the Gentile boycott and hate.

We never made a big deal out of it for hundreds of years, the only ones trying to make it a headline are liberals and Jew haters.

Well, 99,9% of humans on our planet are Gentiles.

If I was hated by 99,9% of people that surround me, I would look into the mirror and ask myself, what is wrong with me?

If somebody believes that 99,9% of people that surround him are bad, and only he alone is good, and the other people are just "haters" that hate him without any reason, then this is not a healthy attitude or a good strategy.

This attitude is called projection of his own deficits on the surrounding people.
There is nothing a Jew knows better than the Gentile boycott and hate.

We never made a big deal out of it for hundreds of years, the only ones trying to make it a headline are liberals and Jew haters.

Well, 99,9% of humans on our planet are Gentiles.

If I was hated by 99,9% of people that surround me, I would look into the mirror and ask myself, what is wrong with me?

If somebody believes that 99,9% of people that surround him are bad, and only he alone is good, and the other people are just "haters" that hate him without any reason, then this is not a healthy attitude or a good strategy.

This attitude is called projection of his own deficits on the surrounding people.

Might makes right.
If it's popular, like Laverne and Shirley or The Love Boat, it MUST be good.
The Holy Roman Empire must have been extremely righteous.
You're using Aristotelian logic which went out way before the hoola hoop was invented.
There is nothing a Jew knows better than the Gentile boycott and hate.

We never made a big deal out of it for hundreds of years, the only ones trying to make it a headline are liberals and Jew haters.

Well, 99,9% of humans on our planet are Gentiles.

If I was hated by 99,9% of people that surround me, I would look into the mirror and ask myself, what is wrong with me?

If somebody believes that 99,9% of people that surround him are bad, and only he alone is good, and the other people are just "haters" that hate him without any reason, then this is not a healthy attitude or a good strategy.

This attitude is called projection of his own deficits on the surrounding people.
Your statistics and assertions prove nothing.
There is nothing a Jew knows better than the Gentile boycott and hate.

We never made a big deal out of it for hundreds of years, the only ones trying to make it a headline are liberals and Jew haters.

Well, 99,9% of humans on our planet are Gentiles.

If I was hated by 99,9% of people that surround me, I would look into the mirror and ask myself, what is wrong with me?

If somebody believes that 99,9% of people that surround him are bad, and only he alone is good, and the other people are just "haters" that hate him without any reason, then this is not a healthy attitude or a good strategy.

This attitude is called projection of his own deficits on the surrounding people.
Your statistics and assertions prove nothing.

Since Art is in Germany, I wonder if he can tell us what the old Nazis who are still around think about not only the Jews, but the mentally and physically disabled plus the Romas who were murdered by their fellow Nazis. After all, those murdered were actually the minorities in Germany so why were they hated so much? Should these minorites have looked into a mirror and asked why they were hated so much by the Nazis?
Threatening a Jew with bycott is like threatening a cortigiana with venereal disease.

For hundreds of years Jews have been boycott, if within work, living, or religion, and we treated it like a daily struggle.

There is nothing a Jew knows better than the Gentile boycott and hate.

We never made a big deal out of it for hundreds of years, the only ones trying to make it a headline are liberals and Jew haters.

What a laugh

So then you don't mind a boycott of settlement goods and products? Glad to hear it.

You missed the point.

My point was, Jews suffered boycott for hundreds of years, and survived it.

So of the world thinks that by boycott, they can force the Israeli Jews to give up the ancestors' land, they're wrong.

A boycott is just a boycott. It's pretty much all you can do. and Jews dealt with toughter things.

Boycott= paper tiger.

That was my point.
You missed the point.

My point was, Jews suffered boycott for hundreds of years, and survived it.

So of the world thinks that by boycott, they can force the Israeli Jews to give up the ancestors' land, they're wrong.

A boycott is just a boycott. It's pretty much all you can do. and Jews dealt with toughter things.

