Everything we think about the political correctness debate is wrong


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2014
Support for free speech is rising, and is higher among liberals and college graduates.

It’s also interesting to note that, contrary to the vision of a generation of young authoritarians brainwashed in elite universities, there is very little age polarization on these issues — 56 percent of 18- to 34-year-olds support the right of the racist to give a speech, versus 60 percent of the overall population.

Given the stark generation gaps that we see on many political issues these days, that’s a remarkably small divergence. It’s also quite possibly driven by compositional effects, since white people are moderately more supportive (62 percent) of letting the racist speak but whites are a smaller share of the younger cohort. African Americans have become more supportive over time of letting racists speak, with 56 percent saying it should be allowed in 2015 versus 47 percent back in 1975.

Last but by no means least, there is a strong correlation between educational attainment and support for allowing free speech — though it has narrowed a little bit over time.

College graduates are most likely to want to allow both the racist and the anti-American cleric to speak.

Which I already knew, but here we are with beaucoup citations for my allegations. The whole "triggering," "melting" brouhaha is just so much sliming of young people. Further, thinking that entire segments of society should just STFU because you don't agree with them is actually un-American.
Support for free speech is rising, and is higher among liberals and college graduates.

It’s also interesting to note that, contrary to the vision of a generation of young authoritarians brainwashed in elite universities, there is very little age polarization on these issues — 56 percent of 18- to 34-year-olds support the right of the racist to give a speech, versus 60 percent of the overall population.

Given the stark generation gaps that we see on many political issues these days, that’s a remarkably small divergence. It’s also quite possibly driven by compositional effects, since white people are moderately more supportive (62 percent) of letting the racist speak but whites are a smaller share of the younger cohort. African Americans have become more supportive over time of letting racists speak, with 56 percent saying it should be allowed in 2015 versus 47 percent back in 1975.

Last but by no means least, there is a strong correlation between educational attainment and support for allowing free speech — though it has narrowed a little bit over time.

College graduates are most likely to want to allow both the racist and the anti-American cleric to speak.

Which I already knew, but here we are with beaucoup citations for my allegations. The whole "triggering," "melting" brouhaha is just so much sliming of young people. Further, thinking that entire segments of society should just STFU because you don't agree with them is actually un-American.

You believe that?
You didn't read the article either, did you. Didn't see the graphs, didn't interpret the information.

This is just one of the many reasons the GOP has become an unthinking, unfeeling, reactionary laughing stock.
Its a hacked out article.
maybe in the UK where that data was accumulated. Not here. Thats for damn sure.

You did not possibly have time to read or digest the article. Your only intent is to dismiss it, and so I shall dismiss you.
LOL its such a hacked out article.
They are trying to say SJWs arent "extreme liberals"
All he does is bash the right ideology while releasing no actual details. What colleges did he question? Did he question one in NYC, or did he question one in TN?
I dont believe that bullshit for a minute. Not necessarily everything in the article, but that "extreme leftists" value ACTUAL free speech. LOL yeah fuckin right. Thats why they have to cancel classes on campuses because of the fear of violence and shit.
Total shite. Study shows that academics are most tolerant of listening to antitheists and faggots, which is exactly what the Universities are programming them to do.
God forbid the kids have any real thoughts or feelings according to the rightist...But I remember what they were saying about the kids that took on the greatest generation and stopped a war..
God forbid the kids have any real thoughts or feelings...But I remember what they were saying about the kids that took on the greatest generation and stopped a war..

Are you referencing dirty hippies? Is Jane Fonda a hero to you or something?
SJWs have a very myopic worldview and if something invades their little bubble, their brain literally short-circuits or they throw a tantrum.

This intentionally done during their public education. Se link in my sig for more info.

OFC OP is older, so probably isn't like that. We won't delve into her Gluteal Hygiene, either, much.
I don't have to read the article to know it is a pile of horse dung.
We have seen examples of liberal colleges shutting out conservative speakers nearly every week somewhere. Including 2 this past weekend.
Support for free speech is rising, and is higher among liberals and college graduates.

It’s also interesting to note that, contrary to the vision of a generation of young authoritarians brainwashed in elite universities, there is very little age polarization on these issues — 56 percent of 18- to 34-year-olds support the right of the racist to give a speech, versus 60 percent of the overall population.

Given the stark generation gaps that we see on many political issues these days, that’s a remarkably small divergence. It’s also quite possibly driven by compositional effects, since white people are moderately more supportive (62 percent) of letting the racist speak but whites are a smaller share of the younger cohort. African Americans have become more supportive over time of letting racists speak, with 56 percent saying it should be allowed in 2015 versus 47 percent back in 1975.

Last but by no means least, there is a strong correlation between educational attainment and support for allowing free speech — though it has narrowed a little bit over time.

College graduates are most likely to want to allow both the racist and the anti-American cleric to speak.

Which I already knew, but here we are with beaucoup citations for my allegations. The whole "triggering," "melting" brouhaha is just so much sliming of young people. Further, thinking that entire segments of society should just STFU because you don't agree with them is actually un-American.
/----/ Liberals say You are Free to Agree with Me.
I should have put this in the CDZ so there could be an actual discussion.
You didn't read the article either, did you. Didn't see the graphs, didn't interpret the information.

This is just one of the many reasons the GOP has become an unthinking, unfeeling, reactionary laughing stock.

Read the article? See the graphs?

All I see on the news are conservatives being either shouted down at universities or banned from coming.

You know what you can do with your article and graphs.
True support for free speech would not involve making this kind of distinction as to which speech should be free. This one graph pretty much destroys the premise of the article.

And it's rather telling which versions of “free speech” are here deemed to be more equal than others. Most equal of all, those who support immoral sexual perversions, and those who stand against God.

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When I was growing up being politically correct was called being polite and having manners...

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