Even The Healthy Can't Buy Insurance


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
State of Disgust!
Uh oh. Obamacare sucks even worse that we thought.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans thinking about buying health insurance on their own later this year, or maybe switching to a different insurer, are probably out of luck. The policies are going off the market as a little-noticed consequence of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

Even the healthy locked out of 2014 policies now
With limited exceptions, insurance companies have stopped selling until next year the sorts of individual plans that used to be available year-round. That locks out many of the young and healthy as well as the sick and injured, even those who can afford to buy without government subsidies.
"Now they're stuck," said Bonnie Milani, an independent insurance broker in Los Angeles, who says she warned her customers last year that the change was coming. "It just closes everything down."

LOL. We tried to warn y'all but you wouldn't listen. What a jumbled mess of red tape and inefficiencies. I feel sorry for the folks stuck in Obamacare quicksand.
Of course this is happening. If not, people would wait until they were sick or hurt then buy insurance. Only an idiot didn't see this coming.

There are exceptions (new baby, loss of job, new job, moving, etc) where you can get new insurance whenever but for the most part, open enrollment is once a year. Just like in companies.
A Co-worker who has back problems decided to get Obamacare for himself and his son. He got it, and needed an MRI...........

He went around the area and couldn't find anyone willing to accept his Silver Plan for a back MRI...........When he finally found one they wanted $3,000 up front to pay for the procedure. He finally was offered a $600 up front payment and $100 a month payment for 2 years to get the procedure needed............

He was disgusted.........As he paid out the ASS for the ASS Parties Health Care only to find out that he couldn't get service at a place of his choice, and then it basically didn't cover the procedure as Obamacare is a High Deductible Catastrophic policy.
My family rates went up so high that we had to drop coverage. Which I've posted before on these boards.

Am I supposed to thank these Ass Party people for that.........

I don't think so.
My family rates went up so high that we had to drop coverage. Which I've posted before on these boards.

Am I supposed to thank these Ass Party people for that.........

I don't think so.

According to Harry Reid, you're nuthin' but a stinkin' liar. Even if you're telling the truth and nothing but the truth you're still a liar. It's the left's final form of argumentation -- call people names. Nothing new under the sun.

Sorry you're having problems. We American taxpayers just keep getting more straw piled on our backs. Sooner or later our backs are going to break and we'll literally fight back because we won't have anything else to lose.
Mods: Please move this thread to the appropriate forum. I just noticed the guidelines and see that this forum is for information only and not ranting. Although I did provide some pertinent information I am also ranting. My bad!
Another misleading article and what a bunch of dumb insurance brokers cited in that article.

Outside of the normal enrollment period, people can buy underwritten short term health insurance plans that will carry them over to the next enrollment period.
Another misleading article and what a bunch of dumb insurance brokers cited in that article.

Outside of the normal enrollment period, people can buy underwritten short term health insurance plans that will carry them over to the next enrollment period.

I'm sure they're just lying. Harry would be proud of you.

You are aware that MSN is reporting the story? A bastion of the liberal left?
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I'm not an obamacare fan, but my wife sells health insurance for a living. So I know what I am talking about.

Right now people can by short term underwritten health insurance plans that will carry them over to the next enrollment period in November.
I'm not an obamacare fan, but my wife sells health insurance for a living. So I know what I am talking about.

Right now people can by short term underwritten health insurance plans that will carry them over to the next enrollment period in November.

Something like Cobra? What do these short term plans cost? I lost a job once and was offered to use Cobra temporarily. It was so high priced that I simply went without until I found another job.
I'm not an obamacare fan, but my wife sells health insurance for a living. So I know what I am talking about.

Right now people can by short term underwritten health insurance plans that will carry them over to the next enrollment period in November.

Something like Cobra? What do these short term plans cost? I lost a job once and was offered to use Cobra temporarily. It was so high priced that I simply went without until I found another job.

It's just a short term underwritten health plan. They cost less and are very similar to what was available before ACA kicked in. No maternity or essential benefits coverage among a few things.
I'm not an obamacare fan, but my wife sells health insurance for a living. So I know what I am talking about.

