Even The Healthy Can't Buy Insurance

They cost less that what? I'm not trying to argue. I'm sincerely interested. They cost less than Cobra or they cost less than the mandated insurance plans? If they cost less than mandated plans and they only cover essential medical care then perhaps folks could simply buy those plans perpetually instead of buying Obamacare plans that cover "medical" care that folks don't really want. Is that possible?

They cost less than the mandated insurance plans. Just like the pre-aca plans they don't have to cover pre-existing conditions or a list of essential benefits. People can purchase a critical illness/major medical plan rider to cover pre-existing conditions if they want, but it's not mandatory.

Because these types of plans are are not ACA compliant, a person would be subject to the penalty if they tried to buy those plans perpetually.
LOL. We tried to warn y'all but you wouldn't listen. What a jumbled mess of red tape and inefficiencies. I feel sorry for the folks stuck in Obamacare quicksand.

People who get insurance through their jobs have long had annual open enrollment periods to take up or change their coverage.

The difference is that now people in the individual market have one, as well. Helps keep people from waiting until they get sick to sign up for coverage.

You nailed it GB! That's been the plan all along. The insurance companies want us all in the same 'pool' so they can piss on us more efficiently.
Another misleading article and what a bunch of dumb insurance brokers cited in that article.

Outside of the normal enrollment period, people can buy underwritten short term health insurance plans that will carry them over to the next enrollment period.

That do not cover ANY pre-existing conditions, nor do they keep you from getting fined.
I'm not an obamacare fan, but my wife sells health insurance for a living. So I know what I am talking about.

Right now people can by short term underwritten health insurance plans that will carry them over to the next enrollment period in November.

Correct. Long before Obamacare insurance companies had an enrollment window starting Oct 1st, usually to coincide with the Medicare enrollment period.

It's no different now, except the plan's named after some niggrah in the White House.

Sorry, no.

You could buy at ANY TIME during the year before this last Jan 1st.
The federal and state class action lawsuits have yet to start. State AGs can be ignored as partisan but class action suits based on discrimination: racial, gender based, denial of care and the rest; violation of anti-trust laws, and many other basis really can't start until June or maybe even September. Whether the target is Sacramento or DC Obamacare is creating a target rich environment for lawyers. Some of those lawsuits will stick and will lead to cascading changes.
Uh oh. Obamacare sucks even worse that we thought.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans thinking about buying health insurance on their own later this year, or maybe switching to a different insurer, are probably out of luck. The policies are going off the market as a little-noticed consequence of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

Even the healthy locked out of 2014 policies now
With limited exceptions, insurance companies have stopped selling until next year the sorts of individual plans that used to be available year-round. That locks out many of the young and healthy as well as the sick and injured, even those who can afford to buy without government subsidies.
"Now they're stuck," said Bonnie Milani, an independent insurance broker in Los Angeles, who says she warned her customers last year that the change was coming. "It just closes everything down."

LOL. We tried to warn y'all but you wouldn't listen. What a jumbled mess of red tape and inefficiencies. I feel sorry for the folks stuck in Obamacare quicksand.

heres what I notice with republicans who went to their health care provider after they got the notice in the mail that their health care will be canceled January 1,2014 ... they were told call in for a new plan ... they got fucked royally by their provider ... not fully understand why...

here's why they got fucked ... they called their provider, example Blue cross blue sheild (BCBS ), and BCBS gave them a price and they lost their minds on the cost... here's what they didn't do ...they didn't go through the state Obama care web site or they didn't call in to state Obama care call in center to find out if they got a subsidy or not ... a lot of these expensive plans they got were do to them not going through the state Obama care web site ...

I've asked many of these people here and friends, did they go through the state Obama care web site... they all said no because they didn't want their private information leaked out ... I asked them well then did you call in to the state Obama care center, they said they didn't want their private information to leak out .... never mind the fact, that the same information, that they gave to their provider is the same information the state Obama care center were asking them for, they were afraid because of republicans scaring them over a leak of information ... so far it hasn't happen ... so all I can say to these whiners over the cost, if you don't want to use the state Obama care web site or call in, then that's to bad for you... pay your high cost instead ...
The federal and state class action lawsuits have yet to start. State AGs can be ignored as partisan but class action suits based on discrimination: racial, gender based, denial of care and the rest; violation of anti-trust laws, and many other basis really can't start until June or maybe even September. Whether the target is Sacramento or DC Obamacare is creating a target rich environment for lawyers. Some of those lawsuits will stick and will lead to cascading changes.

boy are you shooting for the moon federal and state class action lawsuits thats funny
Uh oh. Obamacare sucks even worse that we thought.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans thinking about buying health insurance on their own later this year, or maybe switching to a different insurer, are probably out of luck. The policies are going off the market as a little-noticed consequence of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

Even the healthy locked out of 2014 policies now
With limited exceptions, insurance companies have stopped selling until next year the sorts of individual plans that used to be available year-round. That locks out many of the young and healthy as well as the sick and injured, even those who can afford to buy without government subsidies.
"Now they're stuck," said Bonnie Milani, an independent insurance broker in Los Angeles, who says she warned her customers last year that the change was coming. "It just closes everything down."

