$200,000,000 donated to Kamala in less than one week.....

We haven't seen this type of enthusiasm from the American voters to a Presidential candidate since Barack Hussein Obama hit the scene, and it's on schedule to surpass even that.

Just another token black there. And just like Barack the hoodrat thug, no substance. Reagan had far more enthusiasm than either of these thugs.
You're accusing him of being a leftard?

Oh I forgot, links are proof to a leftard. :p

Yep. Without regard to where they actually take one.

Advice -- don't ever click a leftard's link. I did that once on this board and it broke my computer.


Nobody cares what a bunch of abortion obsessed peons "think". Those morons weren't going to vote for Trump anyway. So you gained ZERO. Abortion is about #147 on the list of things voters care about. The economy, the border, THOSE will be the deciding issues. And you lose HUGE on those.
The majority of voters oppose Roe v Wade being overturned, halftard.

Try to keep up. :spank:
Yeah, it's what was held back from Brandon to force him to quit.
You mean to suggest that there was just an extra $200,000,000 sitting around and being held back??? LOLLOOLL

Quite the denial and deflection in the trump world.

Get nervous Meaty.
Ukraine donated $10M to The Clinton Foundation when she ran.

I hope the SEC or whoever oversees these donations cares about Americas sovereignty.

Which means nothing. But when in doubt, when you have no argument left to make, when you zero in of a logical well thought statement to make, bring HRC. HRC is NOT relevent. She has zero bearing on this election. Your stink of desparation reeks. You have failed in deflection. Nor do you have anything in way of proof, just a consipracy, and piss poor conspiracy at that. All YOU have is an unsubstantiated rumor, you have no proof. You have nothing. But then again you need nothing, because nothing is all you have.
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Which means nothing. But when in doubt, when you have no argument left to make, when you zero in of a logical well thought statement to make, bring HRC. HRC is NOT relevent. She has zero bearing on this election. Your stink of desparation is reeks.

$200M in donations from her "grassroot" campaign, meanwhile she just had a rally with a crowd of 60.
$200M in donations from her "grassroot" campaign, meanwhile she just had a rally with a crowd of 60.
So, the usual suspect liberals and progressives have collectively decided to back the mutant who replaces the demented one. If they weren’t scared ahitless that Trump was gonna beat the shit out of Brandon, they wouldn’t be acting like this.

Relief. Whew. They dodged a certain defeat. Now, they hope their money buys them a win with the mutant who is unburdened of her past.
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