Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

hey there agents liar ability and rat in the ass,see your back to fart as well.:eusa_clap:
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You must show a real person or model with a spinal column. You just failed by believing two retards.:eek:

Still, after all these years they are waiting for volunteers.

Try to distance yourself for just a moment and objectively look at the Zapuder film. At the moment of impact which way is the blood splatter? It is obvious back to front. There is no way, in my opinion, that a shot from the front could produce that effect. As for how his head moves, I think it is perfectly consistent with a shot from the rear. Little hole in, big hole out momentum pushes his head back or just nerve reaction to the shot. But there is really no way of knowing just from the movement of the head. That is what Stone did he fed you a lie based on what everyone believes is logical and it isn't. I once shot a deer with a shot gun. Which is .50 caliber at approximately 50 feet. Shot pretty much through the heart and or lungs. One would think that getting hit with a 50 cal large slug would knock down the victim. But it doesn't. The deer kinda jumped up a little walked about 20 feet and was dead, hardly any blood.

Here is testimony about the head shot:

What follows are those portions of the medical reports which deal with this question.

1. Dr. Fred Hodges, Professor of Radiology (Neuroradiology), The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine: "7) The motion of the President's head as shown in the Zapruder film does not indicate the direction of the shot in my opinion, but the visible blow-out of tissue and bony fragments in frame 313 and subsequent frames do conclusively indicate the bullet came from behind. The head motion subsequently is interpreted as due to involuntary muscle extension and not due to the direction of the injury."

2. Alfred G. Oliver, DVM, Chief, Biophysics Division, Edgewood Arsenal: "7. The movement of the President's body would bear no relationship to the direction of the shot. As for the motion of the President's head, I would have to see precise measurements taken from the motion picture film, to make a final judgment here."

3. Robert R. McMeekin, MD, forensic pathologist, Chief, Division of Aerospace Pathology, AFIP: "7. The motion of the President's head is inconsistent with the shot striking him from any direction other than the rear."

4. Werner U. Spitz, M.D., forensic pathologist, Chief Medical Examiner, Wayne County, Michigan: "7. It is impossible to conclude from the motion of the President's head and body following the head shot, from which direction the shots came. There is no doubt that as soon as the President was struck in the head, death occurred. The President's body was thus limp, devoid of control and stability normally exerted by the cerebral centers. Nothing would keep the body up at this stage and a forward drop is likely to occur. The subsequent backward movement of the President's head can be explained by sudden decerebration. This position is well known as "decerebrate posture" and is characterized by opisthotonos, a tetanic spasm -- or seizure-like condition."

5. Richard Lindenberg, M.D., Director of Neuropathology and Legal Medicine, State of Maryland: "Immediately after the shot through the head the President took rather abruptly an almost erect position before slumping over to the left. This straightening is to be considered a sudden opisthotonic reflex movement due to decerebration."

Here is an article on Wecht's claim of two shooters. Remember he also states there is no evidence of a shot from the front or side.

Did the Rockefeller Commission Misrepresent the JFK Assassination Views of Cyril Wecht?

the newest disinformation agent troll fails miserably in his lies as always.he blatantly ignores the FACTS that all the dallas doctors said the head wound to back of the head was an EXIT wound as well as ignoring witnesses saw a gunman with a rfile behind the picket fence-a diversion to get everyones attention away from greer, as well as refusing to look at these two videos that prove there were multiple shooters as well as ignoring the laws of physics .pathetic.:D

posting a video that doesnt even address ANY of the facts in these two videos that prove there were multiple shooters.comedy gold.:D this troll expects people to watch HIS video but he wont look at the videos that OTHERS like myself post,what a fucking hypocrite.:cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j35UxRKDW-s]The Day The Dream Died JFK Conspiracy Documentary - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGBsDoaWO8o]Roger D Craig John F Kennedy 2 Men In Dallas. 1 of 5 - YouTube[/ame]

this paid troll freewill is a complete idiot in the fact he lied saying Cyril wecht who is the worlds best autopsy expert and has done over a thousand autopsys,lying about him saying he doesnt say the shot came from the front.he uses an INTERNET link to post his lies.

