Everything He Hears Sounds Like Charlie Brown's Teacher, He Is In A Clinic For Depression, Hasn't Been Seen, But He's Still Sponsoring Bills

/---/ Not of that person is cognizant and aware of his or her surroundings. It's obvious Fetterman didn't have anything to do with that bill. Maybe his wife and staff did it all.
You've been with Fetterman and know his every move now do yous? I doubt it.

'Democrat Senator John Fetterman is currently under doctor’s care and being treated for ‘depression’ at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.

But he “sponsored” another bill from the hospital on Thursday.

This is one day after he ‘sponsored‘ a bill on Wednesday.

Fetterman’s Chief of Staff blocked a reporter for daring to ask how Fetterman is able to ‘sponsor’ a bill while he is hospitalized

Ahhh, the old 'Joe Biden Transparency' technique.....

Fetterman has not been SEEN or HEARD FROM since this latest health emergency, and word has spread that Fetterman's health is so bad members of the GOP have now asked for 'Proof of Life' ... and / or mental/physical competency to do his job.

Let that sink in for a second - his health is SO in question people don't know if he's alive ... but we - even his colleagues - are being TOLD his is sponsoring legislation.


Sponsoring bills is not important

What matters is denying fetterman the vote

As long as he cant vote he can do no harm
Sponsoring bills is not important

What matters is denying fetterman the vote

As long as he cant vote he can do no harm
/---/ There should be no absentee remote mail-in voting for the Senate. You want the job, then show up on time and vote. If you can't do it properly, then step down. Better yet, if you're having major medical issues - then DON'T RUN FOR OFFICE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
/---/ There should be no absentee remote mail-in voting for the Senate. You want the job, then show up on time and vote. If you can't do it properly, then step down. Better yet, if you're having major medical issues - then DON'T RUN FOR OFFICE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
I believe senate rules require senators to be physically present to vote
That's what a loving family does, right?
Seems to me she got out while the getting was good.
She probably knew about a criminal conspiracy to trick the voters of PA into voting for that Turnip, and then when he either fakes a collapse or has a real one, replace him with someone that the voters wouldn't have voted for in a million years.

They Dems didn't want to risk putting in a last minute stand-in, so they went ahead and ran the retard and tried to garner the sympathy vote, then told him to fake a collapse so they could replace him with someone who still has a functioning brain. This, folks is outright fraud.
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I'd feel a lot worse for Fetterman if he wasn't such a complete Commie. So Fetterman is a Commie, his brain is damaged to the point that he could plead insanity and get off of any charges brought against him, but he's still representing Pa? Pennsylvania Democrats continue to prove that they are a special kind of stupid.
He's in the nuthouse and still co-sponsoring bills.

Yup....he's a Democrat.
I have a family member with a brain injury. As a result, I have come into contact with a lot of people with brain injuries.

The side effects of brain injuries vary. One fellow I met told me everyone looks like Charlie Brown to him. This is a disorder known as prosopagnosia.

A-list actor Brad Pitt suffers from prosopagnosia. And as everyone can see for themselves, it does not prohibit him from being a very successful actor. It does not affect his ability to learn his lines and so forth.

Another person I met could not read numbers. When we were in a gym locker room, he said he had to remember the physical location of his locker because he could not read the locker number.

For a long time, my family member could not tell people's voices apart. Much like Fetterman. This did not affect my family member from being able to function and should not affect Fetterman's ability to function.

Depression? That's to be expected after suffering a brain injury. People who suffer the loss of limbs or other injuries will go through the five stages of grief.

Again, this does not affect Fetterman's ability to sponsor bills.

Hell, it is well known that legislative bills are frequently written by special interests and given to our politicians to sponsor them.

The Federalist Society does it all the time.

So curb your hate, assholes.
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