European Climate Czar: Doesn’t Matter if Climate Science Wrong


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
How can anyone be fooled by these climate change cultists when they are such obvious imbeciles?

European Climate Czar: Doesn?t Matter if Climate Science Wrong - John Ransom - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

Because just this week, the European Commissioner of Climate Change Action—a sort of European Power Ranger on climate—happened to say: so what if we got the science regarding the earth’s temperature wrong? Can’t we just be grateful to the climate model without being nitpicky on actual temperature or consequences?

"Let's say that science,” said EU weather czar Connie Hedegaard, “some decades from now, said 'we were wrong, it was not about climate', would it not in any case have been good to do many of things you have to do in order to combat climate change?"​
How can anyone be fooled by these climate change cultists when they are such obvious imbeciles?

European Climate Czar: Doesn?t Matter if Climate Science Wrong - John Ransom - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

Because just this week, the European Commissioner of Climate Change Action—a sort of European Power Ranger on climate—happened to say: so what if we got the science regarding the earth’s temperature wrong? Can’t we just be grateful to the climate model without being nitpicky on actual temperature or consequences?

"Let's say that science,” said EU weather czar Connie Hedegaard, “some decades from now, said 'we were wrong, it was not about climate', would it not in any case have been good to do many of things you have to do in order to combat climate change?"​

Because, by definition, the climate change cultists are imbeciles.
The next big thing for the Arabs to gouge us with...

Oman's mountains may hold clues for reversing climate change
Apr 13, 2017 - Deep in the jagged red mountains of Oman, geologists are searching for an efficient and cheap way to remove carbon dioxide from the air and oceans — and perhaps begin to reverse climate change.
They are coring samples from one of the world's only exposed sections of the Earth's mantle to uncover how a spontaneous natural process millions of years ago transformed carbon dioxide into limestone and marble. As the world mobilizes to confront climate change, the main focus has been on reducing emissions through fuel efficient cars and cleaner power plants. But some researchers are also testing ways to remove or recycle carbon already in the seas and sky.

The Hellisheidi geothermal plant in Iceland injects carbon into volcanic rock. At the massive Sinopec fertilizer plant in China, carbon is filtered and reused as fuel. In all, 16 industrial projects currently capture and store around 27 million tons of carbon, according to the International Energy Agency. That's less than 0.1 percent of global emissions — human activity is estimated to pump about 40 billion tons a year into the atmosphere — but the technology has shown promise. "Any one technique is not guaranteed to succeed," said Stuart Haszeldine, a geology professor at the University of Edinburgh who serves on a U.N. climate body studying how to reduce atmospheric carbon. "If we're interested as a species, we've got to try a lot harder and do a lot more and a lot of different actions," he said.


Travertine pools with white films of carbon fused with calcium​

One such action is underway in the al-Hajjar Mountains of Oman, in a quiet corner of the Arabian Peninsula, where a unique rock formation pulls carbon out of thin air. Peter Kelemen, a 61-year-old geochemist at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, has been exploring Oman's hills for nearly three decades. "You can walk down these beautiful canyons and basically descend 20 kilometers (12 miles) into the earth's interior," he said. The sultanate boasts the largest exposed sections of the Earth's mantle, thrust up by plate tectonics millions of years ago. The mantle contains peridotite, a rock that reacts with the carbon in air and water to form marble and limestone. "Every single magnesium atom in these rocks has made friends with the carbon dioxide to form solid limestone, magnesium carbonate, plus quartz," he said as he patted a rust-colored boulder in the Wadi Mansah valley. "There's about a billion tons of CO2 in this mountain," he said, pointing off to the east.

Rain and springs pull carbon from the exposed mantle to form stalactites and stalagmites in mountain caves. Natural pools develop surface scum of white carbonate. Scratch off this thin white film, Kelemen said, and it'll grow back in a day. "For a geologist this is supersonic," he said. He and a team of 40 scientists have formed the Oman Drilling Project in order to better understand how that process works and whether it could be used to scrub the earth's carbon-laden atmosphere. The $3.5 million project has support from across the globe, including NASA. Carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas driving climate change, which threatens political instability, severe weather and food insecurity worldwide, according to the United Nations climate body.

Global warming was never about the science, it was about smashing capitalism.
How can anyone be fooled by these climate change cultists when they are such obvious imbeciles?

