Biden WH Memo from June Sought to End Protection for Americans Trapped Abroad

This is a nightmare. I have no idea how this ends. I feel like the White House is in total disarra

We already did this in another thread. I can find no proof this mythical agency ever even existed.

We already did this in another thread. I can find no proof this mythical agency ever even existed

We already did this in another thread. I can find no proof this mythical agency ever even existed.
Here is your proof in a PDF file.
Here is your proof in a PDF file.
Doesn't exist. Already established in the multiple other threads in the subject.
Biden White House foreign policy ran by rank amateurs. Those American citizens trapped outside Kabul are most likely screwed.
Biden's US State Department makes American citizens sign a promissory note for up to $2000 to leave Afghanistan.

Afghan refugees get free travel.

Source - official US government communication to Americans in Afghanistan:

Security Alert: Afghanistan, Repatriation Assistance for U.S. Citizens – August 14, 2021

Flight Costs: Repatriation flights are not free, and passengers will be required to sign a promissory loan agreement and may not be eligible to renew their U.S. passports until the loan is repaid. The cost may be $2,000USD or more per person.


We are probably be going to let our own citizens get left behind for rape, torture, death, or hostage swap...

As US military sticks to airport, British and French forces are rescuing their citizens in Kabul: reports

How many American citizens are left? We don't even know...

Biden Pentagon Spokesman On The Number Of Americans In Afghanistan: “I Don’t Know”​

Biden White House foreign policy ran by rank amateurs. Those American citizens trapped outside Kabul are most likely screwed.

No that would the Trump State Department as run by Rex Tillerson or Mike Pompeo.

Apparently the State Department Employees this program was created to help didn't want it at all because it took more than 90 staffers and $26 million per year away from health care programs for diplomatic staff around the world to credit this special unit which would would only be used is circumstances like this Afghan withdrawal, Benghazi, or Iran Hostage Crisis or Viet Nam withdrawal.

$26 million per year for something that has only happened 4 times in the past 50 years. While diplomatic staff are already having problems with healthcare in foreign countries.
we need a president who can process information quickly, and make instinctive decisions...the opposite of Biden!

"Instinctive decisions" are seldom sound decisions. Donald Trump's "gut instincts" have put 7 large corporations into bankruptcy and killed 500,000 people in his covide response. Perhaps if he read the data and looked at the recommendations of others, he wouldn't have the worst record of business failures in American history.
No that would the Trump State Department as run by Rex Tillerson or Mike Pompeo.

Apparently the State Department Employees this program was created to help didn't want it at all because it took more than 90 staffers and $26 million per year away from health care programs for diplomatic staff around the world to credit this special unit which would would only be used is circumstances like this Afghan withdrawal, Benghazi, or Iran Hostage Crisis or Viet Nam withdrawal.

$26 million per year for something that has only happened 4 times in the past 50 years. While diplomatic staff are already having problems with healthcare in foreign countries.
I posted the PDF of the $$$ request by Trump administration in February of 2020.
"Instinctive decisions" are seldom sound decisions. Donald Trump's "gut instincts" have put 7 large corporations into bankruptcy and killed 500,000 people in his covide response. Perhaps if he read the data and looked at the recommendations of others, he wouldn't have the worst record of business failures in American history.
500,000 people have not died of China virus. Numbers are vastly inflated and stop trying to run block for Biden fuck-up in Afghanistan by bringing up things from other administration's that have nothing to do with Afghanistan.
Biden's US State Department makes American citizens sign a promissory note for up to $2000 to leave Afghanistan.

Afghan refugees get free travel.

Source - official US government communication to Americans in Afghanistan:

Security Alert: Afghanistan, Repatriation Assistance for U.S. Citizens – August 14, 2021

Flight Costs: Repatriation flights are not free, and passengers will be required to sign a promissory loan agreement and may not be eligible to renew their U.S. passports until the loan is repaid. The cost may be $2,000USD or more per person.


We are probably be going to let our own citizens get left behind for rape, torture, death, or hostage swap...

As US military sticks to airport, British and French forces are rescuing their citizens in Kabul: reports

Biden administration is lost.

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