Even ardent conservatives acknowledge the danger of ignoring the science on climate change


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
The Climate Leadership Council issued a plan for dealing with climate change. The Council's founding members include a host of conservative individuals and organizations.
  • Michael Bloomberg
  • Steven Chu
  • Ray Dalio
  • Martin Feldstein
  • Ted Halstead
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Vinod Khosla
  • N. Gregory Mankiw
  • Gregory R. Page
  • Laurene Powell
  • Tom Stephenson
  • Lawrence Summers
  • Ratan Tata
  • Rob Walton
  • BP
  • General Motors
  • ExxonMobil
  • P&G
  • Shell
  • Unilever
  • Pepsico
  • Schneider Electric
  • Johnson & Johnson
The Climate Leadership Council’s proposal calls for a $40 tax on each metric ton of carbon dioxide emissions, with the tax steadily increasing on an annual basis. All proceeds -- an estimated $200 to $300 billion per year -- would be distributed back to American citizens in the form of dividend checks. Carbon taxes on foreign imports and rebates for U.S. exports would then keep U.S.-made goods competitive, the authors claim.

In return for implementing the tax, the plan calls for cutting many current U.S. regulations on carbon emissions. In particular, the plan calls for axing the Clean Power Plan, an Obama-era EPA rule that aimed to slash CO2 from power plants, which generate 37 percent of the country’s total carbon emissions. (Legal challenges have stayed the rule’s implementation.)

The proposal's authors are:
  • James A. Baker, III
  • George P. Schultz
  • Henry Paulson, Jr.
  • Martin Feldstein
  • Rob Walton
  • Tom Stephenson
  • Greg Mankiw
  • Ted Halsted
Regardless of whether one is keen on the pillars of the plan (I've shared only a bit of them above), the existentially salient tiding to take from it, if nothing else, is that among intelligent and proactive conservatives, the reality of climate change's impacts present a clear, present and humanly addressable set of threats and opportunities. It's high time the remainder of the conservative polity follow their lead and stop denying climate science and everything else having to do with the matter of climate change.
The problem is snowflakes have been caught altering / faking so much of their touted science that people are ignoring their 'chicken little' routine.
The Climate Leadership Council issued a plan for dealing with climate change. The Council's founding members include a host of conservative individuals and organizations.
  • Michael Bloomberg
  • Steven Chu
  • Ray Dalio
  • Martin Feldstein
  • Ted Halstead
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Vinod Khosla
  • N. Gregory Mankiw
  • Gregory R. Page
  • Laurene Powell
  • Tom Stephenson
  • Lawrence Summers
  • Ratan Tata
  • Rob Walton
  • BP
  • General Motors
  • ExxonMobil
  • P&G
  • Shell
  • Unilever
  • Pepsico
  • Schneider Electric
  • Johnson & Johnson
The Climate Leadership Council’s proposal calls for a $40 tax on each metric ton of carbon dioxide emissions, with the tax steadily increasing on an annual basis. All proceeds -- an estimated $200 to $300 billion per year -- would be distributed back to American citizens in the form of dividend checks. Carbon taxes on foreign imports and rebates for U.S. exports would then keep U.S.-made goods competitive, the authors claim.

In return for implementing the tax, the plan calls for cutting many current U.S. regulations on carbon emissions. In particular, the plan calls for axing the Clean Power Plan, an Obama-era EPA rule that aimed to slash CO2 from power plants, which generate 37 percent of the country’s total carbon emissions. (Legal challenges have stayed the rule’s implementation.)

The proposal's authors are:
  • James A. Baker, III
  • George P. Schultz
  • Henry Paulson, Jr.
  • Martin Feldstein
  • Rob Walton
  • Tom Stephenson
  • Greg Mankiw
  • Ted Halsted
Regardless of whether one is keen on the pillars of the plan (I've shared only a bit of them above), the existentially salient tiding to take from it, if nothing else, is that among intelligent and proactive conservatives, the reality of climate change's impacts present a clear, present and humanly addressable set of threats and opportunities. It's high time the remainder of the conservative polity follow their lead and stop denying climate science and everything else having to do with the matter of climate change.

Guess what? We are not fucking sheep like the libtards and could care less what they think.

Wow. The answer is a tax.

The Climate Leadership Council issued a plan for dealing with climate change. The Council's founding members include a host of conservative individuals and organizations.
  • Michael Bloomberg
  • Steven Chu
  • Ray Dalio
  • Martin Feldstein
  • Ted Halstead
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Vinod Khosla
  • N. Gregory Mankiw
  • Gregory R. Page
  • Laurene Powell
  • Tom Stephenson
  • Lawrence Summers
  • Ratan Tata
  • Rob Walton
  • BP
  • General Motors
  • ExxonMobil
  • P&G
  • Shell
  • Unilever
  • Pepsico
  • Schneider Electric
  • Johnson & Johnson
The Climate Leadership Council’s proposal calls for a $40 tax on each metric ton of carbon dioxide emissions, with the tax steadily increasing on an annual basis. All proceeds -- an estimated $200 to $300 billion per year -- would be distributed back to American citizens in the form of dividend checks. Carbon taxes on foreign imports and rebates for U.S. exports would then keep U.S.-made goods competitive, the authors claim.

In return for implementing the tax, the plan calls for cutting many current U.S. regulations on carbon emissions. In particular, the plan calls for axing the Clean Power Plan, an Obama-era EPA rule that aimed to slash CO2 from power plants, which generate 37 percent of the country’s total carbon emissions. (Legal challenges have stayed the rule’s implementation.)

