Every time the socialists give examples of successful socialist countries....


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Every time too, they never ever ever bring up those shit holes in Africa, South America, or....other countries that consist of mainly brown people.

Want proof?

Start a thread asking what evidence they have that socialism is a success. Plesse remember, all of these fuckers are committed socialists/communists. We prove it every day. My thread about them always defending communism while they deny they are communists is proof of that.

So, lets now discuss why the racist left wingers (who use all minorities for political gain,)who would never allow anyone from those shit holes live in their elitist neighborhoods, only bring up countries with a higher density of whites than here as examples of successful socialist countries.

They sure are fucking racists arent they. Big fat hypocritical racists.
My thread about them always defending communism while they deny they are communists is proof of that.

I am a socialist comrade (evil commie if you like) and I've never denied it so I'd say your 'proof' is just a fake as your orange hero.

But if you're referring to the so called 'left wing' of the exceptional empire (indoctrinated Hillary zombies) then you might be right. I wouldn't call democrats left wing though since left and right has to do with class warfare and democrats have done nothing for the working class since FDR, they're just as much in the pockets of big business as the republicans
So, lets now discuss why the racist left wingers (who use all minorities for political gain,)who would never allow anyone from those shit holes live in their elitist neighborhoods, only bring up countries with a higher density of whites than here as examples of successful socialist countries.



My thread about them always defending communism while they deny they are communists is proof of that.

I am a socialist comrade (evil commie if you like) and I've never denied it so I'd say your 'proof' is just a fake as your orange hero.

But if you're referring to the so called 'left wing' of the exceptional empire (indoctrinated Hillary zombies) then you might be right. I wouldn't call democrats left wing though since left and right has to do with class warfare and democrats have done nothing for the working class since FDR, they're just as much in the pockets of big business as the republicans
So, lets now discuss why the racist left wingers (who use all minorities for political gain,)who would never allow anyone from those shit holes live in their elitist neighborhoods, only bring up countries with a higher density of whites than here as examples of successful socialist countries.



You are amazing. You think you made any sort of fucking point moron?

Is this fucking moron putting a picture up of fidel castro as an example of a socialist success? Socialist?
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You are amazing. You think made any sort of fucking point moron?

Considering your fucking outrage I'd say I scored a point
Is this fucking moron putting a picture up of fidel castro as an example of a socialist success? Socialist?

Or communist succes if you want. One thing is for sure, life for the Cuban people has certainly improved since Fidel removed the CIA dictator puppet from power

You are amazing. You think made any sort of fucking point moron?

Considering your fucking outrage I'd say I scored a point
Is this fucking moron putting a picture up of fidel castro as an example of a socialist success? Socialist?

Or communist succes if you want. One thing is for sure, life for the Cuban people has certainly improved since Fidel removed the CIA dictator puppet from power

This stupid ignorant fuck is actually saying cuba is a success story. Not worth one second of my time.

I love it when rich left wingers, who have no clue about anything, pretend they could live in a commie shit hole like Cuba, but never move there.

Boy, there sure are a lot of reports of Americans trying to escape American tyranny to float down to Cuba on leaky boats.....Ooooops. Not one report of that. Ever. Yet you bring up Cuba as a success like a fucking deranged know it all fuck. You then giggle like you are making some legit point.

You pathetic loser.
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Cubans coming to America, cause things sure are great down there for them.






No reports of Americans trying to float down to Cuba though. Don't you love it when rich elitist left wing trust fund losers who never worked one fucking day in their lives act like they understand the plight of the poor?
Life for Cubans has improved under Castro. Really?:

Again, Cuba before Castro, the Cubans didn't even own their own country. 75% of the land was owned by foreign interests.

that's why they revolted.

I believe that there is no country in the world, including the African regions, including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country’s policies during the Batista regime. I believe that we created, built and manufactured the Castro movement out of whole cloth and without realizing it. I believe that the accumulation of these mistakes has jeopardized all of Latin America. The great aim of the Alliance for Progress is to reverse this unfortunate policy. This is one of the most, if not the most, important problems in America foreign policy. I can assure you that I have understood the Cubans. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption. I will go even further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries.—U.S. President John F. Kennedy, interview with Jean Daniel, 24 October 1963[30]
Every time too, they never ever ever bring up those shit holes in Africa, South America, or....other countries that consist of mainly brown people.

Want proof?

Start a thread asking what evidence they have that socialism is a success. Plesse remember, all of these fuckers are committed socialists/communists. We prove it every day. My thread about them always defending communism while they deny they are communists is proof of that.

So, lets now discuss why the racist left wingers (who use all minorities for political gain,)who would never allow anyone from those shit holes live in their elitist neighborhoods, only bring up countries with a higher density of whites than here as examples of successful socialist countries.

