Everyone should have a problem with this proposed legislation


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Not that we have any cash, check or any other form of currency or anything of value other than the property we live which isn't worth much in its present state on but the fact is that if we did and I desired to travel with cash, check, card or whatever, it should not be any of the government's business based on their fear of terrorist to regulate what money I keep privately to myself for my own use whether in a bank, a savings account, credit card or buried in the back yard.

I was called a terrorist by the crooked bankers who robbed my business account through deception, fraud and fake paperwork that they created. For many years Chuck Grassley's people would not let me talk to him or anyone else in that office as I pleaded for help against the tyranny which the bank and their henchmen were perpetrating on us to coverup their fraud and counterfeiting. After years when I finally did get a call from Grassley he was extremely rude and didn't want to hear the truth about what happened. All he could do was make a statement about my parents making some money off of selling the land which I had started a mining operation on. I got nothing from that sale my parents made of that property. Yes after six years and the Iowa Supreme Court going along with the lower court's altered certified court transcripts and leaving out a critical word of my original response to the court along with the bank's fraud and everything else that was being done to us here my parents determined that a large portion of their life savings was at risk here in Iowa. Here in Iowa some people do whatever they want, steal whatever they desire, make up whatever scenario they believe people will buy into, slander people they desire to trash with the most absurd crap anyone can imagine and no one does a f'ing thing to stop them. After all of the equipment sabotage, the bank committed fraud, the court assisting in covering up all of that illegal activity, neighbors making up erroneous deeds on our property and the bank holding notes on the neighbors bogus deeds (the bank claimed their assets were at risk so they had the right to go after me personal and Rod too on a corporate loan), the utility lines and pipeline with their connections to the erroneous deeds and the banks taking advantage where they could and all the others who did whatever they desired to help wipe us out why would my parents try to keep the property I had asked them to protect because I did not have the means at that point to do it myself? If the old Republican Party lackies keep their corrupt bullshit going of protecting corporate thieves robbing the people, mafia types and nazi or communist type thugs who willingly destroy private enterprise and the peoples God Given rights they need to be castrated like the Democrats or worse even.

As I searched over the years of who did what, where, when, how and why I learned that the crooked banks were telling everyone they were making billions via their creative accounting. Those same banksters were attempting to tap into the savings of people like my parents who had paid for everything they earned as they go. Those banksters were also very created in lying about what they claimed were their so called assets which were also not property mortgaged with them or properties that had taken loans (again creative accounting with no substance other than they found a way to leverage what someone else actually owned through bs paperwork and filings that people had no clue that the banks had even made on their homes and property throughout the country). Everyone of those crooked banksters should be hunted down and financially stripped of their ill gotten booty along with the legislators that assisted them in robbing the people. Instead of having legislators like Grassley providing cover for them.

My parents spent money that they had earned through hard work or family members had given them loans or partnered with then and sometimes they simply held the mortgage on property that they had bought, fixed and resold. They worked on and paid homes for so other people could purchase and live in their own homes too. Mainly the one that supported my parents getting started was my grandmother who had scrimped and saved through her whole life. Grandma did that because she grew up in the Depression Era and she had first hand knowledge of what living through it was like. She even let at least one mortgage I know of slide for one particular family because she knew how poor they were and she wanted that large Latino family to have a chance at the real American dream. These type people are the backbone of this country and they are the one that the thugs have desired to take out for years. The longer people stand by the more those who are willing to stand for liberty will be weaken and the harder it will be to defend truth and liberty.

Legislators trying to push these agendas are assisting to imprison the people all the while they do not seem to think that they should be held accountable. They are robbing the future generations of the American Dream right before our eyes and the people are busy trying defend the bullshit propaganda that these Stazi type creeps are promoting while stealing Liberty.

Main Stream Media and their propagandist have all but led the sheeples to be readied to be slaughtered by a few corporate elites. Everyone better get it together or you will all be stripped and plucked into oblivion by whatever means they deem necessary and that includes the very legislators like Charles Grassley himself who has promoted, defended and push this type of agenda.

Criminalization Of Cash: Driving Toward Cashless Society

Written By: Free Thought Project October 27, 2017

SB1241, authored by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is currently before the Senate Judiciary Committee and is another step toward eradication of cash. Technocrats must remove cash from society in order to force everyone to be part of their socially engineered system. ⁃ TN Editor

A new bill seeks to track your money and assets incessantly, will enjoin any business with government ties to act as a de facto arm of DHS, and would steal all of your assets — including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies — should you fail to report funds when traveling with over $10,000.

Under the guise of combating money laundering, Senate Bill 1241, “Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017,” ramps up regulation of digital currency and other autocratic financial controls in an attempt to ensure none of your assets can escape one of the State’s most nefarious, despised powers: civil asset forfeiture.