I am showing proof right here that this freewill is a fucking lying paid troll in the fact you get to hear it from wechts OWN MOUTH ,that the warren commisions expalnation is is b.s.

this guy is so muich a troll cause any serious researcher KNOWS wecht has said HUNDERDS of times over the years it was a shot from the FRONT.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXxZjoXf6eU]Warren Commission's Own Tests Prove CE 399 Didn't Hit Any Bone - YouTube[/ame]

agents rat in the ass,liar abilty,dawgshit and freewills handlers are obviously worried all this truth is being posted in the fact they have sent them here to post outright blantant lies like the latest and pathetic one of freewill trolls saying wecht endorces the warren commission as I just proved is complete bullshit as seen in the last two videos i posted.

freewill has been exposed for the lying fucking pathetic agent troll he is just like dawgshit,liar ability and rat in the ass.

which is no surprise since he has proven he is a fucking hypocrite posting videos expecting people to watch his yet the troll wont watch videos "I" post never talking about the facts in them.
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you trolls desmonstrate what dumbfucks you are in your ignorance on this subject obviously unaware that two leading pathologists at bethesda Dr's Boswell and Humes had NEVER done an autopsy involving gunshot wounds and yet dallas doctors at parkland were all very experienced in that regard and would have been easily the best people to have operated on him and to have tried to save the life of the president over those clowns at bethesda.yep, no conspiracy by the warren commission or our government there.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
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9/11 Whackjob: "I am not a raving loon! Everyone who disagrees with me is a paid government disinformation troll! Pay attention to me, goddammit! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Mommyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!"
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View Post Yesterday, 11:22 PM
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three farts in a row from the agent trolls.
Nice going, Whackjob. You look like you're arguing with yourself. Talk to yourself often?

"someone farted in here hurr hurr hurr" in 3...2...1...
I've looked at the film closely and here are some numbers which you can find yourself. The driver is looking at JFK before, during and immediately after the fatal shot. This is an anomaly of epic proportions if he didn't shoot Kennedy. He is driving the limo and manages to look at Kennedy a half second before the shot, at the moment, and right after in a moving car which he is driving. IT'S DNA IMPOSSIBLE.

And he lied about ever seeing Kennedy even though he was clearly looking at him twice in less than 2 seconds. He lied because he killed Kennedy and understood that that would raise questions as to why he didn't speed off after looking the first time.

He turns around the first time at 272. Kellerman turned before at 260 so they are both looking at jfk at the same time until 289. They are both clearly aware that at least Kennedy has been hit and what do they do...slow the limo down and finish Kennedy off at point blank range. Greer turns back straight at 289, they both look at each around 290-292 and they know at that moment they are gonna shoot the sitting duck in the back seat. Greer starts his second turn at 301-302 and is looking right at Greer by 304 and turns away and pulls the gun down by 318. There are 45 frames between 272-317 and Greer's looking at Kennedy in those critical moments for 30 of those frames.

Greer's lies are right up there with OJ Simpson. He was looking directly at Kennedy two seperate times. The first time at frame 272 and again at 302. The film proves many things and certainly proves Greer lied big time. THE FAKE REFLECTION RECOILS LIKE A GUN AND SEPARATES FROM KELLERMAN'S HEAD.

Mr. SPECTER - Were you able to see anything of President Kennedy as you glanced to the rear?
Mr. GREER - No, sir; I didn't see anything of the President, I didn't look, I wasn't far enough around to see the President.


I've looked at the film closely and here are some numbers which you can find yourself. The driver is looking at JFK before, during and immediately after the fatal shot. This is an anomaly of epic proportions if he didn't shoot Kennedy. He is driving the limo and manages to look at Kennedy a half second before the shot, at the moment, and right after in a moving car which he is driving. IT'S DNA IMPOSSIBLE.

And he lied about ever seeing Kennedy even though he was clearly looking at him twice in less than 2 seconds. He lied because he killed Kennedy and understood that that would raise questions as to why he didn't speed off after looking the first time.

He turns around the first time at 272. Kellerman turned before at 260 so they are both looking at jfk at the same time until 289. They are both clearly aware that at least Kennedy has been hit and what do they do...slow the limo down and finish Kennedy off at point blank range. Greer turns back straight at 289, they both look at each around 290-292 and they know at that moment they are gonna shoot the sitting duck in the back seat. Greer starts his second turn at 301-302 and is looking right at Greer by 304 and turns away and pulls the gun down by 318. There are 45 frames between 272-317 and Greer's looking at Kennedy in those critical moments for 30 of those frames.

Greer's lies are right up there with OJ Simpson. He was looking directly at Kennedy two seperate times. The first time at frame 272 and again at 302. The film proves many things and certainly proves Greer lied big time. THE FAKE REFLECTION RECOILS LIKE A GUN AND SEPARATES FROM KELLERMAN'S HEAD.

