Even When Times Are Tough Keep Socialism as Your North Star, Though Building fully socialist society takes long time, we should never lose sight of it

Definition? What do you mean?
I just looked it up. All I found was anti-semitic conspiracy theory stuff. Is that what you're referring to? If so, piss off. I'd like to have a serious discussion about politics, not a Trumpster circle-jerk.
Using a Plural With a Singular Antecedent Puts You in a Collectivist Mindset
/------/ Using a Plural With a Singular Antecedent. One of my pet peeves. The OP also could use some punctuation. No one will take you seriously if you write like a functional illiterate.
If human beings were selfless angels, capitalism would be vastly less objectionable

But we’re not angels. So we need to be socialists instead

/---/ Your public school education is showing. Learn how to construct a grammatically correct sentence with proper punctuation if you want to be taken seriously.
Secondly, and to your point, Capitalism is free for all to partake in. Socialism has to be forced on people with threats and government overreach.
The challenges of a command economy are well understood. No managed system can match the efficiency or, frankly, the justice of a free market. But that's not why I reject socialism. Even if you could devise a state-run system that perfectly measured and balanced the needs of all participants in the economy, I still believe that that kind of control is an abuse of state power. It's not necessary for the state to dictate our economic decisions and doing so is utterly incompatible with individual liberty. Which is why leftists now openly despise individual liberty.
It's an old argument -- on the one hand, there are those who believe a pure free market is best, even if it resulted in 99% of the population living in abject poverty. Then there are those who point out that it's the free market that has lifted us out of poverty, and command economies which keep people in poverty, although also relatively equal. (When I visited Cuba about 20 years ago, I was somewhat surprised to find no one who thought their economic system was the right one for Cuba. Even the Havana U. Dept of Economics doesn't think so. Even Fidel admitted it.)

Fortunately, freedom is not just good in principle, but also in practice.

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