Right now people can by short term underwritten health insurance plans that will carry them over to the next enrollment period in November.

Something like Cobra? What do these short term plans cost? I lost a job once and was offered to use Cobra temporarily. It was so high priced that I simply went without until I found another job.

It's just a short term underwritten health plan. They cost less and are very similar to what was available before ACA kicked in. No maternity or essential benefits coverage among a few things.

They cost less that what? I'm not trying to argue. I'm sincerely interested. They cost less than Cobra or they cost less than the mandated insurance plans? If they cost less than mandated plans and they only cover essential medical care then perhaps folks could simply buy those plans perpetually instead of buying Obamacare plans that cover "medical" care that folks don't really want. Is that possible?
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I'm not an obamacare fan, but my wife sells health insurance for a living. So I know what I am talking about.

Right now people can by short term underwritten health insurance plans that will carry them over to the next enrollment period in November.

Something like Cobra? What do these short term plans cost? I lost a job once and was offered to use Cobra temporarily. It was so high priced that I simply went without until I found another job.

It's just a short term underwritten health plan. They cost less and are very similar to what was available before ACA kicked in. No maternity or essential benefits coverage among a few things.

Cost less than what? Do they cover pre-existing conditions? If they don't cover the 10 essentials they are junk plans according to the obama. If they don't cover the 10 essentials they are not (un)aca compliant ... I bet the people who buy these plans still get whacked with the penalty tax.
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I'm not an obamacare fan, but my wife sells health insurance for a living. So I know what I am talking about.

Right now people can by short term underwritten health insurance plans that will carry them over to the next enrollment period in November.

Correct. Long before Obamacare insurance companies had an enrollment window starting Oct 1st, usually to coincide with the Medicare enrollment period.

It's no different now, except the plan's named after some niggrah in the White House.
LOL. We tried to warn y'all but you wouldn't listen. What a jumbled mess of red tape and inefficiencies. I feel sorry for the folks stuck in Obamacare quicksand.

People who get insurance through their jobs have long had annual open enrollment periods to take up or change their coverage.

The difference is that now people in the individual market have one, as well. Helps keep people from waiting until they get sick to sign up for coverage.
I'm not an obamacare fan, but my wife sells health insurance for a living. So I know what I am talking about.

Right now people can by short term underwritten health insurance plans that will carry them over to the next enrollment period in November.

Something like Cobra? What do these short term plans cost? I lost a job once and was offered to use Cobra temporarily. It was so high priced that I simply went without until I found another job.

It's just a short term underwritten health plan. They cost less and are very similar to what was available before ACA kicked in. No maternity or essential benefits coverage among a few things.

What are essential benefits coverage?
Something like Cobra? What do these short term plans cost? I lost a job once and was offered to use Cobra temporarily. It was so high priced that I simply went without until I found another job.

It's just a short term underwritten health plan. They cost less and are very similar to what was available before ACA kicked in. No maternity or essential benefits coverage among a few things.

What are essential benefits coverage?

Just type essential benefits coverage in Google. I don't have enough posts yet so this forum won't let me post links.

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Let us get real here. The ACA or Obama Care is nothing more than a gigantic ponzi scheme, with deductibles and premiums so high you just as well insure your self, because in essence, that is what you are doing on Obama Care. Fact is, most who have signed up are getting their health care for free the remainder are said to be new members of medicare. I saw where recent estimates say less than 1 % of those who have signed up have even paid their first premium yet. All of these claims and numbers are very murky and convoluted. Worse yet the really bad news about this law is just down the road a bit. The good news is that the Democrats own this entire train wreck and it will become the albatross around their necks for decades to come, unless Obama Care is repealed, but Obama will veto any attempt to do that. What absolutely amazes me is that the original intention of this law as I understood it, was to provide health care coverage for the 30 million or so uninsured Americans, now we hear that even after Obama Care is fully implemented over 50 million may be uninsured and that this number may even go up. So, what exactly did this new law accomplish except screwing up everyone's else's health care insurance? I can answer that, it is about money and power, politics and corruption, progressive socialism and control of one sixth of our economy.
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