Boycott= paper tiger.

That was my point.

You can't "give up" something that is not legally yours.
Muslims boycotts are even less effective than their military actions.

So why does Israel cry about the Arab boycott and demand that it be illegal in the USA to comply with the Arab boycott?

It's not the economic effect, it's the moral imperative.
Ah, THAT'S what you don't get...the MORAL part.

You don't get it...when the US collapsed in 2008, all the Jewish bazillionaires cut off the Global non-Jewish charities for Jewish charities.
When the economy started recovering, they started helping out the non-Jews again.

Just keep cutting off your nose to spite your face.

You missed the point.

My point was, Jews suffered boycott for hundreds of years, and survived it.

So of the world thinks that by boycott, they can force the Israeli Jews to give up the ancestors' land, they're wrong.

A boycott is just a boycott. It's pretty much all you can do. and Jews dealt with toughter things.

Boycott= paper tiger.

That was my point.

You can't "give up" something that is not legally yours.
I realize I have been approaching this from the wrong angle.
What I would like to know is what so you consider to be the EARLIEST, VALID historical record of the Middle East, Asia and Europe.
pbel, et al,

Bruce Riedel is a retread (30 year CIA). He'll write whatever you want.

I'm glad you acknowledge that there are no US Forces involved.

pbel, et al,



Yes, I would like to here this answer!

Most Respectfully,

Middle East Policy Council | Israeli-Palestinian Peace: What Is the U.S. National Security Interest? How Can It Be Achieved?


Senior Fellow, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, Brookings Institution

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a national security threat to America. Indeed, American lives are being lost today because of the perpetuation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A peace agreement is a, if not the, key to achieving most of our goals in the greater Middle East. It is not the solution to everything; it is not a panacea. But that is an unrealistic standard. "Solving the Arab-Israeli conflict won't solve every problem between Morocco and Bangladesh" is, frankly, a stupid reason not to try to move ahead and solve it.

There are no US troops fighting in Israel.

Yes it is a National Security Threat. If the truth be known, nearly everything is a national security threat.

He says nothing constructive. In fact, the biggest threat is the SECSTATE (Kerry) getting involved. He has no special skill set to apply in the negotiations.

Most Respectfully,

Sure, everything is a threat, especially the truth!
I realize I have been approaching this from the wrong angle.
What I would like to know is what so you consider to be the EARLIEST, VALID historical record of the Middle East, Asia and Europe.

That doesn't matter. This is the legal deciding factor.

The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.”​

84To qualify for Palestinian nationality by virtue of this paragraph, the person had to be: (1) a Turkish subject, or citizen; and (2) habitually resident in Palestine. While Palestinian nationality in accordance with international law (the Treaty of Lausanne) was created, as shown above, on 6 August 1924, the same nationality was effectively created on 1 August 1925 based on domestic law (the Palestinian Citizenship Order).

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel
Well, 99,9% of humans on our planet are Gentiles.

If I was hated by 99,9% of people that surround me, I would look into the mirror and ask myself, what is wrong with me?

If somebody believes that 99,9% of people that surround him are bad, and only he alone is good, and the other people are just "haters" that hate him without any reason, then this is not a healthy attitude or a good strategy.

This attitude is called projection of his own deficits on the surrounding people.
Your statistics and assertions prove nothing.

Since Art is in Germany, I wonder if he can tell us ....

That thread is not about me, and not about Germany.

Let's stick to the topic of the discussion, and the discussion is about Israel and the Zionists.

BTW, Germany and Germans are today not hated any more.

Most people in the world hate Israel and the Zionists more than they hate Germany and the Germans.

BBC poll:

Israel among world's least popular nations

The annual BBC World Service poll finds Germany most popular; only countries less popular than Israel are North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.

BBC poll: Israel among world's least popular nations - World Israel News | Haaretz
Last edited:
Your statistics and assertions prove nothing.

Since Art is in Germany, I wonder if he can tell us ....