Mr. SPECTER - Were you able to see anything of President Kennedy as you glanced to the rear?
Mr. GREER - No, sir; I didn't see anything of the President, I didn't look, I wasn't far enough around to see the President.


delusional mans returns!
the still and the moving frames show that the "gun is a reflection on the heads of the driver and the bodyguard, In the spit second the driver turn to look a the president he (the pres) has already been shot at least once from behind..
the driver had no time time to draw and fire the gun and dispose of it....
which again poses the question if the driver was the shooter then everyone in the limo but Kennedy were in on it...
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I've looked at the film closely and here are some numbers which you can find yourself. The driver is looking at JFK before, during and immediately after the fatal shot. This is an anomaly of epic proportions if he didn't shoot Kennedy. He is driving the limo and manages to look at Kennedy a half second before the shot, at the moment, and right after in a moving car which he is driving. IT'S DNA IMPOSSIBLE.

And he lied about ever seeing Kennedy even though he was clearly looking at him twice in less than 2 seconds. He lied because he killed Kennedy and understood that that would raise questions as to why he didn't speed off after looking the first time.

He turns around the first time at 272. Kellerman turned before at 260 so they are both looking at jfk at the same time until 289. They are both clearly aware that at least Kennedy has been hit and what do they do...slow the limo down and finish Kennedy off at point blank range. Greer turns back straight at 289, they both look at each around 290-292 and they know at that moment they are gonna shoot the sitting duck in the back seat. Greer starts his second turn at 301-302 and is looking right at Greer by 304 and turns away and pulls the gun down by 318. There are 45 frames between 272-317 and Greer's looking at Kennedy in those critical moments for 30 of those frames.

Greer's lies are right up there with OJ Simpson. He was looking directly at Kennedy two seperate times. The first time at frame 272 and again at 302. The film proves many things and certainly proves Greer lied big time. THE FAKE REFLECTION RECOILS LIKE A GUN AND SEPARATES FROM KELLERMAN'S HEAD.

Mr. SPECTER - Were you able to see anything of President Kennedy as you glanced to the rear?
Mr. GREER - No, sir; I didn't see anything of the President, I didn't look, I wasn't far enough around to see the President.


delusional mans returns!
the still and the moving frames show that the "gun is a reflection on the heads of the driver and the bodyguard, In the spit second the driver turn to look a the president he (the pres) has already been shot at least once from behind..
the driver had no time time to draw and fire the gun and dispose of it....
which again poses the question if the driver was the shooter then everyone in the limo but Kennedy were in on it...

Actually, the conspiracy idiots think that everybody in Dealey Plaza was in on it except for the Kennedy's.

Rashomon to the Extreme

68 shooters and accomplices, yeah right. :cuckoo:

With all those shooters, it must have been a massacre that day. All those bullets from that many shooters. :eek:

By the way, I keep wondering why they keep leaving Jackie out of the conspiracy. She was the only one who had a reason to bump him off.
I've looked at the film closely and here are some numbers which you can find yourself. The driver is looking at JFK before, during and immediately after the fatal shot. This is an anomaly of epic proportions if he didn't shoot Kennedy. He is driving the limo and manages to look at Kennedy a half second before the shot, at the moment, and right after in a moving car which he is driving. IT'S DNA IMPOSSIBLE.

And he lied about ever seeing Kennedy even though he was clearly looking at him twice in less than 2 seconds. He lied because he killed Kennedy and understood that that would raise questions as to why he didn't speed off after looking the first time.

He turns around the first time at 272. Kellerman turned before at 260 so they are both looking at jfk at the same time until 289. They are both clearly aware that at least Kennedy has been hit and what do they do...slow the limo down and finish Kennedy off at point blank range. Greer turns back straight at 289, they both look at each around 290-292 and they know at that moment they are gonna shoot the sitting duck in the back seat. Greer starts his second turn at 301-302 and is looking right at Greer by 304 and turns away and pulls the gun down by 318. There are 45 frames between 272-317 and Greer's looking at Kennedy in those critical moments for 30 of those frames.

Greer's lies are right up there with OJ Simpson. He was looking directly at Kennedy two seperate times. The first time at frame 272 and again at 302. The film proves many things and certainly proves Greer lied big time. THE FAKE REFLECTION RECOILS LIKE A GUN AND SEPARATES FROM KELLERMAN'S HEAD.

