Evacuation Numbers Well Below Expectations.


May 23, 2014
American's are trapped with no way to get out. Afghan's who are at risk can't get out. Talked to one of my buddies who was in Afghanistan theater of operations. He is a Bernie socialist (don't ask
; I have no idea how that shit happened) and he is PISSED at Biden administration. He said to trust the Taliban for safe passage is like trusting a pack of hyenas around a sheep. This could be the greatest human tragedy of 21st century with the United States of America's honor attached to it. Makes me sick.
The DNC just made up new numbers for Civilian Killing *Joes recent speech. The MSM will broadcast them without doing any research. The Demleftist can tell the msm anything they want and it will be reported as fact.
American's are trapped with no way to get out. Afghan's who are at risk can't get out. Talked to one of my buddies who was in Afghanistan theater of operations. He is a Bernie socialist (don't ask
; I have no idea how that shit happened) and he is PISSED at Biden administration. He said to trust the Taliban for safe passage is like trusting a pack of hyenas around a sheep. This could be the greatest human tragedy of 21st century with the United States of America's honor attached to it. Makes me sick.
They are taking out the afghani's taliban members first---notice most of the refugees are young muslim males for chain migration of terrorists.

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