Everytime a Liberal mentions that the Hertitage Foundation


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
was the first one to propose the individual mandate...

I tell them...

That makes it 10x worse.

The concept behind ObamaCare (An individual mandate to coupled with subsidies for private insurance) goes back as far as 1989, when it was initially proposed by the politically conservative Heritage Foundation as an alternative to single-payer health care. Since that time health care reform was proposed and expanded upon by both parties until it was implemented in Massachusetts by then Governor Romney. During the 2008 elections health care reform became the platform of the Democratic party.

By 2014 all non-exempt Americans will have to have health insurance or will face a tax penalty. If you already have health insurance you can keep it. For many low to middle income Americans insurance will become more affordable, however those making above 400% of the federal poverty line may find themselves paying more. Regardless of what you pay we all enjoy the new rights and protections offered by Obamacare.


When the Authoritarian Right (Fascists) and the Authoritarian left (Communists) unite, you get the NDAA, NSA Unlimited, Aiding and Abetting Al Qaeda and ... Romney/Obama+care.

Enjoy being devoured by the Swarm of the Officers that shall eat out your substance.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance. --- Declaration of Independence

If you deluded shits want a break from this crap, vote Libertarian if you're on the Right or vote Green if you're on the Left.
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snoozarama threads like this make me wanna listen to this tune...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkVijd9g_Hk]Little Feat Apolitical Blues - YouTube[/ame]
was the first one to propose the individual mandate...

I tell them...

That makes it 10x worse.

The concept behind ObamaCare (An individual mandate to coupled with subsidies for private insurance) goes back as far as 1989, when it was initially proposed by the politically conservative Heritage Foundation as an alternative to single-payer health care. Since that time health care reform was proposed and expanded upon by both parties until it was implemented in Massachusetts by then Governor Romney. During the 2008 elections health care reform became the platform of the Democratic party.

By 2014 all non-exempt Americans will have to have health insurance or will face a tax penalty. If you already have health insurance you can keep it. For many low to middle income Americans insurance will become more affordable, however those making above 400% of the federal poverty line may find themselves paying more. Regardless of what you pay we all enjoy the new rights and protections offered by Obamacare.

ObamaCare Facts: Affordable Care Act, Health Insurance Marketplace

When the Authoritarian Right (Fascists) and the Authoritarian left (Communists) unite, you get the NDAA, NSA Unlimited, Aiding and Abetting Al Qaeda and ... Romney/Obama+care.

Enjoy being devoured by the Swarm of the Officers that shall eat out your substance.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance. --- Declaration of Independence

If you deluded shits want a break from this crap, vote Libertarian if you're on the Right or vote Green if you're on the Left.

So healthcare should be what? Just a market commodity, where if you can afford it, you get it,

and if you can't, you go without? Will that make this a better country, where a person's health tends to track their wealth? Where one more symptom of being poor is to tend to have a shorter, less healthy life?

Do we need to get our poor Americans back to really being poor, with no alleviation from the government? Let them fully experience poverty?

Will that make America a better place?
Everyone know the individual mandate was a republican idea that got off the ground with Romneycare.

The GOP has been calling for it for years, yet went completely apeshit acting like children simply because the black guy finally got it passed.
ACA is fascism by another name.

Why fascism?

Because ACA is socialism working for the benefit of HC insurance corporations...that's fascism, folks.

Single Payer Univeral Health Insurance WOULD BE socialism, but not fascism since no corporations would benefit.

Before any of you start explaining to me what the failings of BOTH ir EITHER system are or would be?

Don't bother...I'm way ahead of you.

Both systems are flawed, because in this case of national HC systems, there is NO perfect solution..only solutions that are less bad that the others.
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Everyone know the individual mandate was a republican idea that got off the ground with Romneycare.

The GOP has been calling for it for years, yet went completely apeshit acting like children simply because the black guy finally got it passed.

The went apeshit because they never wanted it passed.
ACA is fascism by another name.

Why fascism?

Because ACA is socialism working for the benefit of HC insurance corporations...that's fascism, folks.

Single Payer Univeral Health Insurance WOULD BE socialism, but not fascism since no corporations would benefit.

Before any of you start explaining to me what the failings of BOTH ir EITHER system are or would be?

Don't bother...I'm way ahead of you.

Both systems are flawed, because in this case of national HC systems, there is NO perfect solution..only solutions that are less bad that the others.

