Everyones favourite football hooligan/drug dealer/fraudster/wife beater in trouble again

I shouldn't bother. Those like Dogmaphile and Bob Blaylock are merely desperate to deflect attention from the fact that the USA is one of the top 5 countries worldwide with the highest rates of child prostitution.

Thar's nonsense, and you know it.

Neither Dogmaphobe nor I have any motive to deny or deflect away form such a terrible problem in our own country. But it's not relevant, and provides no valid excuse for you to openly defend an evil taking place in your country.

That fact remains, undeniable, that you and Tainted Tommy have been openly taking the side of child-rape gangs, and condemning those who oppose them. Even if your absurd false accusation against Dogmaphobe and myself had any basis in truth, which it absolutely does not, nothing about it would in any way mitigate the culpability that you bear for your own open evil.

Your post is nothing more than a very, very poor attempt as a tu quoque argument.

What lies at the heart of these idiot's dedication to the rape of children lies a profound lack of self esteem. They hate themselves. They hate their own culture. When those of a different culture rape their children, they project all of their self loathing by showing solidarity with the rapists. This, in turn, is reinforced by the other dedicated child rape facilitators who congratulate them for the way they assist in these rapes through all the invective they hurl at any who oppose them. This makes them feel GOOD about helping to enable the child rape as they can then all share in the smug self-congratulation they give each other.

It is all profoundly sick and dysfunctional.

Looks like Dogmaphile is projecting again.
Tommy Robinson faces assault charge after Center Parcs arrest
The former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson has been charged with common assault following an incident at Center Parcs in Bedfordshire.

Bedfordshire police said the 37-year-old, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was due to appear at Luton magistrates court on 2 April and had been released on bail.

I hope the courts show some compassion. Tommy hasnt been in trouble all year.
You lie so much . How about substantiating the charge Robinson (Yaxley-Lennon) is a drug dealer?
I can't find any such evidence. What about you?

Wasn't aware he was a drug dealer, but hey, a 30 second internet search reveals, "...in 2014 admitted to possessing 3.48 grams of cocaine with intent to supply,.." so I suppose you didn't look very hard.

Wasn't aware he was a drug dealer, but hey, a 30 second internet search reveals, "...in 2014 admitted to possessing 3.48 grams of cocaine with intent to supply,.." so I suppose you didn't look very hard.
Yeah, I found a single sentence in the UK Independent site with that exact single unsourced and unsupprted
sentence. Since it was unsourced and unsupported and no other source anywhere else that supported it
I immediately rejected it as a bullshit slur and fake.

But you must be one of those people that believes whatever he sees on the internet. Thanks.
Wasn't aware he was a drug dealer, but hey, a 30 second internet search reveals, "...in 2014 admitted to possessing 3.48 grams of cocaine with intent to supply,.." so I suppose you didn't look very hard.
Yeah, I found a single sentence in the UK Independent site with that exact single unsourced and unsupprted
sentence. Since it was unsourced and unsupported and no other source anywhere else that supported it
I immediately rejected it as a bullshit slur and fake.

But you must be one of those people that believes whatever he sees on the internet. Thanks.

Did you? Apparently the BBC also belives the story. "He also admitted possessing 3.48 grams of cocaine with intent to supply and being concerned in the supply of class A drugs." Ex-EDL leader jailed for £160k fraud

That's another 30 seconds I won't get back.
Did you? Apparently the BBC also belives the story. "He also admitted possessing 3.48 grams of cocaine with intent to supply and being concerned in the supply of class A drugs." Ex-EDL leader jailed for £160k fraud

That's another 30 seconds I won't get back.
I'm not surprised the CNN of England is also lending credence to this snippet of unsubstantiated gossip.
You've demonstrated you will readily accept and believe whatever you see on the internet. That's all
you've accomplished.
You have only yourself to blame for wasting your own time.
How about substantiating the charge Robinson (Yaxley-Lennon) is a drug dealer?
I can't find any such evidence. What about you?

You asked for evidence from Tommy Tainant, claiming you were unable to find "any such evidence". I merely took a minute to provide readily available evidence. If you chose not to believe said evidence, fine.
Wasn't aware he was a drug dealer, but hey, a 30 second internet search reveals, "...in 2014 admitted to possessing 3.48 grams of cocaine with intent to supply,.." so I suppose you didn't look very hard.
Yeah, I found a single sentence in the UK Independent site with that exact single unsourced and unsupprted
sentence. Since it was unsourced and unsupported and no other source anywhere else that supported it
I immediately rejected it as a bullshit slur and fake.