The proposal's authors are:
  • James A. Baker, III
  • George P. Schultz
  • Henry Paulson, Jr.
  • Martin Feldstein
  • Rob Walton
  • Tom Stephenson
  • Greg Mankiw
  • Ted Halsted
Regardless of whether one is keen on the pillars of the plan (I've shared only a bit of them above), the existentially salient tiding to take from it, if nothing else, is that among intelligent and proactive conservatives, the reality of climate change's impacts present a clear, present and humanly addressable set of threats and opportunities. It's high time the remainder of the conservative polity follow their lead and stop denying climate science and everything else having to do with the matter of climate change.
Meh. Global Warming saves lives. The planet will be fine. What happens to the human race is minuscule in comparison. I guess the Lefties are regretting they shot down our space program, eh? No chance to get off-planet before the shit hits the fan. LOL
Have Dow Chemical writing EPA policy should concern every American.
Even the dumbest liberals do not do shit for the planet.

In fact let's hear ALL OF THE THING the pathetic OP does for the planet.

We already know he continuously uses a computer which relies of electrical power. Also, most, if not all of the components are made from carbon based products like coal and petroluem.

Like every pathetic lying hypocritical gasbag, they display their fake moral superiority over us, while not doing one fucking thing to ward off this "global warming." Oh and like any good sheep he is certainly calling what the globalists want to us to call it. "Climate change."

Good boy...

I will be waiting for that list of the things the op or any scumbag like him does to ward of climate change.

You know, I swear to God, they will not be happy until they eliminate white Christians.


We go back to the stone age. I doubt the stupid fucking op knows what iron and steel are made from. Coal.....you stupid fucks.

Which means what? How long have humans been burning coal? Well, try to find the period shortly after man came out of the stone age.

You dumb stupid hypocritical fucks.
The Climate Leadership Council issued a plan for dealing with climate change. The Council's founding members include a host of conservative individuals and organizations.
  • Michael Bloomberg
  • Steven Chu
  • Ray Dalio
  • Martin Feldstein
  • Ted Halstead
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Vinod Khosla
  • N. Gregory Mankiw
  • Gregory R. Page
  • Laurene Powell
  • Tom Stephenson
  • Lawrence Summers
  • Ratan Tata
  • Rob Walton
  • BP
  • General Motors
  • ExxonMobil
  • P&G
  • Shell
  • Unilever
  • Pepsico
  • Schneider Electric
  • Johnson & Johnson
The Climate Leadership Council’s proposal calls for a $40 tax on each metric ton of carbon dioxide emissions, with the tax steadily increasing on an annual basis. All proceeds -- an estimated $200 to $300 billion per year -- would be distributed back to American citizens in the form of dividend checks. Carbon taxes on foreign imports and rebates for U.S. exports would then keep U.S.-made goods competitive, the authors claim.

In return for implementing the tax, the plan calls for cutting many current U.S. regulations on carbon emissions. In particular, the plan calls for axing the Clean Power Plan, an Obama-era EPA rule that aimed to slash CO2 from power plants, which generate 37 percent of the country’s total carbon emissions. (Legal challenges have stayed the rule’s implementation.)

The proposal's authors are:
  • James A. Baker, III
  • George P. Schultz
  • Henry Paulson, Jr.
  • Martin Feldstein
  • Rob Walton
  • Tom Stephenson
  • Greg Mankiw
  • Ted Halsted
Regardless of whether one is keen on the pillars of the plan (I've shared only a bit of them above), the existentially salient tiding to take from it, if nothing else, is that among intelligent and proactive conservatives, the reality of climate change's impacts present a clear, present and humanly addressable set of threats and opportunities. It's high time the remainder of the conservative polity follow their lead and stop denying climate science and everything else having to do with the matter of climate change.
To be such a semantic arguing smart ass,sure makes you look dumb confusing climate change and AGW
How about you leftists stop raping terms and concepts for agenda? You people are so pathetic.
I don't think that there are many would disagree that the climate is changing. Where the issues arise is that the, so-called, Climate Deniers are aware that the climate always has, and always will, change. Scientific evidence has proven that. Tree rings, ice cores, geologic surveys, etc.

Narrow-minded people are crying "Armageddon!" because the remember when they were children it was colder and got a lot of rain/snow. Now it's not so "We're all going to burn up and drown!"


My parents to me stories about when they were children it was hot, dry, windy, and the land was blowing away in dust storms that covered the whole country, from Oklahoma to New York City. Then the rains came, it cooled down, and they could farm again. Then my Grandmother told stories about bumper crops and waist high grasses before stopped raining and the land dried up and was blown away All because of "Climate Change".

I remember when all of a sudden the average world temperate was dropping and alarmists were crying that we were heading into "A New Ice Age!" and Albuquerque is going to be under 20 feet of ice. Then there was the infamous "Hole in the Ozone!" and we were all going to be "Irradiated!" Now....? Meh. We've heard it all before, so no big deal.

Climate Alarmists seem to believe that the climate must remain stagnate, any variation is going to cause doom. All because climate is different now than when they were younger, never acknowledging that climate is more the 60, 80, or 100 year of levelness.

Remember Al "I invented the Internet" Gore? Well guess what, he invented Global Warming Alarmists and became fabulously wealthy because of it.

Look folk, the climate has always been changing, and it always will change. Move along, nothing to see here.


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