Even MSM is now blaming Biden for over 43% higher gas prices...

His policies had the effect of lowering the price.
In effect yes. The Covid Shut down was the result of his policies. The only accurate comparison in gas prices has to be made with prices from the summer of 2019.

Everyone but the Neo-GOP flock knows this.......
Notice how all of these right wing loons compare gas prices one year ago when everyone was in lockdown and no one was driving or working unless necessary, to gas prices today, which are not much higher than they were in 2019, when Trump was in office:

Gas prices are slightly higher than they were in 2019.

Also, Biden didn't cut production on federal lands, he merely stopped giving out oil and gas leases on federal lands, something which Obama also did. It has no effect on existing leases or production, just no new leases are being given out.

Why do Republicans persist in lying about Democratic policies and their implications? The lying needs to end because apparently you lot aren't bright enough to fact check anything you're told, and you'll believe anything that Fox News tells you.
And "energy independence" was NOT achieved by signing a stop on Federal land leases for oil exploration!
That's what Biden did within days of taken the office. How in the hell can someone be so stupid much less have
dummies around him who advise him! Why would any person with an ounce of intellect say "no more exploration on Federal lands...that produce 25% of our oil"! Really smart!
Fracking is destroying our environment. Trump took 3 million acres of pristine land for fracking money on behalf of his donors. It is ok to buy from others as clean energy is moving forward. Takes time. "Climate change" is not a town in China and is affecting us as we speak. Think about your children and grand children for a change, yes?
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Fracking is destroying our environment. Trump took 3 million acres of pristine land for fracking money on behalf of his donors. It is ok to buy from others as clean energy is moving forward. Takes time. "Climate change" is not a town in China and is affecting us as we speak. Think about your children and grand children for a change, yes?
Look who's talking, Dems don't damage the environment they obliterate it with concrete and pollution spewing in all directions from their shithole Dem cities. You can see the Dem environmental damage from space. :oops:
Look who's talking, Dems don't damage the environment they obliterate it with concrete and pollution spewing in all directions from their shithole Dem cities. You can see the Dem environmental damage from space. :oops:
Trumpecile cities don't pollute, do they? Of course, they do. So get off the bullshit and take responsibility. Does your comment mean that we should continue fracking for donor profits?
Trumpecile cities don't pollute, do they? Of course, they do. So get off the bullshit and take responsibility. Does your comment mean that we should continue fracking for donor profits? Nothing to do with politics, so don't make it what it isn't. Republicans occupy much of that concrete, yes?
/—-/ The President controls drilling on federal land and shut down the pipeline, you moron.

He shut down a pipeline under construction. It wasn't even functioning yet. Neither action has anything to do with the price of gas, which is driven by supply and demand.

Since the start of the pandemic, OPEC cut production by 8 million barrels a day, to use up reserves and drive up the price of oil. Even if the USA isn't dependent on Middle Eastern oil, OPEC's policies do determine the price of crude oil worldwide, so if OPEC prices are higher, so are your prices at the pump.

Biden shut down the giving of new leases on federal lands. He did not shut down existing lessees, who are still on the lands and producing.

Please stop mischaracterizing his actions with regards to drilling on federal lands.
Trumpecile cities don't pollute, do they? Of course, they do. So get off the bullshit and take responsibility. Does your comment mean that we should continue fracking for donor profits?
Shut up lib, first go clean up your shithole Dem cities. You know the cities who repeatedly spill hundreds of millions of gallons of raw sewage into public waterways and oceans. So fouling them swimming has to be banned. Now talk shit about fracking you hack.

^^^ lib go bitch slapped hard
For the GOP dumbasses parked ... long post but a worthwhile bookmark...

Earlier data from Forbes.com gas prices in the last 6 months – up an average of .75¢ a gallon – why? Several factors not a single political one, and NOT Joe Biden to blame says many fact checkers found out that in light of the many false GOP attacks – their blame game aimed at Biden which is routine for. Now some truth:

Immediately after taking office, Biden announced a 60-day suspension of new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits for U.S. lands and waters (The AP report). That moratorium did give some senior Department of Interior officials authority to OK new drilling action that otherwise would be suspended.

A federal judge in Louisiana on June 16, 2021 blocked that suspension from Biden nationwide, and ordering the resumption of plans for delayed lease sales for the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska.

But even had the moratorium not been struck down, its impact could have been blunted by the number of still-valid permits approved under the Trump administration. The AP also found Interior officials approved almost 1,400 permits on federal lands, primarily in WY and NM over a three-month period that included the election, allowing companies to continue drilling for years.

