‘Everything Felt Fake’: Sister of Fallen Marine Says Biden Didn’t Look Her in the Eye During Meeting

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Appearing Monday on Newsmax’s Wake Up America, Cheyenne McCollum, the sister of U.S. Marine Rylee McCollum who was killed recently in an ISIS-led terror attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, said “everything felt fake” about President Joe Biden’s in-person apology for her brother’s death.

A transcript is as follows:

ROB FINNERTY: Your father and your sister chose not to meet President Biden at the dignified transfer, but you did alongside Rylee’s widow, who is pregnant. Tell us about that.

CHEYENNE MCCOLLUM: I wouldn’t say I necessarily stayed to meet him. I stayed to support Rylee’s wife because I didn’t want her to sit alone and she wanted the chance to look him in the eye, so I sat beside her to do that as well. I stayed and when he came up to us, about 15 seconds in I had to walk away. It was so insincere. He didn’t look us in the eye, he gave her a pat on the knee and said, “I know what you’re going through, I lost my son.” He didn’t lose his son serving.

FINNERTY: What else did he say in that interaction and how long did it last?

MCCOLLUM: Maybe three minutes. He just said, “there’s nothing I can say” and would go back to talking about his son. I don’t even think he knows Rylee’s name to be honest. I think he should know every single name of every solider we lost, but he didn’t know or say anything personal.

FINNERTY: Did you feel like he was being stage managed as he was being taken from family to family?

MCCOLLUM: Yeah, everything felt fake if I’m being honest.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

Joe Xiden needed a teleprompter to deal with these Gold Star families. Without one, the families knew he was faking it.

If Biden had hugged her, the right would be accusing Biden of molesting her
It's been well established that the stuttering fuck is about as cowardly as they come.

6 (count 'em, 6) draft deferments for "childhood asthma" was the first clue.

For the stupider-than-fuck, bone spurs show up on x-rays.... "childhood asthma" does not.

It's been well established that the stuttering fuck is about as cowardly as they come.

6 (count 'em, 6) draft deferments for "childhood asthma" was the first clue.

For the stupider-than-fuck, bone spurs show up on x-rays.... "childhood asthma" does not.

Yup…bone Spurs show up on X-Rays and since he never had surgery, they would still be there
You know the trumpanzees are desperate when they work hard to dig up stuff like this and keep bringing it up and bringing it up and bringing it up.
so I sat beside her to do that as well. I stayed and when he came up to us, about 15 seconds in I had to walk away.

So it seems her reaction is based on 15 sec worth of contact
Looks like her reaction to Biden was determined before hand

Your father and your sister chose not to meet President Biden at the dignified transfer

Seems the family hates Biden and was unwilling to meet at all. The sister who stayed based her views on only 15 sec
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Yup…bone Spurs show up on X-Rays and since he never had surgery, they would still be there

Maybe "childhood asthma" shows up on an x-ray as a missing spine.... or a nutsack that never dropped....

I'm not a doctor.

In any case, running away from reporters is consistent with all the other signs of cowardice we've been treated to over the last 50 years.
You know the trumpanzees are desperate when they work hard to dig up stuff like this and keep bringing it up and bringing it up and bringing it up.

Yeah that sister of the fallen marine sure was digging deep to bring up dirt on Biden. She must be a Trumpanzee? what is this Bash the military day by the left?
If Biden had hugged her, the right would be accusing Biden of molesting her

"There's nothing I can Say" ??? he could have come up with something a lot better than that.. but yeah I'm sure somewhere inside he feels guilty, so he cant look them in the eye.
He could have told her something like her brother's service was not in vain.. anything. It might of been a nice touch for him to even bring a rose or flower to personally hand out... anything, but the guy has no imagination left, he can only talk about his own son.

Keep patting him on the back though. At least he's not "trump" right?
Damned if he shows affection, damned if he doesn’t.
Nice try but this is totally different. Being unable to make eye contact or offer the comfort of real empathy to a grieving family member whose child or spouse died in such a way is unacceptable. Add to that the fact that those deaths were absolutely avoidable and his decision to allow the events to be rushed to an end without sufficient preparation and there just isn't any excuse for his callousness.

Those 13 died because he had no plan OR his boss had a plan that was fecking EVIL. Today we have 6 civilian aircraft on the ramp at Karzai. The proposed evacuees are on-site at the airport but the Taliban OR the State Department, not sure which, are refusing clearance for the flights to depart. IF any of these hundreds of Americans meet their end at the hands of the Taliban and the world gets treated to a video, Biden might as well resign.
Nice try but this is totally different. Being unable to make eye contact or offer the comfort of real empathy to a grieving family member whose child or spouse died in such a way is unacceptable. Add to that the fact that those deaths were absolutely avoidable and his decision to allow the events to be rushed to an end without sufficient preparation and there just isn't any excuse for his callousness.

Those 13 died because he had no plan OR his boss had a plan that was fecking EVIL. Today we have 6 civilian aircraft on the ramp at Karzai. The proposed evacuees are on-site at the airport but the Taliban OR the State Department, not sure which, are refusing clearance for the flights to depart. IF any of these hundreds of Americans meet their end at the hands of the Taliban and the world gets treated to a video, Biden might as well resign.

This administration is only good at patting themselves on the back. No matter what is happening.
They will never take responsibility.

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