All of this under the farcically broad umbrella of fighting terrorism..... more at the link

Criminalization Of Cash: Driving Toward Cashless Society
We went to buy a car that was 10000 dollars and the salesman got upset when we wouldn't fill out the credit app and told him we had cash. Where did you get it he wanted to know? No sale, my wife said.
We went to buy a car that was 10000 dollars and the salesman got upset when we wouldn't fill out the credit app and told him we had cash. Where did you get it he wanted to know? No sale, my wife said.
It has been very pervasive and people have just accepted it as normal but it is not normal. I recall when we went to Northern Idaho to a contract preview years ago. The tranny went out in our pickup. I wanted to rent a car for a few days. I had several thousand dollars cash in my pocket but did not have a credit card so no rental car of any kind. Heck we could have bought a used car but couldn't rent one for a day and a half. Thankfully Rod had family there and they had a spare vehicle they loaned us while we waited for the tranny to get fixed. Ended up buying another vehicle from a different older family member there but that always bugged me that a person had to have a bank card in order to to business with a dealership. Shoot a few thousand now is as much as that ten grand limit Grassley is proposing. I broke down and bought a new car after that incidence and got a damn credit card. Then when the crooked dem catholic judge and the mormon prosecutor filed bogus charges against me I am pretty sure someone was using that credit card usage to track us so we quit using it too. When the corrupt wish to take a person or persons out by any means possible they can and do go to extremes to do it. I suppose if we had not gone through it I would have never considered it all but damn people need to wake-up and smell the chit that is being pushed and the last ditch indoctrination ploys going down against them from so many different angles.
Honey, They killed Bundy to get their hands on his property. So glad you are still here, posting.
This is a whole different world we live in now. We are government owned. And there is nowhere to hide. And it sux so badly.
Honey, They killed Bundy to get their hands on his property. So glad you are still here, posting.
This is a whole different world we live in now. We are government owned. And there is nowhere to hide. And it sux so badly.
They aren't going after crooks but people who skrimp work and save.

Yes you are right it is a wonder we are still here we did have death threats, threats to be arrested, etc. They also tried the let's make a deal program and I wouldn't do that either as I wanted to know why and what the purpose was that they would go to so much trouble doing so many illegal things over a couple of nobody's like Rod and I. The locals went after us too thinking we would just go away and they made up more bogus deeds on our property knowing that there wasn't much we would be able to do about it. The lord allowed it for awhile but that does not mean it will stand. Ultimately truth prevails. I finally got the CD that was taped of the whole court fiasco and a few pages of the fake court transcript out to some other people showing the fraud that the court committed to coverup the mess they did. Hopefully one day we will be able to overcome what they did on the property here, recover some of the health lost due to the chemical exposure while working trying to get back to some sense of normal and recover some of our finances they stole so we won't be on total poverty row always; I have some hope left anyhow on all that. Poverty and being sick though did give me a lot of time to research things I had not taken the time to do before all the chit went down here. What they are doing with this current bill is stepping closer to making it fully legal to seize people assets and imprison them too. All one of them has to do is start making accusations and walla you become the criminal.

Here are the cosponsors and a link to their latest proposal for those who are interested.


Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA]* 05/25/2017
Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX]* 05/25/2017
Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI]* 05/25/2017
Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] 09/18/2017
Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] 09/18/2017
I've tried to position myself ahead of this eventuality... If you really want to save your wealth; you need to have near instantaneous access to it, and it must be transportable, and transferable, sans "red tape". This is what gold, and silver offer. Its the kind of wealth that once secured can literally be handed off, with no one the wiser. Which really helps to keep your family from being extorted in the event of your death. Something to consider...
I've tried to position myself ahead of this eventuality... If you really want to save your wealth; you need to have near instantaneous access to it, and it must be transportable, and transferable, sans "red tape". This is what gold, and silver offer. Its the kind of wealth that once secured can literally be handed off, with no one the wiser. Which really helps to keep your family from being extorted in the event of your death. Something to consider...
Thanks for sharing but one should not have to position themselves against government tyrants, bankers who try to extort the people and thugs in this country.
I've tried to position myself ahead of this eventuality... If you really want to save your wealth; you need to have near instantaneous access to it, and it must be transportable, and transferable, sans "red tape". This is what gold, and silver offer. Its the kind of wealth that once secured can literally be handed off, with no one the wiser. Which really helps to keep your family from being extorted in the event of your death. Something to consider...
Thanks for sharing but one should not have to position themselves against government tyrants, bankers who try to extort the people and thugs in this country.
Such theivery is as old a mankind itself.
I've tried to position myself ahead of this eventuality... If you really want to save your wealth; you need to have near instantaneous access to it, and it must be transportable, and transferable, sans "red tape". This is what gold, and silver offer. Its the kind of wealth that once secured can literally be handed off, with no one the wiser. Which really helps to keep your family from being extorted in the event of your death. Something to consider...
Thanks for sharing but one should not have to position themselves against government tyrants, bankers who try to extort the people and thugs in this country.
Such theivery is as old a mankind itself.
Gold was already confiscated once from the people when we went off of the gold standard. There is nothing that can't be taken by force if the government has the notion to do so. The spirit is the only thing they cannot rule or steal away but people can give it away if they deny the truth.

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