Zone1 No One Who Has Died Has Returned Back To Earth...

On TV? You mean fictional TV shows? Get a grip...They are not resurrected beings in those TV shows. Those are the spirits of the dead.

Here is what you wrote: “Every now and then they put a male or female witch on TV to pretend they are talking to the dead- a dead human or dead animal. People shed tears behind such lies because they've been tricked into believing a lie.”
Sometimes people so wrapped up in their long-winded posts they don’t remember what they wrote.
I combined both of your posts. As for the first post I was speaking of the male and female witches... psychics, etc... that have been on TV before faking to tell others that they are able to speak with the dead when that is demonic, and they are only manipulating them for profit. Those dead people there spirits have already returned to God. The rest of their dead body has returned to the dust.

Understand the whole shenanigan trickery of it is demonic in that if the psychic has any powerful ability to speak to the dead ask them why they have no powerful ability to bring back to life those whom they are speaking to? What they are doing is an act of ventriloquism buffoonery.

As for your second post, you are right, I was focused on Matthew 27 of which I had been discussing earlier.
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Those tombs held the bodies of the souls that belonged to God, but had to wait to enter Heaven until Christ paid the debt for their sins. Remember that Christ told the thief that he would be with Him in Paradise that day. And days later told Mary that He had not yet risen. So we know the Paradise they went to wasn't Heaven. Abraham's Bosom was also referred to as Paradise. The location was in the heart of the earth:

Matthew 12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

There was a huge chasm between those in Hell and those in Paradise. Christ went to Abraham's side and proclaimed who He was to the other side.

The description of the place is laid out in Luke 16:19-31.

There is no longer a need for Abraham's Bosom because Christ has paid our debt. We step right out of our heavy clay suits and go straight up:

2 Cor. 5:8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.

Our last breath on earth is our 1st. breath in Heaven if we belong to Jesus.
You are mixing in so many different events, and so many different Bible scriptures. This thread is about no one has died and returned back to earth again.

You say our last breath on earth is our first breath in heaven if we belong to Jesus. You may have gotten that from the internet, but is that really true? Give it some thought.

Peep this
, flesh and blood will not enter into heaven, so will we NEED to breathe with our resurrected body??? Give that some thought as well.

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