Zone1 ethics and the double standard.

i understand that women MUST save themselves for marriage and that men ate free to sow "wild oats."

that is the easy part. explains why harris is eternally damned while trump has been chosen and annointed to save the world from sexual predators.

but then we come to boebert on her beetlehuice date. that is ok because why? it didn'[t happen?

or margie taylor green and her tantric sex guru. that doesn't even sound biblical, but is perfectly accepable to the ladies at the megachurch.

so ,when is it ok for females to have sex and why isn't 30 years ago one of those times?:

When is the right time??

You have to ask the sex police, bub. And better not get it wrong!

stoned to death.jpg
two parent nuclear families are an artifact of the industrial age and consumer culture. extended families have been the norm in western civilization until recently.

it is very easy to argue that even with 2 parents, the demands of child care, elder care, and the vagaries of capitalist economic cycles stretch the nuclear family past a healthy point.
What you are proposing is the very things that destroy a nation. IOW it will not exist if this becomes the ideal.
Are best for children as they need male and female role models.
Two parent nuclear families are better than one parent families but extended families are better still. Unfortunately it has become increasingly rare and I think that explains a lot of the depression and anxiety we face.
Two parent nuclear families are better than one parent families but extended families are better still. Unfortunately it has become increasingly rare and I think that explains a lot of the depression and anxiety we face.
Yep, messing kids up is a time honored tradition. Some will perpetuate it and some won't.
What you are proposing is the very things that destroy a nation. IOW it will not exist if this becomes the ideal.
speaking of "role models."

you are talking "simpsons" and every disfunctional family in suburbia.

the waltons kind of survived a depression and a war. the nation survived as well.
speaking of "role models."

you are talking "simpsons" and every disfunctional family in suburbia.

the waltons kind of survived a depression and a war. the nation survived as well.
Television programs are not reality.

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