Biden was faltering in Georgia. Harris is putting it back on the map.

Because it prevents employers from exploiting low wage workers

You know, the ones most affected by inflation

McDonald’s workers can’t afford to eat at McDonalds
The inflation cycle is endless as the fiat currency must be printed and serviced with the corrupted upstanding politicians adding newer and newer agendas to print more. So, the minimum wage keeps rising and more people fall behind as the inflation increases with it. Fast food/specialty places are slowly showing cracks in their dominance as people are slowly being priced out of their prices. Gone are the great deal days. Remember the commercial from Mickee D's,. You can get a hamburger, fries and a coke and get change ack from the dollar. That may have been near a half century ago, but it was not too long ago that there were 2 for 2 deals with quarter pounders or big macs. And the dollar menu soon after. Starbucks is another example as the expensive coffees that are more like desserts have hit a wall.
Nice crowd...

I think you know me on this board. There is nothing on earth that could compel me to vote for Trump. I think he is as close a thing to human garbage as we have ever had in public life. I am 100% going to vote for the Democratic Party nominee. Its a nice bonus for me because I was a Harris fan from way back so I really hope she gets the nom.

Now, that being said here is where I trash the dems.

The whole fucking party needs to wake the hell up. That Harris is revitalizing the party’s chances is a sad state of affairs. If this was Obama v. Romney...okay. Romney--even at the time he was running in 2012--I liked. I said, at the time, that he would be a good neighbor, he wouldn’t be a good President. So I get ambivalence in his case. How in the hell can you be ambivalent between Harris or Biden or whomever the Dems run vs. Trump?

Its sad and it’s a fucking shame that it won’t get better.
Agreed. This hand-wringing on the Dem side does reflect poorly on us. In 2016, the claims that Trump was a Nazi and would trash the Constitution if he had the chance seemed hyperbole but after the events of J6 and other examples, no thinking person has any doubt that Trump is a threat to the American way of life.

Faced with this clear choice between a good decent man like Biden and a would-be despot like Trump, one would think it would be a no-brainer.

But alas...optics matter. At least to the average voter. Biden has improved the economy, the stock market is booming, low unemployment, etc, and yet... what some voters focus on is his slowness of speech and that he looks old on stage.

If life was fair, that kind of optics shouldn't matter. Did the US care that FDR was old and in a wheelchair? No, they focused on what mattered. Hitler was evil and he needed to be stopped.

But, having said that, to the credit of Dems, instead of focusing on how the world should behave, they focused on what they could change to stop the threat to our Democracy. If that involves replacing the top of the ticket with a younger, dynamic individual, so be it.
Agreed. This hand-wringing on the Dem side does reflect poorly on us. In 2016, the claims that Trump was a Nazi and would trash the Constitution if he had the chance seemed hyperbole but after the events of J6 and other examples, no thinking person has any doubt that Trump is a threat to the American way of life.

Faced with this clear choice between a good decent man like Biden and a would-be despot like Trump, one would think it would be a no-brainer.

But alas...optics matter. At least to the average voter. Biden has improved the economy, the stock market is booming, low unemployment, etc, and yet... what some voters focus on is his slowness of speech and that he looks old on stage.

If life was fair, that kind of optics shouldn't matter. Did the US care that FDR was old and in a wheelchair? No, they focused on what mattered. Hitler was evil and he needed to be stopped.

But, having said that, to the credit of Dems, instead of focusing on how the world should behave, they focused on what they could change to stop the threat to our Democracy. If that involves replacing the top of the ticket with a younger, dynamic individual, so be it.
Yeah but its really discouraging for the Dems. Its’ always the case with the dems...poor turnout in areas that need the most attention from government.
Harris, struggling to speak over the applause of a crowd her campaign pegged at 10,000, made clear she sees Georgia as key to November victory. And she for the first time mapped out some of her policy priorities — on immigration, voting rights and gun control — that Atlantans in interviews this week said they had been eagerly awaiting.

“I am very clear: The path to the White House runs right through this state,” Harris said. “You all helped us win in 2020, and we’re going to do it again in 2024.”

She also challenged former President Donald Trump to “meet me on the debate stage” after he said in an interview with Fox News Channel that ran Monday night that he would “probably” debate her — but “can also make a case for not doing it.”

Look at all the enthusiastic black voters. Guess all those sneakers and the criminal conviction of the other guy didn't matter too much in the end. LOL

Trump narrowly lost Georgia in 2020, but he has long held a polling lead in the state. Looks like those days are over.
This seems to be the trend across the Battleground states--the race is tightening, and it clearly shows that Biden stepping down was the right move...which explains all the whining from the Right, eh?

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