They sure are fucking racists arent they. Big fat hypocritical racists.
China is not full of white people, they are light in skin tone and that is what white is....White is not a race dipshit and countries in South America and many parts of Africa have had no success no matter which form of govt. they put in place. It's not the system it's the people in charge..
Every time too, they never ever ever bring up those shit holes in Africa, South America, or....other countries that consist of mainly brown people.

Want proof?

Start a thread asking what evidence they have that socialism is a success. Plesse remember, all of these fuckers are committed socialists/communists. We prove it every day. My thread about them always defending communism while they deny they are communists is proof of that.

So, lets now discuss why the racist left wingers (who use all minorities for political gain,)who would never allow anyone from those shit holes live in their elitist neighborhoods, only bring up countries with a higher density of whites than here as examples of successful socialist countries.

They sure are fucking racists arent they. Big fat hypocritical racists.
China is not full of white people, they are light in skin tone and that is what white is....White is not a race dipshit and countries in South America and many parts of Africa have had no success no matter which form of govt. they put in place. It's not the system it's the people in charge..
Every time too, they never ever ever bring up those shit holes in Africa, South America, or....other countries that consist of mainly brown people.

Want proof?

Start a thread asking what evidence they have that socialism is a success. Plesse remember, all of these fuckers are committed socialists/communists. We prove it every day. My thread about them always defending communism while they deny they are communists is proof of that.

So, lets now discuss why the racist left wingers (who use all minorities for political gain,)who would never allow anyone from those shit holes live in their elitist neighborhoods, only bring up countries with a higher density of whites than here as examples of successful socialist countries.

They sure are fucking racists arent they. Big fat hypocritical racists.
China is not full of white people, they are light in skin tone and that is what white is....White is not a race dipshit and countries in South America and many parts of Africa have had no success no matter which form of govt. they put in place. It's not the system it's the people in charge..
Is that the only retord you couldn't think of?
Every time too, they never ever ever bring up those shit holes in Africa, South America, or....other countries that consist of mainly brown people.

Want proof?

Start a thread asking what evidence they have that socialism is a success. Plesse remember, all of these fuckers are committed socialists/communists. We prove it every day. My thread about them always defending communism while they deny they are communists is proof of that.

So, lets now discuss why the racist left wingers (who use all minorities for political gain,)who would never allow anyone from those shit holes live in their elitist neighborhoods, only bring up countries with a higher density of whites than here as examples of successful socialist countries.

They sure are fucking racists arent they. Big fat hypocritical racists.
China is not full of white people, they are light in skin tone and that is what white is....White is not a race dipshit and countries in South America and many parts of Africa have had no success no matter which form of govt. they put in place. It's not the system it's the people in charge..
Is that the only retord you couldn't think of?
Just look at forbes list of top countries best for business. They're all more socialized than USA.

Or you could just look at socialism right here. The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge.
It goes on with police, fire, highways, roads, CIA, FBI, and whatever else isnt privatized.
Every time too, they never ever ever bring up those shit holes in Africa, South America, or....other countries that consist of mainly brown people.

Want proof?

Start a thread asking what evidence they have that socialism is a success. Plesse remember, all of these fuckers are committed socialists/communists. We prove it every day. My thread about them always defending communism while they deny they are communists is proof of that.

So, lets now discuss why the racist left wingers (who use all minorities for political gain,)who would never allow anyone from those shit holes live in their elitist neighborhoods, only bring up countries with a higher density of whites than here as examples of successful socialist countries.

They sure are fucking racists arent they. Big fat hypocritical racists.

Why are people like you stuck with mentioning Venezuela or Cuba any time you need to demonize socialism?
Just look at forbes list of top countries best for business. They're all more socialized than USA.

Or you could just look at socialism right here. The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge.
It goes on with police, fire, highways, roads, CIA, FBI, and whatever else isnt privatized.
This one proved me right......again.

Whats that list of countries. Any of them from the shit hole continents?


Is Venezuela on that list in Forbes?


Oh, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands?

You are amazing. You think made any sort of fucking point moron?

Considering your fucking outrage I'd say I scored a point
Is this fucking moron putting a picture up of fidel castro as an example of a socialist success? Socialist?

Or communist succes if you want. One thing is for sure, life for the Cuban people has certainly improved since Fidel removed the CIA dictator puppet from power

You'd say it but you'd be lying.
This stupid ignorant fuck is actually saying cuba is a success story. Not worth one second of my time.

And yet you spend a lot of seconds denying the successes of Fidel and his revolution....
Boy, there sure are a lot of reports of Americans trying to escape American tyranny to float down to Cuba on leaky boats.....Ooooops. Not one report of that. Ever. Yet you bring up Cuba as a success like a fucking deranged know it all fuck. You then giggle like you are making some legit point.

You pathetic loser.

Did you know the Cuban people have free socialist healthcare while your beloved capitalist 'free' market system produces things like this

Video shows patient left at cold bus stop at night, wearing only a hospital gown - CNN


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