"Everyone step on his toes!" (Gingrich security harasses Ron Paul supporter)


Gold Member
Nov 16, 2010
Dillard found a quiet spot along a sidewalk lined with tiny American flags and held up his sign. Little did he know, Newt Gingrich had chosen that very spot to make his first Primary Day campaign stop.

Noticing the awkward optics, Gingrich aides and security personnel swarmed Dillard, trying to intimidate him into moving. One of Gingrich's security agents stepped in front of him. When Dillard didn't budge, the agent lifted his heeled shoe over Dillard's bare foot and dug the back of it into his skin, twisting it side-to-side like he was stomping out a cigarette. Shocked, Dillard kept his ground and took a picture of the agent with his phone, which was quickly knocked out of his hand. Dillard slipped off his flip-flop to pick up the phone with his foot, and a Gingrich supporter kicked the sandal away.

"Just block him!" a Gingrich campaign aide said. "Everyone step on his toes!"

‘Everyone step on his toes!’ Gingrich security harasses Ron Paul supporter: Scenes from the Florida primary | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Had they tried to pull that shit with me the news organizations would have filmed quite a fight.
Had they tried to pull that shit with me the news organizations would have filmed quite a fight.

You know............the GOP spent so much time hating on Obama that it's now become reflex to hate on anyone that opposes them.

Why else do you think that the GOP is so fractured right now?
May this story go viral.

And may Romney's security never be guilty of anything like this!
Barefoot? The hippies are going Paul? That confirms my theory, the hippies didn't become liberals, they became libertarians!!! :eek:
Barefoot? The hippies are going Paul? That confirms my theory, the hippies didn't become liberals, they became libertarians!!! :eek:

This was in Florida and I believe he had sandals on that he kicked off.

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