European Climate Czar: Doesn?t Matter if Climate Science Wrong - John Ransom - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

Because just this week, the European Commissioner of Climate Change Action—a sort of European Power Ranger on climate—happened to say: so what if we got the science regarding the earth’s temperature wrong? Can’t we just be grateful to the climate model without being nitpicky on actual temperature or consequences?

"Let's say that science,” said EU weather czar Connie Hedegaard, “some decades from now, said 'we were wrong, it was not about climate', would it not in any case have been good to do many of things you have to do in order to combat climate change?"
I never did believe the myth of drowning polar bears...
The polluter lobby believes that by 'debunking' climate change they can win back free rein to pollute.

That's why I've long said that environmentalism should have nothing to do with climate change. Keeping the environment clean and safe is the best idea whether the planet is warming, cooling, or staying the same.
The polluter lobby believes that by 'debunking' climate change they can win back free rein to pollute.

That's why I've long said that environmentalism should have nothing to do with climate change. Keeping the environment clean and safe is the best idea whether the planet is warming, cooling, or staying the same.

There is no "polluter lobby," moron. However, most Americans don't want the cost of living to skyrocket. That means they want reasonable regulations, not the disastrous Obama approach of reducing all pollution to zero no matter what the cost or the benefit.
The polluter lobby believes that by 'debunking' climate change they can win back free rein to pollute.

That's why I've long said that environmentalism should have nothing to do with climate change. Keeping the environment clean and safe is the best idea whether the planet is warming, cooling, or staying the same.

There is no "polluter lobby," moron. However, most Americans don't want the cost of living to skyrocket. That means they want reasonable regulations, not the disastrous Obama approach of reducing all pollution to zero no matter what the cost or the benefit.
There is no polluter lobby technically, but it sure amounts to that with the corporate lobbyists who always want to weaken if not remove every EPA reg on the books.
The polluter lobby believes that by 'debunking' climate change they can win back free rein to pollute.

That's why I've long said that environmentalism should have nothing to do with climate change. Keeping the environment clean and safe is the best idea whether the planet is warming, cooling, or staying the same.
Just because someone successful does not mean they are "polluting"... lol
The EPA is bad for the climate and everything else in life… Fact
How can anyone be fooled by these climate change cultists when they are such obvious imbeciles?

European Climate Czar: Doesn?t Matter if Climate Science Wrong - John Ransom - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1

Because just this week, the European Commissioner of Climate Change Action—a sort of European Power Ranger on climate—happened to say: so what if we got the science regarding the earth’s temperature wrong? Can’t we just be grateful to the climate model without being nitpicky on actual temperature or consequences?

"Let's say that science,” said EU weather czar Connie Hedegaard, “some decades from now, said 'we were wrong, it was not about climate', would it not in any case have been good to do many of things you have to do in order to combat climate change?"
He just didn't finish his full train of thought...

It doesn't matter if the science is right or wrong because we really only want your money.
So you are a sincere and independent thinking left wing liar.....


I wonder why so many left wing kleptos are starting to talk about Global Warming being PROVEN A FRAUD....

Could it be their pals are in and out of a Federal Grand Jury right now???????????????


If the tippy toppiest "top scientists" get indicted for fraud and fudgebaking, it will be the end of the Democratic Party as we know it.
No one with any common sense believes in the myth of drowning polar bears…
The best and most obvious lie is the "sinking" Pacific Island chains - the Marshalls, the Solomons, and another by New Guinea....

Those islands ARE sinking......... but nothing else is. Must be rising oceans, right, mr. tippy toppiest top climate "scientist?"

Um, no, they are right on the lip of the tectonic formation known as the Pacific Ring of Fire. In 3 million years, those islands won't just be under the ocean, they will be under the EARTH's CRUST....

Life in a disappearing country

YOU YOU are making the tectonic plates move, YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SUE SUE SUE SUE make those attorneys rich rich RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The polluter lobby believes that by 'debunking' climate change they can win back free rein to pollute.

That's why I've long said that environmentalism should have nothing to do with climate change. Keeping the environment clean and safe is the best idea whether the planet is warming, cooling, or staying the same.

There is no "polluter lobby," moron. However, most Americans don't want the cost of living to skyrocket. That means they want reasonable regulations, not the disastrous Obama approach of reducing all pollution to zero no matter what the cost or the benefit.
There is no polluter lobby technically, but it sure amounts to that with the corporate lobbyists who always want to weaken if not remove every EPA reg on the books.
Most big corporations like regulations because it makes it hard for the little guy, who can't afford an army of lawyers, to compete.

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