"If they can this to me, they can do this to anyone" Trump says

You mean like congresscritters and others did with a taxpayer funded slush fund. Many politician try to kill unfavorable stories and plan unfavorable stories about their opponents, that's politics. Trump had other motives for suppressing them, his brand and his family. Bragg and the judge blocked the jury from hearing that.

Cool screw them too.
Cool screw them too.
Tiger laughing.jpg

Yeah, like that will ever happen.

I am a little confused about how the FEC person was not allowed to testify. Some sources say that was Merchan's decision, then I hear that Trump's attorney didn't want him to testify because of the Q of Was the money to Daniels a campaign contribution..

but in any case, check this out

the FEC and the Department of Justice had looked at the $130,000 payment made by then-Trump attorney Michael Cohen to Daniels and determined it wasn't [a campaign contribution] at least with regard to the 45th president.

Nope. It was Trump's team that said no.

They probably wanted the "expert" to say that NY couldn't rule on this, that the trial was a sham. But NY prosecuted Trump because of New York law, not federal law.

So, the guy would have been talking about something that had nothing to do with the case.
Well holy shit, if I'm gonna be held accountable for breaking the law, THAT'S JUST FUCKED UP RIGHT THERE I TELL YOU

As always BlackGaterMac&CheeseDicPeeKKK rush to TDS threads with support. But the mushy middlers claim to be against both. lol! Like a Junkie to a free eightball of TDS with a new bag of U-100 10ml needles, but manage self control or miss any & all Obiden DS postings?
And when he discovered he was wrong about Sessions he fired him. Sessions had no valid reason to recuse himself over something the hildabitch did as SOS.

I used to post :
“it only took ONE Keebler ELF to take down America”.

China needn’t fire one bullet.
This cult twostep won't help you.

Let's talk about your specific lie in this specific case.

The lie you are trying to spread is obviously laughable and retarded.

So either you are a dishonest liar spreading lies for effect and for attention...


You are embarrassingly gullible and experiencing a mental handicap due to your cultism.

Pick your poison.
The third option is that you are a delusional fruitcake who thinks men can get pregnant. If you want to have a pissing match save it for the bathhouse.

Ill ask you again, what does this conviction mean to you? What do you believe is going to happen now?

If you want me to address the “lie” you are accusing me of, you will need to explain what that “lie” is because I don’t know what you are referring to.
Rudy Guliani was the best mayor New York ever had and the Democrats have destroyed the man. They've done all they can to destroy Donald Trump. They are not an American political party. They are a ruthless Stalinist Regime and they need to be voted out for the sake of the country.

Rudy is a lush. He destroyed himself.

I mean, I think that's part of the point Mr Trump.


Does he know anything about the law at all?

Then he just lies. Say it was unfair because they "weren't allowed to use our election expert".

Yes, they were. The judge said they could use him and the defense pulled him.

About some of the defense witnesses "they were literally crucified"...

Did ANYONE see these crucifixions?

Yeah…I would hope so.

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