That thread is not about me, and not about Germany.

Let's stick to the topic of the discussion, and the discussion is about Israel and the Zionists.

BTW, Germany and Germans are today not hated any more.

Most people in the world hate Israel and the Zionists more than they hate Germany and the Germans.

BBC poll:

Israel among world's least popular nations

The annual BBC World Service poll finds Germany most popular; only countries less popular than Israel are North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.

BBC poll: Israel among world's least popular nations - World Israel News | Haaretz

So, Art, you really think that the majority of people in the world who get up each morning, pull up their pants, and go to work to earn a living for their families are actually thinking about Israel? I would think that most people in the world really have a thing against terrorists than they do about israel if they are even thinking about current events.
After all, it is the Islamic terrorists who are busy taking out innocent people in several areas of the world.
Your statistics and assertions prove nothing.

Since Art is in Germany, I wonder if he can tell us ....

That thread is not about me, and not about Germany.

Let's stick to the topic of the discussion, and the discussion is about Israel and the Zionists.

BTW, Germany and Germans are today not hated any more.

Most people in the world hate Israel and the Zionists more than they hate Germany and the Germans.

BBC poll:

Israel among world's least popular nations

The annual BBC World Service poll finds Germany most popular; only countries less popular than Israel are North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.

BBC poll: Israel among world's least popular nations - World Israel News | Haaretz

Germany was the perpretrator (sp) of the greatest evil to ever visit mankind. Not only did 12 million people die in the Holocaust, but 50 million overall.
I realize I have been approaching this from the wrong angle.
What I would like to know is what so you consider to be the EARLIEST, VALID historical record of the Middle East, Asia and Europe.

That doesn't matter. This is the legal deciding factor.

The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.”​

84To qualify for Palestinian nationality by virtue of this paragraph, the person had to be: (1) a Turkish subject, or citizen; and (2) habitually resident in Palestine. While Palestinian nationality in accordance with international law (the Treaty of Lausanne) was created, as shown above, on 6 August 1924, the same nationality was effectively created on 1 August 1925 based on domestic law (the Palestinian Citizenship Order).

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

More of this morons half truths and fantasies, Mutaz M. Qafisheh, a Palestinian " professor of international law" who twists the truth until it supports his ISLAMONAZI POV
Your statistics and assertions prove nothing.

Since Art is in Germany, I wonder if he can tell us ....

That thread is not about me, and not about Germany.

Let's stick to the topic of the discussion, and the discussion is about Israel and the Zionists.

BTW, Germany and Germans are today not hated any more.

Most people in the world hate Israel and the Zionists more than they hate Germany and the Germans.

BBC poll:

Israel among world's least popular nations

The annual BBC World Service poll finds Germany most popular; only countries less popular than Israel are North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.

BBC poll: Israel among world's least popular nations - World Israel News | Haaretz

Many British people still hate the Germans for what happened during WW2. We are beseeched by our Leaders to not chant "two world wars and one world cup" every time we face a German team or opponent. The fact is we hate Germany more than we hate any other nation.

As for yout 99.9% of the worlds population hates Israel, it is more like 40% which comprise muslims, neo-Nazis and Marxists. The rest could not care less about Israel as long as they can get their out of season fruits.
Since Art is in Germany, I wonder if he can tell us ....

That thread is not about me, and not about Germany.

Let's stick to the topic of the discussion, and the discussion is about Israel and the Zionists.

BTW, Germany and Germans are today not hated any more.

Most people in the world hate Israel and the Zionists more than they hate Germany and the Germans.

BBC poll:

Israel among world's least popular nations

The annual BBC World Service poll finds Germany most popular; only countries less popular than Israel are North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.

BBC poll: Israel among world's least popular nations - World Israel News | Haaretz

Germany was the perpretrator (sp) of the greatest evil to ever visit mankind. Not only did 12 million people die in the Holocaust, but 50 million overall.

more than 60 million

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