LOL. We tried to warn y'all but you wouldn't listen. What a jumbled mess of red tape and inefficiencies. I feel sorry for the folks stuck in Obamacare quicksand.

Don't believe your OP for a second.

However, everyone has had plenty of time, and a person of accountability, I would say to those who waited until too late, "well, bad on you, homey."
Let us get real here. The ACA or Obama Care is nothing more than a gigantic ponzi scheme, with deductibles and premiums so high you just as well insure your self, because in essence, that is what you are doing on Obama Care. Fact is, most who have signed up are getting their health care for free the remainder are said to be new members of medicare. I saw where recent estimates say less than 1 % of those who have signed up have even paid their first premium yet. All of these claims and numbers are very murky and convoluted. Worse yet the really bad news about this law is just down the road a bit. The good news is that the Democrats own this entire train wreck and it will become the albatross around their necks for decades to come, unless Obama Care is repealed, but Obama will veto any attempt to do that. What absolutely amazes me is that the original intention of this law as I understood it, was to provide health care coverage for the 30 million or so uninsured Americans, now we hear that even after Obama Care is fully implemented over 50 million may be uninsured and that this number may even go up. So, what exactly did this new law accomplish except screwing up everyone's else's health care insurance? I can answer that, it is about money and power, politics and corruption, progressive socialism and control of one sixth of our economy.

Great post. I would be willing to bet BIG money that politicians on both sides of the aisle (the ones that voted for the bill, that is) invested in "the exchanges" before the bill was passed or shortly thereafter. Bing "The Commonwealth Fund." There's a lot to read about this emerging "fund" but I have a feeling that a lot of folks are "banking" on the idea that it will do well. I hope it totally flops.

There's still a lot I don't know about this fund as I just discovered information about it this morning. Perhaps someone can educate me.
Uh oh. Obamacare sucks even worse that we thought.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans thinking about buying health insurance on their own later this year, or maybe switching to a different insurer, are probably out of luck. The policies are going off the market as a little-noticed consequence of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

Even the healthy locked out of 2014 policies now
With limited exceptions, insurance companies have stopped selling until next year the sorts of individual plans that used to be available year-round. That locks out many of the young and healthy as well as the sick and injured, even those who can afford to buy without government subsidies.
"Now they're stuck," said Bonnie Milani, an independent insurance broker in Los Angeles, who says she warned her customers last year that the change was coming. "It just closes everything down."

LOL. We tried to warn y'all but you wouldn't listen. What a jumbled mess of red tape and inefficiencies. I feel sorry for the folks stuck in Obamacare quicksand.

heres what I notice with republicans who went to their health care provider after they got the notice in the mail that their health care will be canceled January 1,2014 ... they were told call in for a new plan ... they got fucked royally by their provider ... not fully understand why...

here's why they got fucked ... they called their provider, example Blue cross blue sheild (BCBS ), and BCBS gave them a price and they lost their minds on the cost... here's what they didn't do ...they didn't go through the state Obama care web site or they didn't call in to state Obama care call in center to find out if they got a subsidy or not ... a lot of these expensive plans they got were do to them not going through the state Obama care web site ...

I've asked many of these people here and friends, did they go through the state Obama care web site... they all said no because they didn't want their private information leaked out ... I asked them well then did you call in to the state Obama care center, they said they didn't want their private information to leak out .... never mind the fact, that the same information, that they gave to their provider is the same information the state Obama care center were asking them for, they were afraid because of republicans scaring them over a leak of information ... so far it hasn't happen ... so all I can say to these whiners over the cost, if you don't want to use the state Obama care web site or call in, then that's to bad for you... pay your high cost instead ...

Who pays the subsidies? Where does that money come from? Is it just printed out of thin air or is there a tax hike implemented? Money doesn't grow on trees. The bottom line is that the folks getting the subsidies will end up paying for them in a roundabout way. Unless China or the World Bank is willing to loan the US some more money.
Uh oh. Obamacare sucks even worse that we thought.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans thinking about buying health insurance on their own later this year, or maybe switching to a different insurer, are probably out of luck. The policies are going off the market as a little-noticed consequence of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

Even the healthy locked out of 2014 policies now
With limited exceptions, insurance companies have stopped selling until next year the sorts of individual plans that used to be available year-round. That locks out many of the young and healthy as well as the sick and injured, even those who can afford to buy without government subsidies.
"Now they're stuck," said Bonnie Milani, an independent insurance broker in Los Angeles, who says she warned her customers last year that the change was coming. "It just closes everything down."