Biden also revoked approval of the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada, which would have delivered crude oil from Canada and North Dakota to the United States. The developer recently pulled the plug on the project following Biden’s move. But the pipeline was not operational, thus it cannot have an impact on current gas prices, though it may have a long-term effect on crude oil supply.

Bloomberg report says: “Other policies that Goldman Sachs analysts suggested could increase crude oil prices include a focus on fiscal spending, a probable lack of urgency in lifting sanctions on Iran (7th largest oil producer), and restrictions on the North American energy industry.”

However, those same analysts and other experts in a PolitiFact Fact Check on similar claims linking Biden policies to rising gas prices point to the global COVID-19 vaccine rollouts as the key reason oil markets have rallied.

A few more facts on this subject:
Fact #1: Oil companies reduced crude oil production during the COVID-19 pandemic as demand fell with fewer people traveling.
Fact #2: Now, the uptick in travel after more than a year of pandemic-related restrictions — combined with the typically higher level of travel in the summer months — is largely fueling the elevated gas prices.
Fact #3: USA Today published a fact check June 10 assessing the validity of claims that Biden is to blame for current rising gas prices and found such claims to be false finding that the gas prices increased due to a rising demand with more travel, plus being coupled with lagging supply.
Fact #4: American petroleum refineries make gasoline and other petroleum products from crude oil and other liquids produced in the United States or that which is imported from other countries. Nearly all of the gasoline sold in the United States is produced in the United States.
Fact #5: The U.S. is the top oil-producing country in the world with an average of 19.47 million barrels per day (b/d), which accounts for 19% of the world's production, and it has held the top spot for the past six years (report from 2019).

President Joe Biden and Team Has Sounded the Alarm Bell: Biden and his National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, on Wednesday (August 11) called on OPEC countries to move faster to restore global supply of petroleum to pre-pandemic levels.

Mr. Biden also asked the FTC to investigate the domestic market for any anti-competitive behavior increasing gas prices. Plus, the administration is pressuring OPEC and gas producers allied with them to quickly undo the production cuts put in place at the start of the pandemic.

Other factors that have an impact on gas prices at the pump:
  • Loosening of COVID restrictions in recent months has led to a rapid recovery in global demand for crude oil that has exceeded expectations leading to a tightening crude oil market.
  • Strong discipline among the OPEC+ nations related to agreement to limit exports thus tightening supply and demand.
  • The U.S. election has played a role since November with the average price per gallon of regular gasoline in the U.S. risen by .75 cents per gallon. The markets clearly see Biden as one that will work to inhibit U.S. oil production effecting the global market, so traders have responded by driving up the price of crude oil (to make more money due to shortage and their supplies).
Refinery maintenance and the changeover to summer gasoline blends. This is a factor every year at this time. Gas prices have continued to rise even as crude prices have dropped over the past week.
That happens in March and April when many U.S. refineries are taken offline for annual maintenance and all refiners switch from manufacturing a winter blends to dozens of summer blends required by the EPA.
That also raises the costs of both refining and transportation of gasoline and gets worked into gas prices during those months and shortly after that we see now.

Top 10 Oil Producers of the 127 Countries Listed
(Yearly production / barrels per day)

1United States 14,837,639,510
2Saudi Arabia12,402,761,040
8UAE 3,772,788,273
He shut down a pipeline under construction. It wasn't even functioning yet. Neither action has anything to do with the price of gas, which is driven by supply and demand.

Since the start of the pandemic, OPEC cut production by 8 million barrels a day, to use up reserves and drive up the price of oil. Even if the USA isn't dependent on Middle Eastern oil, OPEC's policies do determine the price of crude oil worldwide, so if OPEC prices are higher, so are your prices at the pump.

Biden shut down the giving of new leases on federal lands. He did not shut down existing lessees, who are still on the lands and producing.

Please stop mischaracterizing his actions with regards to drilling on federal lands.
I never ever said he shut down existing leases! That's a bald face f...king LIE!
What I said and it is a FACT. NO MORE government leases on Federal lands! And those existing leases produce 25% of nation's gas! AGAIN I provide the links. YOU ZERO! How do you know OPEC cut 8 million? Where is your links?
About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.
See that's the problem with people like! You exaggerate. YOU take bits and pieces and not the whole story!
AGAIN NO ONE ever said Biden shut down existing leases DUMMY! YOU... PLEASE stop giving your own personal unsubstantiated statements as once again you show how grossly misinformed people like you are!
BIDEN stop future explorations on Federal lands. This means existing federal leases and non federal leases
will diminish and as a result gas prices go up! Simple economics!
Finally we've been fighting in the middle east since the 1970s to protect oil. We thanks to Trump in the first time since 1957 didn't depend on foreign energy sources. FACT!