But you must be one of those people that believes whatever he sees on the internet. Thanks.
If the net result is more raped British children, he is all for it. Anything he can do to enable Muslim men to rape the childten of the country they wish to take over, he will do. That is his entire motivation.
You asked for evidence from Tommy Tainant, claiming you were unable to find "any such evidence". I merely took a minute to provide readily available evidence. If you chose not to believe said evidence, fine.
I don't because unsubstantiated slurs are not evidence. Evidence is finding a gas can and matches in the smoking ruins of a burned down house. Claiming that so and so living down the block set that fire is not
evidence....it is hearsay and rumor until such claims are proven and verified.

Glad I could clear that up for you.
You asked for evidence from Tommy Tainant, claiming you were unable to find "any such evidence". I merely took a minute to provide readily available evidence. If you chose not to believe said evidence, fine.
I don't because unsubstantiated slurs are not evidence. Evidence is finding a gas can and matches in the smoking ruins of a burned down house. Claiming that so and so living down the block set that fire is not
evidence....it is hearsay and rumor until such claims are proven and verified.

Glad I could clear that up for you.
You are hilarious. Your poster boy is a drug dealing piece of shit and you havent got the spine to accept it. Doesnt matter, the point is proven and you look like a child. Jobs a goodun.
You are hilarious. Your poster boy is a drug dealing piece of shit and you havent got the spine to accept it. Doesnt matter, the point is proven and you look like a child. Jobs a goodun.
Point NOT proven and that's the whole point, sheep molester.
You look like a drooling, grinning retard with your trousers down around your ankles humping livestock.

Read post #148 over and over again until you become enlightened.
You asked for evidence from Tommy Tainant, claiming you were unable to find "any such evidence". I merely took a minute to provide readily available evidence. If you chose not to believe said evidence, fine.
I don't because unsubstantiated slurs are not evidence. Evidence is finding a gas can and matches in the smoking ruins of a burned down house. Claiming that so and so living down the block set that fire is not
evidence....it is hearsay and rumor until such claims are proven and verified.

Glad I could clear that up for you.

Ah, I see. So in fact when you asked for "evidence" (supplied as requested) you then moved the goal posts to require absolute proof, a normal reaction I suppose, when someone pops your balloon of adoration for your plaster saint.

Fair enough, I'll take your advice and waste no more time on you.

Oh, by the way, the BBC, although I complain about it's recent Right wing bias, is generally considered pretty much politically neutral. As the saying goes if both sides are shouting at you, you must be doing something right.
Ah, I see. So in fact when you asked for "evidence" (supplied as requested) you then moved the goal posts to require absolute proof, a normal reaction I suppose, when someone pops your balloon of adoration for your plaster saint.

Fair enough, I'll take your advice and waste no more time on you.

Oh, by the way, the BBC, although I complain about it's recent Right wing bias, is generally considered pretty much politically neutral. As the saying goes if both sides are shouting at you, you must be doing something right.
I see I have to explain yet again that your so called "evidence" isn't really evidence at all.
It's merely an uncited, unsupported and undocumented single out of context sentence.

My goalposts never moved one single inch. You just tried to submit the same exact non evidence
twice and seemed pissed off that what was rejected as substandard bogus "evidence" once
was again rejected when it was presented exactly as is a second time. Not bright.
Have you tried to Google the single snippet of words to see where they came from and who is behind them?

I did and got nowhere and I assume you did likewise though it wouldn't surprise me if you just ignored the
whole thing, which you obviously did.

And while I'm here Tommy Robinson is no "saint" to me, plaster or otherwise.
I just can't help but note how the UK made Robinson a political prisoner in an effort to try and shut up any mention of how they were enablers and complicit in the crimes committed by "Asian" grooming gangs that preyed on young, poor white girls and made them their sex slaves and drug mules in dear old England.

And the BBC is about as "neutral" as ABC, NBC or CBS news. You must be especially stupid.
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Ah, I see. So in fact when you asked for "evidence" (supplied as requested) you then moved the goal posts to require absolute proof, a normal reaction I suppose, when someone pops your balloon of adoration for your plaster saint.