LOL. We tried to warn y'all but you wouldn't listen. What a jumbled mess of red tape and inefficiencies. I feel sorry for the folks stuck in Obamacare quicksand.

Don't believe your OP for a second.

However, everyone has had plenty of time, and a person of accountability, I would say to those who waited until too late, "well, bad on you, homey."[/QUOTE]
Does your statement indicate that there are folks who WON'T be able to get insured?
That do not cover ANY pre-existing conditions, nor do they keep you from getting fined.

To get pre-existing conditions covered you have to add a critical illness rider to the insurance plan. As long a person converts the short term plan to regular insurance plan there is no fine.

90 days is the benchmark for the fine, 90 days in any combination.
Uh oh. Obamacare sucks even worse that we thought.

Even the healthy locked out of 2014 policies now

LOL. We tried to warn y'all but you wouldn't listen. What a jumbled mess of red tape and inefficiencies. I feel sorry for the folks stuck in Obamacare quicksand.

heres what I notice with republicans who went to their health care provider after they got the notice in the mail that their health care will be canceled January 1,2014 ... they were told call in for a new plan ... they got fucked royally by their provider ... not fully understand why...

here's why they got fucked ... they called their provider, example Blue cross blue sheild (BCBS ), and BCBS gave them a price and they lost their minds on the cost... here's what they didn't do ...they didn't go through the state Obama care web site or they didn't call in to state Obama care call in center to find out if they got a subsidy or not ... a lot of these expensive plans they got were do to them not going through the state Obama care web site ...

I've asked many of these people here and friends, did they go through the state Obama care web site... they all said no because they didn't want their private information leaked out ... I asked them well then did you call in to the state Obama care center, they said they didn't want their private information to leak out .... never mind the fact, that the same information, that they gave to their provider is the same information the state Obama care center were asking them for, they were afraid because of republicans scaring them over a leak of information ... so far it hasn't happen ... so all I can say to these whiners over the cost, if you don't want to use the state Obama care web site or call in, then that's to bad for you... pay your high cost instead ...

Who pays the subsidies? Where does that money come from? Is it just printed out of thin air or is there a tax hike implemented? Money doesn't grow on trees. The bottom line is that the folks getting the subsidies will end up paying for them in a roundabout way. Unless China or the World Bank is willing to loan the US some more money.

did ya bother to read the damn ACA bill ??? or do you just ramble on and on a say stupid shit... go read how they get the money to pay for subsidies ... I could tell you but you would say oh no they don't ... so do some god damn research for once in your life ... the majority of the subsidies are come from drug companies and medical equipment companies the rest comes from people who make over 120,000 a year
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heres what I notice with republicans who went to their health care provider after they got the notice in the mail that their health care will be canceled January 1,2014 ... they were told call in for a new plan ... they got fucked royally by their provider ... not fully understand why...

here's why they got fucked ... they called their provider, example Blue cross blue sheild (BCBS ), and BCBS gave them a price and they lost their minds on the cost... here's what they didn't do ...they didn't go through the state Obama care web site or they didn't call in to state Obama care call in center to find out if they got a subsidy or not ... a lot of these expensive plans they got were do to them not going through the state Obama care web site ...

I've asked many of these people here and friends, did they go through the state Obama care web site... they all said no because they didn't want their private information leaked out ... I asked them well then did you call in to the state Obama care center, they said they didn't want their private information to leak out .... never mind the fact, that the same information, that they gave to their provider is the same information the state Obama care center were asking them for, they were afraid because of republicans scaring them over a leak of information ... so far it hasn't happen ... so all I can say to these whiners over the cost, if you don't want to use the state Obama care web site or call in, then that's to bad for you... pay your high cost instead ...

Who pays the subsidies? Where does that money come from? Is it just printed out of thin air or is there a tax hike implemented? Money doesn't grow on trees. The bottom line is that the folks getting the subsidies will end up paying for them in a roundabout way. Unless China or the World Bank is willing to loan the US some more money.

did ya bother to read the damn ACA bill ??? or do you just ramble on and on a say stupid shit... go read how they get the money to pay for subsidies ... I could tell you but you would say oh no they don't ... so do some god damn research for once in your life ... the majority of the subsidies are come from drug companies and medical equipment companies the rest comes from people who make over 120,000 a year

Even Nancy Pelosi didn't "read the damn bill." Remember?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV-05TLiiLU]Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" - YouTube[/ame]

LOLOL. Have YOU read the bill? Do you have any clue how many pages there are in it?
1,147,271 Words of Obamacare Regulations Published So Far—270% as Long as the Text of the Statute.
1,147,271 Words of Obamacare Regulations Published So Far?270% as Long as the Text of the Statute. | Obamacare Watcher

And that was in 2011. Who knows how many words there are now. There are more than 2000 pages (so far).
Just because it's longer than "Gone with the Wind" by a considerable margin doesn't mean he hasn't read it. Martin Luther read the Bible cover to cover twice a year but then that is a much easier read.

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