Exactly. The individual mandate is as far to the right as it can possibly get while giving everyone medical coverage. That's why the right have been so hard behind it.

The right wingers are too stupid to realize this, and just parrot what they are told. You can guarantee if Obama had an (R) next to his name, they would be calling the ACA one of the greatest accomplishments in modern history.
ACA is fascism by another name.

Why fascism?

Because ACA is socialism working for the benefit of HC insurance corporations...that's fascism, folks.

Single Payer Univeral Health Insurance WOULD BE socialism, but not fascism since no corporations would benefit.

Before any of you start explaining to me what the failings of BOTH ir EITHER system are or would be?

Don't bother...I'm way ahead of you.

Both systems are flawed, because in this case of national HC systems, there is NO perfect solution..only solutions that are less bad that the others.

Exactly. The individual mandate is as far to the right as it can possibly get while giving everyone medical coverage. That's why the right have been so hard behind it.

The right wingers are too stupid to realize this, and just parrot what they are told. You can guarantee if Obama had an (R) next to his name, they would be calling the ACA one of the greatest accomplishments in modern history.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWmY9CqR_lo]RomneyCare Mitt Romney CAUGHT advocating a National Plan with a Federal Individual Mandate - YouTube[/ame]

There is some validity to this.
Everyone know the individual mandate was a republican idea that got off the ground with Romneycare.

The GOP has been calling for it for years, yet went completely apeshit acting like children simply because the black guy finally got it passed.

Right. The "choice" between Democrats and Republicans is fake. We get the same shit regardless.
Everyone know the individual mandate was a republican idea that got off the ground with Romneycare.

The GOP has been calling for it for years, yet went completely apeshit acting like children simply because the black guy finally got it passed.

Right. The "choice" between Democrats and Republicans is fake. We get the same shit regardless.

Not really.

Reagan and the Bushes talked about affordable health care and did practically nothing to push it once they were in office. Bush Jr. and Reagan were to busy giving the store to rich folks to make it happen.

Clinton and Obama made serious efforts to "get er done".

And Obama got it done.
Everyone know the individual mandate was a republican idea that got off the ground with Romneycare.

The GOP has been calling for it for years, yet went completely apeshit acting like children simply because the black guy finally got it passed.

Right. The "choice" between Democrats and Republicans is fake. We get the same shit regardless.

Not really.

Reagan and the Bushes talked about affordable health care and did practically nothing to push it once they were in office. Bush Jr. and Reagan were to busy giving the store to rich folks to make it happen.

Clinton and Obama made serious efforts to "get er done".

And Obama got it done.

Ok. So the way to get Republican ideas implemented is to vote Democrat.

Curiouser and curiouser...
Right. The "choice" between Democrats and Republicans is fake. We get the same shit regardless.

Not really.

Reagan and the Bushes talked about affordable health care and did practically nothing to push it once they were in office. Bush Jr. and Reagan were to busy giving the store to rich folks to make it happen.

Clinton and Obama made serious efforts to "get er done".

And Obama got it done.

Ok. So the way to get Republican ideas implemented is to vote Democrat.

Curiouser and curiouser...

Ain't it?


I do see your point man..and I don't completely disagree with it.

But there are differences.
Everyone know the individual mandate was a republican idea that got off the ground with Romneycare.

The GOP has been calling for it for years, yet went completely apeshit acting like children simply because the black guy finally got it passed.

This argument continues to rank as the most retarded of all.

GWB and the GOP had the government for six years and never even mentioned it seriously.

If they had wanted it, the demorats would not have stood in their way.


Romney care is not Obamacare. The state of Mass chose it. Completely within their perview. Oregon has something...Tenncare existed before Romneycare (and almost went bust until they started throwing people off the roles).

Keep at it moron...your avatar is a self-portrait.
ACA is fascism by another name.

Why fascism?

Because ACA is socialism working for the benefit of HC insurance corporations...that's fascism, folks.

Single Payer Univeral Health Insurance WOULD BE socialism, but not fascism since no corporations would benefit.

Before any of you start explaining to me what the failings of BOTH ir EITHER system are or would be?

Don't bother...I'm way ahead of you.

Both systems are flawed, because in this case of national HC systems, there is NO perfect solution..only solutions that are less bad that the others.

Exactly. The individual mandate is as far to the right as it can possibly get while giving everyone medical coverage. That's why the right have been so hard behind it.

