$200,000,000 donated to Kamala in less than one week.....

LMAO you will need $2 billion just for Biden damage control. Hillary outspent Trump by a large margin and still got her ass handed to her.

Hillary ran a really shitty campaign, considered it a coronation rather than a campaign. Harris took note and that is why she said she wanted to EARN the job, in case you weren't listening.
Hillary ran a really shitty campaign, considered it a coronation rather than a campaign. Harris took note and that is why she said she wanted to EARN the job, in case you weren't listening.

HRC hated having to campaign. She had zero repect for American Voters and it showed. She wanted an easy win and it did not happen. As a Democrat, I knew she was wrong. As a politically active Democrat I refused to campaign for her and caught hell for it.
How will she earn it?
Women are going to pick the next occupant of the Oval and if Donnie Diapers had half a brain he would realize that women don't want the government telling them what they can or can't do with their own bodies. And then Jethro Dunce Vance said "childless cat women" hate themselves. LOSERS. View attachment 985909
Nobody cares what a bunch of abortion obsessed peons "think". Those morons weren't going to vote for Trump anyway. So you gained ZERO. Abortion is about #147 on the list of things voters care about. The economy, the border, THOSE will be the deciding issues. And you lose HUGE on those.
There's something really fishy about ActBlue and all of this donor money that came in. Big, big "donations" from people that are unemployed, with addresses in vacant lots.
8.5 million for Kamala and LOTS MORE THAN THAT for Sinwar and Hamas from Qatar and the rest of the OIL RICH UMMAH including
alot more than that for Nusrallah from Iran and for the HOUTHIS ----ALL THAT MONEY and still the children of Gaza are
starving to death. They are starving in Lebanon too----but the
DRUZE kids are bombed to death with state of the art missiles....
why? well they don't hate jews enough

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