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Even anti govt crazies shut up and sit down


Mar 6, 2013
When the excrement hits the fan
one of the most basic definitions of the term “civilization”–as opposed to anarchy–is a society that simply recognizes we're all in this together and consequently builds publicly run institutions to honor that truism.

Though they refuse to publicly admit it, anti-government conservatives actually seem to realize this truism when they or their constituents are personally involved. Oklahoma provides an illustrative example.

In the wake of the tornado, you haven't seen Oklahoma's right-wing legislators making anti-“Big Government” arguments to deride the fact that their state receives more federal tax dollars than it contributes as of 2010, the most recent data available. Instead, you will likely–and rightly–see them lobbying to bring back disaster relief funds from Washington. Likewise, you haven't see Oklahoma's archconservative demagogues like Republican Sen. Tom Coburn saying government shouldn't help respond to the latest tornado. Instead, he's now insisting “there’s a legitimate role” for government to play.
After Oklahoma Disaster, Give Thanks for ?Big Government? - In These Times
Who are these anti-government crazies? Where do they exist, other than in your head?

You know, most of us are anti-big government.. we reject the ever growing aspect of government. This doesn't in anyway mean we are anti-government.

You come off as a bit under informed.
When the excrement hits the fan
one of the most basic definitions of the term “civilization”–as opposed to anarchy–is a society that simply recognizes we're all in this together and consequently builds publicly run institutions to honor that truism.

Though they refuse to publicly admit it, anti-government conservatives actually seem to realize this truism when they or their constituents are personally involved. Oklahoma provides an illustrative example.

In the wake of the tornado, you haven't seen Oklahoma's right-wing legislators making anti-“Big Government” arguments to deride the fact that their state receives more federal tax dollars than it contributes as of 2010, the most recent data available. Instead, you will likely–and rightly–see them lobbying to bring back disaster relief funds from Washington. Likewise, you haven't see Oklahoma's archconservative demagogues like Republican Sen. Tom Coburn saying government shouldn't help respond to the latest tornado. Instead, he's now insisting “there’s a legitimate role” for government to play.
After Oklahoma Disaster, Give Thanks for ?Big Government? - In These Times

Not sure if you've been following the news, but our Justice Dept has just been caught spying on Journalists and using methods of intimidation to keep their mouths shut on stories that may harm the current Administration. This is deplorable. The gov't has also just recently been caught unfairly targeting conservative groups (via the IRS) and throwing the book at them from a tax perspective in order to break those organizations down. This is also deplorable.

So we have a gov't that's silencing free speech and targeting groups that don't agree with it and you're going to sit here and tell us that "we're all in this together" as if we have an ethical federal gov't running this country?

Many folks on the right aren't against the CONCEPT of gov't, they're just against the notion of a large centralized gov't with vast power because they know that this scenario welcomes corruption and is also (often) a highly inefficient way to run our country.

Big Local Gov't, small Fed Gov't. That's what I believe in..

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When Oklahoma's Congressional delegation voted against relief for Hurricane Sandy I guess they were just hoping, hoping along with Grover Norquist that they could starve government until it was tiny enough to drown in the bathtub.
No anti-govt cries here, nosiree! At least not til their own constituents are looking to take the heads of any of these hypocrites who don't get some of that NECESSARY big govt help when it's needed!
By the way 10th amendment nut jobs - where in the Constitution is tornado relief spelled out as a role of the feds?
When the excrement hits the fan
one of the most basic definitions of the term “civilization”–as opposed to anarchy–is a society that simply recognizes we're all in this together and consequently builds publicly run institutions to honor that truism.

Though they refuse to publicly admit it, anti-government conservatives actually seem to realize this truism when they or their constituents are personally involved. Oklahoma provides an illustrative example.

In the wake of the tornado, you haven't seen Oklahoma's right-wing legislators making anti-“Big Government” arguments to deride the fact that their state receives more federal tax dollars than it contributes as of 2010, the most recent data available. Instead, you will likely–and rightly–see them lobbying to bring back disaster relief funds from Washington. Likewise, you haven't see Oklahoma's archconservative demagogues like Republican Sen. Tom Coburn saying government shouldn't help respond to the latest tornado. Instead, he's now insisting “there’s a legitimate role” for government to play.
After Oklahoma Disaster, Give Thanks for ?Big Government? - In These Times

Sometimes I wouldn't mind if a huge cataclysmic event like a meteor strike or a plague would come along.

Most parasites like you would die. The world will be better afterwards. The few of you insipid assholes left alive would find refugee among the conservatives you hate, because we have sense enough to store a little extra food and have guns to protect ourselves.

Then you might have an epiphany and realize we were the ones with the compassion in the first place. The fact that we've tolerated your existence this long should account for something, but alas it doesn't.
When Oklahoma's Congressional delegation voted against relief for Hurricane Sandy I guess they were just hoping, hoping along with Grover Norquist that they could starve government until it was tiny enough to drown in the bathtub.
No anti-govt cries here, nosiree! At least not til their own constituents are looking to take the heads of any of these hypocrites who don't get some of that NECESSARY big govt help when it's needed!
By the way 10th amendment nut jobs - where in the Constitution is tornado relief spelled out as a role of the feds?

The bill was stuffed with pork. That's why it was rejected. Take your drama elsewhere.
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A heartfelt message from an obvious sociopath. I only hope your anti social personality disorder results in some swift non violent resolution and you can live out the remainder of your mumbling years in a quiet asylum cursing the darkness from which your fetid mind likely won't ever find escape!
A heartfelt message from an obvious sociopath. I only hope your anti social personality disorder results in some swift non violent resolution and you can live out the remainder of your mumbling years in a quiet asylum cursing the darkness from which your fetid mind likely won't ever find escape!

lol - come on dude, that's like a 5th grade comeback. Don't mean to offend, just calling it like it is..
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Oklahoma is an anti big government state to the core. Its been part of its tradition since almost forever.

