Beware the Marxist world of Kamalla Harris: "There’s a big difference between equality and equity."

I believe there's a distinction between racism which prefers one's people or culture, without contempt for other races or seeking to denigrate and destroy them. I prefer my White people and European culture, but that's not necessarily, or hardly ever, to the detriment of other races and their cultures. I believe Black Americans, just like Native Americans, deserve reparations, and a "hand up", to help them get on their feet and succeed along with us Whites.

Too many Whites are insensitive and nasty, completely indifferent to the challenges, obstacles, inhumanities, and horrid abuse that Black people have suffered at the hands of our White European ancestors. Here's just one example of what Black Americans can accomplish:

Isn't that beautiful? Look what they achieved, only to lose it all, to a bunch of ignorant, murderous White bigots. How disgusting, and then we claim that Blacks can't make it? They can make it, we just need to stop sabotaging them. Let's help them out because they're the children of the slaves who were crucial for the rise of our nation into a world power. Look what we did to undermine Black people's success in this country:

As a White man, who admits he's a racist, I defend the Black man's right to be free and successful. I feel joy in my heart, seeing Black people, the progeny of slaves, who through their hard labor and many sacrifices, were vital in the development of our country, being successful and empowering themselves and their community. Inspiring other Black people to do the same.

Can you imagine being a Black man, whose enslaved and yet has a wife and children to protect and care for? Your White master can sell your wife and children, he can even have sexual relations with your wife right in front of you, while you're tied to a stake, being whipped by another White man or some "Uncle Tom". That crap happened to thousands of Black men throughout those 400 years of slavery in the Americas. The inhumanity that Black people suffered being slaves of our White ancestors. If we have a conscience, we must help Black people make it. Provide them with the resources that they need to MAKE IT. Don't get in their way.

The social ills that Black people are experiencing are at the very least, partly due to bad laws, that undermine Black lives. We also need to allow law-abiding, hard-working Black people to own firearms and defend their property and lives against street criminals. It's insane that in Black urban communities, only the criminals are armed and good people are left to defend themselves with a plastic knife from McDonald's or pepper spray.

We need laws that force drug addicts into rehab or mental institutions until they recover. Drug dealers and smugglers need to be charged with a capital crime and placed in front of a firing squad (whoever is selling and distributing poison in the community is a terrorist and should be dealt with accordingly). Black people need a safe environment, that allows them to flourish and MAKE IT. They need educational grants, job training, and employment opportunities, loan guarantees to purchase their homes. etc. There are too many good Black people who are being thrown under the bus.

Native Americans and African Americans, have a right to reparations and our country will be much better for it. If you're racist, don't be a hateful racist, or KKK racist, be a racist to preserve your people, without hurting others. At the end of the day, we're all human beings. We share a common humanity, so we should always respect that and never denigrate and dehumanize each other.

I think having pride in ones culture, heritage and history is not racism. Whites have a right to that. So does everyone else. But as you described, trying to tear down others and deny them the same right has been the problem in this country.
I think having pride in ones culture, heritage and history is not racism. Whites have a right to that. So does everyone else. But as you described, trying to tear down others and deny them the same right has been the problem in this country.

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