Even MSM is now blaming Biden for over 43% higher gas prices...

Americans should blame Biden, but not for the reason you might think. Biden's attack on U.S. energy producers,
starting with his freeze on federal oil and gas leases, will assuredly take a toll on output down the road and cause prices at the pump to rise.

Now for you grossly uniformed people...
1) Do you know that 25% of all USA oil production is done on Federal lands?
About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.
The federal share of total U.S. crude oil production fell from its peak at nearly 36% in 2009 to less than 24% in 2017 at the same time overall production increased
Now under Trump it was expanding. FACTS again!
For his first 3 years it was expanding and only because of COVID was there a decline in 2020.
LOOK what the idiot Obama did in his 8 years and stupid dumb Biden is repeating it!

I am just so flabbergasted at people that support Biden and that hate Trump.
Biden is causing you to spend more money! Trump was lowering your gas prices!
FACT: over 44% higher gas prices today versus one year ago!
What a total dummy Biden and you supporters are in this one of many grossly ignorant actions!
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/----/ democRATs' war on the poor continues.
Makes one wonder why Trump set the price at $2....instead of $0.25 a gallon. Weird.
He didn't set the price, which is the point. His policies had the effect of lowering the price. Quid Pro's hapless policies, OTOH, have the effect of increasing the price.
He didn't set the price, which is the point. His policies had the effect of lowering the price. Quid Pro's hapless policies, OTOH, have the effect of increasing the price.

Trump setting the price at 2 was cruel
He didn't set the price, which is the point. His policies had the effect of lowering the price. Quid Pro's hapless policies, OTOH, have the effect of increasing the price.

COVID lowered the ppb because world wide demand went into a slump. What Trump knows about the oil business you could write on the head of a pin!
The virus went worldwide...but somehow--thanks to your blob--we suffered the most. Why do you think that was? We can't possibly blame the President for what happens on his watch can we? Oh wait...youre doing that with Biden so you'd have to do it with Mara-Lard-Ass....unless you're just a fucking hypocrite.

You never say anything rational. If USA COVID cases were Trump's fault, because you're a fucking moron and don't know what a republic is, then surely 2021 COVID cases forward are Xiden's fault, correct?
High gas prices, low gas prices, gas shortages, the whole spectrum, under presidents of both party's. Just propaganda the complaints come when the opposing party is in charge. Never when its your party of choice.

White House calls on OPEC to boost oil production as gasoline prices rise​

High gas prices, low gas prices, gas shortages, the whole spectrum, under presidents of both party's. Just propaganda the complaints come when the opposing party is in charge. Never when its your party of choice.
No you aren't providing ANY facts for your statement!
FACT: About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.

That means when Biden (Trump actually signed MORE!) stopped signing leases the oil industry STOPPED
drilling on Federal lands to save the less expensive source, i.e. Federal lands!
FACT: Biden's signed Russian pipeline which gives Russia more money!
FACT: Biden's asked OPEC to produce more oil.
FACT: That makes the USA less energy independent which under Trump occurred for the first time since:

The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957​

SO DUMMIES like you make dumb ass comments without ANY proof!
Why only dummies like you believe what dummies like you write!!!
It is absolutely stupid for people to make any comments without substantiation!
Who in the hell do you people think you are that anyone would believe a single word you write?
To me it points out that you type of people are not only grossly uninformed but are the sheep the MSM produces fodder for! Keep feeding you biased news and here is the proof the MSM is biased!
I've put this up several times and to date NOT one single person has refuted these facts!
If you idiots that don't provide any substantiation you are fodder for these biased Anti-American quack news groups!

we produced more than we consumed, but we were never independent on importing oil (gas maybe)

And the OP gripe about Biden and Opec was about Biden urging Opec to bring production up to pre-pandemic levels.

(not that I'm a huge supporter of Biden on pipelines or even blanket moratoriums on leases)

White House calls on OPEC to boost oil production as gasoline prices rise​

No you aren't providing ANY facts for your statement!
FACT: About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.

That means when Biden (Trump actually signed MORE!) stopped signing leases the oil industry STOPPED
drilling on Federal lands to save the less expensive source, i.e. Federal lands!
FACT: Biden's signed Russian pipeline which gives Russia more money!
FACT: Biden's asked OPEC to produce more oil.
FACT: That makes the USA less energy independent which under Trump occurred for the first time since:

The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957​

SO DUMMIES like you make dumb ass comments without ANY proof!
Why only dummies like you believe what dummies like you write!!!
Do you think insulting people you don't even know helps make your point? Were you unable to see my point? Said nothing what so ever about who to blame. just pointing out that negatives used for political posturing is different than negative's used no mater who is in power.
Which makes Quid Pro downright dastardly. I can see him now, twirling his mustache and chortling with glee as he contemplates his bowl of Jello.
Makes us wonder why Trump had it set at $2. when apparently the President controls gas prices.
You never say anything rational. If USA COVID cases were Trump's fault, because you're a fucking moron and don't know what a republic is, then surely 2021 COVID cases forward are Xiden's fault, correct?

True or false, the Federal SNS had outdated and obsolete goods in it?
we produced more than we consumed, but we were never independent on importing oil (gas maybe)

And the OP gripe about Biden and Opec was about Biden urging Opec to bring production up to pre-pandemic levels.

(not that I'm a huge supporter of Biden on pipelines or even blanket moratoriums on leases)
FACTS not your guesses, or subjective opinion!
U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years.
Do you understand? That's why the statement "energy independent"!
Never declared oil independence. But total energy produced was less than the energy consumed...i.e. independence!
And "energy independence" was NOT achieved by signing a stop on Federal land leases for oil exploration!
That's what Biden did within days of taken the office. How in the hell can someone be so stupid much less have
dummies around him who advise him! Why would any person with an ounce of intellect say "no more exploration on Federal lands...that produce 25% of our oil"! Really smart!

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