Mr. SPECTER - Were you able to see anything of President Kennedy as you glanced to the rear?
Mr. GREER - No, sir; I didn't see anything of the President, I didn't look, I wasn't far enough around to see the President.


http://i889.photobucket.com/albums/ac98/G][/URL][/quote]delusional mans returns!
the still and the moving frames show that the "gun is a reflection on the heads of the driver and the bodyguard, In the spit second the driver turn to look a the president he (the pres) has already been shot at least once from behind..
the driver had no time time to draw and fire the gun and dispose of it....
which again poses the question if the driver was the shooter [B][SIZE="3"]then everyone in the limo but Kennedy were in on it.[/SIZE][/B]..[/QUOTE]

[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Actually, the conspiracy idiots think that everybody in Dealey Plaza was in on it except for the Kennedy's.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[url=http://dperry1943.com/rashomon.html]Rashomon to the Extreme[/url]

[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]68 shooters and accomplices, yeah right. :cuckoo:

With all those shooters, it must have been a massacre that day. All those bullets from that many shooters. :eek:

By the way, I keep wondering why they keep leaving Jackie out of the conspiracy. She was the only one who had a reason to bump him off.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] :D[/QUOTE]

Not me. I'm going with the shots and some witnesses to show that there were [B]5 or 6 shots[/B].

1. missed 160, likely intentionally.
2. hit jfk in throat through windshield 225.
3. Connally shot in back around 234 by his own admission after watching Zapruder.

It gets complicated here. I recently noticed that jfk was shot right before the headshot in the back, almost simultaneous. This is the best for when using the films.

That's two right there and maybe a dummie shot from the knoll, making three at the end.
delusional mans returns!
the still and the moving frames show that the "gun is a reflection on the heads of the driver and the bodyguard, In the spit second the driver turn to look a the president he (the pres) has already been shot at least once from behind..
the driver had no time time to draw and fire the gun and dispose of it....
which again poses the question if the driver was the shooter then everyone in the limo but Kennedy were in on it...

Actually, the conspiracy idiots think that everybody in Dealey Plaza was in on it except for the Kennedy's.

Rashomon to the Extreme

68 shooters and accomplices, yeah right. :cuckoo:

With all those shooters, it must have been a massacre that day. All those bullets from that many shooters. :eek:

By the way, I keep wondering why they keep leaving Jackie out of the conspiracy. She was the only one who had a reason to bump him off.

Not me. I'm going with the shots and some witnesses to show that there were 5 or 6 shots.

1. missed 160, likely intentionally.
2. hit jfk in throat through windshield 225.
3. Connally shot in back around 234 by his own admission after watching Zapruder.

It gets complicated here. I recently noticed that jfk was shot right before the headshot in the back, almost simultaneous. This is the best for when using the films.

That's two right there and maybe a dummie shot from the knoll, making three at the end.
the plot thins....
Actually, the conspiracy idiots think that everybody in Dealey Plaza was in on it except for the Kennedy's.

Rashomon to the Extreme

68 shooters and accomplices, yeah right. :cuckoo:

With all those shooters, it must have been a massacre that day. All those bullets from that many shooters. :eek:

By the way, I keep wondering why they keep leaving Jackie out of the conspiracy. She was the only one who had a reason to bump him off.

Not me. I'm going with the shots and some witnesses to show that there were 5 or 6 shots.

1. missed 160, likely intentionally.
2. hit jfk in throat through windshield 225.
3. Connally shot in back around 234 by his own admission after watching Zapruder.

It gets complicated here. I recently noticed that jfk was shot right before the headshot in the back, almost simultaneous. This is the best for when using the films.

That's two right there and maybe a dummie shot from the knoll, making three at the end.
the plot thins....


It's like the rancid movie, "JFK." It started off laughably and ended up even worse.

The plot sickens.

This just in:

President Kennedy was murdered by a lone assassin.
Not me. I'm going with the shots and some witnesses to show that there were 5 or 6 shots.

1. missed 160, likely intentionally.
2. hit jfk in throat through windshield 225.
3. Connally shot in back around 234 by his own admission after watching Zapruder.

It gets complicated here. I recently noticed that jfk was shot right before the headshot in the back, almost simultaneous. This is the best for when using the films.

That's two right there and maybe a dummie shot from the knoll, making three at the end.
the plot thins....


It's like the rancid movie, "JFK." It started off laughably and ended up even worse.

The plot sickens.

This just in:

President Kennedy was murdered by a lone assassin.

His name was Bill Greer, fired the one and only headshot directly into the right forehead.

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