Fair enough, I'll take your advice and waste no more time on you.

Oh, by the way, the BBC, although I complain about it's recent Right wing bias, is generally considered pretty much politically neutral. As the saying goes if both sides are shouting at you, you must be doing something right.
I see I have to explain yet again that your so called "evidence" isn't really evidence at all.
It's merely an uncited, unsupported and undocumented single out of context sentence.

My goalposts never moved one single inch. You just tried to submit the same exact non evidence
twice and seemed pissed off that what was rejected as substandard bogus "evidence" once
was again rejected when it was presented exactly as is a second time. Not bright.
Have you tried to Google the single snippet of words to see where they came from and who is behind them?

I did and got nowhere and I assume you did likewise though it wouldn't surprise me if you just ignored the
whole thing, which you obviously did.

And while I'm here Tommy Robinson is no "saint" to me, plaster or otherwise.
I just can't help but note how the UK made Robinson a political prisoner in an effort to try and shut up any mention of how they were enablers and complicit in the crimes committed by "Asian" grooming gangs that preyed on young, poor white girls and made them their sex slaves and drug mules in dear old England.

And the BBC is about as "neutral" as ABC, NBC or CBS news. You must be especially stupid.
I am waiting for Yaxley to sue the BBC and all the other outlets for reporting that he is/was a drug dealer. Might be some time waiting. At least you have downgraded your fan boy status. Your conspiracy theorist status is confirmed though.
Ah, I see. So in fact when you asked for "evidence" (supplied as requested) you then moved the goal posts to require absolute proof, a normal reaction I suppose, when someone pops your balloon of adoration for your plaster saint.

Fair enough, I'll take your advice and waste no more time on you.

Oh, by the way, the BBC, although I complain about it's recent Right wing bias, is generally considered pretty much politically neutral. As the saying goes if both sides are shouting at you, you must be doing something right.
I see I have to explain yet again that your so called "evidence" isn't really evidence at all.
It's merely an uncited, unsupported and undocumented single out of context sentence.

My goalposts never moved one single inch. You just tried to submit the same exact non evidence
twice and seemed pissed off that what was rejected as substandard bogus "evidence" once
was again rejected when it was presented exactly as is a second time. Not bright.
Have you tried to Google the single snippet of words to see where they came from and who is behind them?

I did and got nowhere and I assume you did likewise though it wouldn't surprise me if you just ignored the
whole thing, which you obviously did.

And while I'm here Tommy Robinson is no "saint" to me, plaster or otherwise.
I just can't help but note how the UK made Robinson a political prisoner in an effort to try and shut up any mention of how they were enablers and complicit in the crimes committed by "Asian" grooming gangs that preyed on young, poor white girls and made them their sex slaves and drug mules in dear old England.

And the BBC is about as "neutral" as ABC, NBC or CBS news. You must be especially stupid.
I am waiting for Yaxley to sue the BBC and all the other outlets for reporting that he is/was a drug dealer. Might be some time waiting. At least you have downgraded your fan boy status. Your conspiracy theorist status is confirmed though.

Was there ever a time when you DIDN'T seek the rape of British children, Tommy

If so, what changed in your life to turn you from a healthy individual who finds the rape of children abhorrent to a sick, twisted thing that applies itself to trying to ensure as many are raped as possible?
I am waiting for Yaxley to sue the BBC and all the other outlets for reporting that he is/was a drug dealer. Might be some time waiting. At least you have downgraded your fan boy status. Your conspiracy theorist status is confirmed though.
Is that your yard stick of what is true and not true? That anyone who has ever been slandered by authorities and the media will sue which amounts to a kind of medieval trial by fire in order to prove innocence?
Just stand in the fire, son. If ye be innocent. God will not allow harm to thee.

I don't think you are nearly smart enough to follow a simple analogy but the ordeal of a libel suit taking on your nation's political and media power base and the cost of a massive law suit, the firestorm of more lies and
slander coming back at you, the ugly scars ripped open and spread across the UK's internationally known tabloids etc. hardly makes fighting this small lie that only you seem to have access to rather not worth the effort.

Your status as a half witted troll is reaffirmed.

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