Its the human misery the storms left in their wake that brings out an innate human response to help thy neighbor. After the time of suffering has passed, after all the roofs have been reshingled, fresh new sheets of plywood have been attached to rafters that had their sheathing ripped off by the winds, after new walls have been stood back up on foundations that had been stripped bare by the winds, the cuts, bruises, and broken bones have healed, I doubt that you'll find a single Conservative who, reluctant before, but now finds themself ready and willing to drop his drawers, bend over exposing his vulnerable rectum, and willingly hold out a tube of KY Jelly so some big government Liberal like Chucky Schumer, Ed Markey, or Barney Frank could drop by to satisfy themselves at the anti government Conservatives expense.
When the excrement hits the fan
Translation: If you think a government that brings the hammer down on kids with lemonade stands or who eat pastries into gun shapes is a wee bit much, you hate disaster victims.

Then there is this...

Canadian relief for Moore tornado victims denied at border - Windsor - CBC News

American officials will not allow the 20,000 kilograms of food, blankets and diapers into the country until every item on board is itemized in alphabetical order and has the country of origin of every product noted.

Dennis Sauve, the volunteer co-ordinator for Windsor Lifeline Outreach and the food bank co-ordinator at the Windsor Christian Fellowship, the two organizations that gathered the goods, said it's a "physical impossibility" to do the paperwork required in time to get the perishable food to Oklahoma before it spoils.

Communities of individuals always come together in a crisis and local government first responders regularly help in sometimes heroic fashion. Then the behemoth, motley, lumbering, national bureaucratic, billion dollar, federal union of disaster relief compliance sticks it's corrupt noses in and mostly gum up the works.
Hey kevin - the message was obviously a response to dildlo's wish for more deaths in the world so his privileged superior azz would survive in a world without dissent from his superior views.
Hey kevin - the message was obviously a response to dildlo's wish for more deaths in the world so his privileged superior azz would survive in a world without dissent from his superior views.

Perhaps, but your response (nonetheless) sounded silly and childish. There's always going to be folks saying dumb things and bringing the level of conversation down from an adult level to a child's level. Just warning you not to perpetuate it...

There is a difference between being anti-government and anti-nanny government. Even liberals were against government and the whole establishment back in the day. That was before some realized they could be in control of it.

Government has a legitimate role. Assisting after disasters is but one of those.

It used to be most of us were in it together, way back when. It used to be that all able bodies people were willing to do their part.

There are too many expecting others to subsidize their lives. It sure seems dishonest for some to claim that we've all in this together when they don't lift a finger. How can we be a team when half the able bodied players just sit along the sidelines and wait for the rest of us to do the work?

It's one thing when everyone works together, quite another when one half puts the burden on the other half.
A heartfelt message from an obvious sociopath. I only hope your anti social personality disorder results in some swift non violent resolution and you can live out the remainder of your mumbling years in a quiet asylum cursing the darkness from which your fetid mind likely won't ever find escape!

lol - come on dude, that's like a 5th grade comeback. Don't mean to offend, just calling it like it is..

You expected more out of a bed wetter?

I love how he used the word sociopath, I'll bet he had to look it up.

A person with antisocial personality disorder. Probably the most widely recognized personality disorder. A sociopath is often well liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments. Though some sociopaths have become murders, most reveal their sociopathy through less deadly and sensational means.

Is there a better description of obozo?
he's one of your tent mates until you disown him.
He hates government like Norquist does and for the same reason - he's is a social Darwinist who would as soon anyone not at the top of the pecking order would die a quick and quiet death before being a drain on the excesses of the wealthiest.
You still haven't found any argument for disaster relief according to the arguments of your 10th Amendment zombies who have attacked Obamacare because it is not an enumerated federal role to ensure insurance. So where is the enumerated role in disaster relief?
As for the 'pork' defense of Coiburn - He also voted to slash funds to FEMA - the agency his fellow republican and social Darwinist when convenient Governor Falin just welcomed into Oklahoma!
Pete - you should realize you are suppressing an emotion elemental in every human? You do understand that empathy actually is a universal and your state of denial will at some point attack your atrophied conscience with a vengeance. You may only pretend not to have a heart - the truth of your humanity finds you eventually - and it burns your callous disregard of reality to the ground!
Pete - you should realize you are suppressing an emotion elemental in every human? You do understand that empathy actually is a universal and your state of denial will at some point attack your atrophied conscience with a vengeance. You may only pretend not to have a heart - the truth of your humanity finds you eventually - and it burns your callous disregard of reality to the ground!

Project much bed wetter?

When's the last time you even slowed down your car to help someone on the road, that is assuming you even have a car or a job or anyplace to be other than your mother's basement.

You have no idea who I am, what I do, or how I feel about anything.

Except perhaps my contempt for parasites like you,, but that's because I'm quite vocal about it.

Why should I have "a heart" or any sort of positive emotions toward criminally insane asswipes like you? You're destroying this nation from within, you don't even know you're doing it, and your delusions that you're promoting an agenda that will benefit anyone besides the uber rich elite would be laughable if it wasn't so goddamned pathetic.
You may or may not be a volunteer AAA emergency road man
One things sure - your extreme social Darwanism is sickening. You want to see millions dead so your pristine ways could be more universally recognized as superior?
That's no joke!
I'm sure you have some good qualities.
Even Hitler treated his dogs well.
But your as rotten in your politics as the most demented mass murderers could be.
You need help, badly!
Truly wishing people that don't agree with you death is not politics - it's a form of mental illness.

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