The right wingers are too stupid to realize this, and just parrot what they are told. You can guarantee if Obama had an (R) next to his name, they would be calling the ACA one of the greatest accomplishments in modern history.

Why don't you pose that question instead of answering it, jackass.

If Obama had an R next to his name, I'd still say get the f**k out of healthcare and it's a terrible idea.

Now, do you want look like a total fool and tell me I don't know how I'd respond ?
Everyone know the individual mandate was a republican idea that got off the ground with Romneycare.

The GOP has been calling for it for years, yet went completely apeshit acting like children simply because the black guy finally got it passed.

You are mistaken.

And you KNOW you are lying.

That means you posted as you did just to rile up the opposition.

That makes you a muckin fussin LYING TROLL.

Heritage Foundation: Don't Blame Us for Obamacare

Tim Cavanaugh|Apr. 19, 2010 12:53 pm

"The Obama health-care law 'builds' on the Heritage health reform model only in the sense that, say, a double-quarter-pounder with cheese 'builds' on the idea of a garden salad, writes the Heritage Foundation's Robert Moffit. "Both have lettuce and tomato and may be called food, but the similarities end there." Moffit is objecting to President Obama's citation of Heritage research in support of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:

It began when President Obama told "Today" show host Matt Lauer on March 30 that "a lot of ideas in terms of the exchange, just being able to pool and improve the purchasing power of individuals in the insurance market, that originated from the Heritage Foundation."

First, Heritage did not originate the concept of the health insurance exchange. Furthermore, the version of the exchange we did develop couldn't be more different than that embodied in this law...

For us, the health insurance exchange is to be designed by the states. It is conceived as a market mechanism that allows individuals and families to choose among a wide range of health plans and benefit options for those best suited to their personal needs and circumstances...

Under the president's law, however, the congressionally designed exchanges are a tool imposed on the states enabling the federal government to standardize and micromanage health insurance coverage, while administering a vast and unaffordable new entitlement program. This is a vehicle for federal control of state markets, a usurpation of state authority and the suppression of meaningful patient choice... This is probably not something President Obama gives a whit about, but we at Heritage do.

The other charge -- repeated on this page and elsewhere -- is that the federal individual mandate in Obama's health-care plan came from us.

For the record, we think that the law's federal mandate is unconstitutional...

Heritage Foundation: Don't Blame Us for Obamacare - Hit & Run : Reason.com

Now go forth and neither lie nor troll no more!
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ACA is fascism by another name.

Why fascism?

Because ACA is socialism working for the benefit of HC insurance corporations...that's fascism, folks.

Single Payer Univeral Health Insurance WOULD BE socialism, but not fascism since no corporations would benefit.

Before any of you start explaining to me what the failings of BOTH ir EITHER system are or would be?

Don't bother...I'm way ahead of you.

Both systems are flawed, because in this case of national HC systems, there is NO perfect solution..only solutions that are less bad that the others.

Affordable Care Act is about government control

July 08, 2012 12:00 am • By Doug Ross,

The Affordable Care Act consists primarily of taking away many of our liberties by advocating health care for the less fortunate.

The government does not possess the authority to require an individual to purchase health insurance, so why try trick the uniformed into thinking the government knows what is best for them?

The Affordable Care Act is about government control over a large market and the welfare of those people. As more companies drop their health insurance plans, those individuals will be required to join a government-controlled health plan and be subservient to that ideology.

This is just what the socialistic president wants — more people dependent on government and therefore more control over those individual lives. Again, just smoke and mirrors. Watch this hand while I steal your liberties.

— Jack Jaros, Whiting

Affordable Care Act is about government control
aca is fascism by another name.

Why fascism?

Because aca is socialism working for the benefit of hc insurance corporations...that's fascism, folks.

Single payer univeral health insurance would be socialism, but not fascism since no corporations would benefit.

Before any of you start explaining to me what the failings of both ir either system are or would be?

Don't bother...i'm way ahead of you.

both systems are flawed, because in this case of national hc systems, there is no perfect solution..only solutions that are less bad that the others.

exactly. The individual mandate is as far to the right as it can possibly get while giving everyone medical coverage. That's why the right have been so hard behind it.

The right wingers are too stupid to realize this, and just parrot what they are told. You can guarantee if obama had an (r) next to his name, they would be calling the aca one of the greatest accomplishments in modern history.


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