The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years.
Who was president in 2019? Dummies!
He shut down a pipeline under construction. It wasn't even functioning yet. Neither action has anything to do with the price of gas, which is driven by supply and demand.

Since the start of the pandemic, OPEC cut production by 8 million barrels a day, to use up reserves and drive up the price of oil. Even if the USA isn't dependent on Middle Eastern oil, OPEC's policies do determine the price of crude oil worldwide, so if OPEC prices are higher, so are your prices at the pump.

Biden shut down the giving of new leases on federal lands. He did not shut down existing lessees, who are still on the lands and producing.

Please stop mischaracterizing his actions with regards to drilling on federal lands.
I don't know have you worked in a big corp. before. If they see it coming, they will have an existing plan in motion. When Biden shuts down the new leases and bans fracking, oil companies know it is time to go. So, Oil companies will not be eager to reinvest into reopening the existing lands after the lands were closed due to covid. I don't know they may do it when it is over 150usd per. In terms of the price, you are the mayor of the wrongville. yes, their policies can affect the price greatly, but OPEC is not the only player who determines the price. Put in this way, the cost for OPEC is around 10 per (I heard maybe even 6 to 8)., the cost for US is around 40 per(avg). So, when USA started fracking, OPEC increased production to push the price down. OPEC tried to uncut the USA. It was working at first. Then, US would have a fracking open season under Trump for independence, and OPEC could not sell at that low price anymore because of their "social welfare programme" cost (I heard they needed to sell oil at around 50 per to cover it.). So, OPEC gave up around the end of 2016. That was why gas price under Trump was close to stable.
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I never ever said he shut down existing leases! That's a bald face f...king LIE!
What I said and it is a FACT. NO MORE government leases on Federal lands! And those existing leases produce 25% of nation's gas! AGAIN I provide the links. YOU ZERO! How do you know OPEC cut 8 million? Where is your links?
About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.
See that's the problem with people like! You exaggerate. YOU take bits and pieces and not the whole story!
AGAIN NO ONE ever said Biden shut down existing leases DUMMY! YOU... PLEASE stop giving your own personal unsubstantiated statements as once again you show how grossly misinformed people like you are!
BIDEN stop future explorations on Federal lands. This means existing federal leases and non federal leases
will diminish and as a result gas prices go up! Simple economics!
Finally we've been fighting in the middle east since the 1970s to protect oil. We thanks to Trump in the first time since 1957 didn't depend on foreign energy sources. FACT!

The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years.
Who was president in 2019? Dummies!
YOu are damn right. With energy independence, the USA was not at the mercy of OPEC.
Fact - I never paid over $3 for gas under President Trump. However, gas is above $3 in my area now. How is this even possible considering many people are still working from home? Clearly the demand isn’t there.
He shut down a pipeline under construction. It wasn't even functioning yet. Neither action has anything to do with the price of gas, which is driven by supply and demand.

Since the start of the pandemic, OPEC cut production by 8 million barrels a day, to use up reserves and drive up the price of oil. Even if the USA isn't dependent on Middle Eastern oil, OPEC's policies do determine the price of crude oil worldwide, so if OPEC prices are higher, so are your prices at the pump.

Biden shut down the giving of new leases on federal lands. He did not shut down existing lessees, who are still on the lands and producing.

Please stop mischaracterizing his actions with regards to drilling on federal lands.

Biden begs OPEC, Russia to boost oil output after hurting U.S. oil sector​

Earlier this year, Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and banned drilling on federal lands. As a result, U.S. gas prices surged 42 percent and overall energy costs rose 24 percent. This ultimately lifted the costs of logistics, food and consumer goods
The President doesn't have control of gas prices....

But you're right about one thing...you're incredibly frustrated. It's fun to watch.
The President and his corrupt administration can sure push up the prices when they want to by a number of policies...and we americans know this even if the chinese trolls living in Canada or whereever keep spewing lies and propaganda.
Its incredible that the blob kept the price as high as he did. Doesn't that make you angry? Oh...wait...you're in a cult. You can't get angry at your master. Pity.
Man, I'm glad we don't have any of those around. They sound scary. Now if only Quid Pro would get with the program and bring prices back down. Too bad he won't.
High gas prices, low gas prices, gas shortages, the whole spectrum, under presidents of both party's. Just propaganda the complaints come when the opposing party is in charge. Never when its your party of choice.
FACTs not guesses or your subjective and definitely BIASED opinion!
Today USA gallon of gas $3.20
One year ago under Trump $2.18 or $1.02 more or 47% increase. In just 6 months! (8/13/21-02-21-21 )

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