Everytime a Liberal mentions that the Hertitage Foundation

So passing a shitty bill is a good thing because at least it's something.
Wouldn't it have been better to pass a good bill.
was the first one to propose the individual mandate...

I tell them...

That makes it 10x worse.

The concept behind ObamaCare (An individual mandate to coupled with subsidies for private insurance) goes back as far as 1989, when it was initially proposed by the politically conservative Heritage Foundation as an alternative to single-payer health care. Since that time health care reform was proposed and expanded upon by both parties until it was implemented in Massachusetts by then Governor Romney. During the 2008 elections health care reform became the platform of the Democratic party.

ObamaCare Facts: Affordable Care Act, Health Insurance Marketplace

When the Authoritarian Right (Fascists) and the Authoritarian left (Communists) unite, you get the NDAA, NSA Unlimited, Aiding and Abetting Al Qaeda and ... Romney/Obama+care.

Enjoy being devoured by the Swarm of the Officers that shall eat out your substance.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance. --- Declaration of Independence

If you deluded shits want a break from this crap, vote Libertarian if you're on the Right or vote Green if you're on the Left.

So healthcare should be what? Just a market commodity, where if you can afford it, you get it,

and if you can't, you go without? Will that make this a better country, where a person's health tends to track their wealth? Where one more symptom of being poor is to tend to have a shorter, less healthy life?

Do we need to get our poor Americans back to really being poor, with no alleviation from the government? Let them fully experience poverty?

Will that make America a better place?

I believe that those that want it and don't have it can get it.

I don't believe that those that have it, lose it because the government is mandating what health insurance is. It is for political purposes to get everyone thrown into the government program where they will dictate coverage and premiums.
I certainly don't believe that there should be carve outs for political allies....again political reasons.
I don't believe we should have been lied to by our president to get this debacle passed through congress and the senate. It should have been packaged and sold on its merits and not lies.
ACA is fascism by another name.

Why fascism?

Because ACA is socialism working for the benefit of HC insurance corporations...that's fascism, folks.

Single Payer Univeral Health Insurance WOULD BE socialism, but not fascism since no corporations would benefit.

Before any of you start explaining to me what the failings of BOTH ir EITHER system are or would be?

Don't bother...I'm way ahead of you.

Both systems are flawed, because in this case of national HC systems, there is NO perfect solution..only solutions that are less bad that the others.

Exactly. The individual mandate is as far to the right as it can possibly get while giving everyone medical coverage. That's why the right have been so hard behind it.

The right wingers are too stupid to realize this, and just parrot what they are told. You can guarantee if Obama had an (R) next to his name, they would be calling the ACA one of the greatest accomplishments in modern history.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWmY9CqR_lo]RomneyCare Mitt Romney CAUGHT advocating a National Plan with a Federal Individual Mandate - YouTube[/ame]

There is some validity to this.

Well, you have a decision to make.

Here are your three options:

1) Leave this discussion.

2) Admit (which includes a tacit admission) to being a typically stupid Liberal.


3) Admit (which includes a tacit admission) to being a micky fickin liar.

Anyone who listens to what Romney said can easily discern that he didn't say what the Young JURK claims.

And I know HE knows he is lying.

That's why they kicked him off MSLSD, I'd guess.

He was too much of a liar even for THEM!!!

Here is the "Not-so-young Jurk" and listen to what he says and then what Mitt ACTUALLY says in the Meet the Press interview starting at 2:40.

[ame=http://youtu.be/dWmY9CqR_lo?t=2m40s]RomneyCare Mitt Romney CAUGHT advocating a National Plan with a Federal Individual Mandate - YouTube[/ame]

GOV. ROMNEY: Absolutely right. We have a model that worked. One state in America,
my state, was able to put in place a plan that got everybody health insurance, and it did not require a public government insurance company. That's the last thing America needs. You know exactly what it is.

President Obama, when he was campaigning, said he wanted a single payer system. That's would it would lead to. He would subsidize this over time, it would become larger and larger, drive the private options out of the healthcare industry. It would be just disastrous for health care in this country.

And therefore the right way to proceed is to reform health care.

That we can do, as we did it in Massachusetts, as Wyden-Bennett is proposing doing it at the national level.

We can do it for the nation, we can get everybody insured, we can get the cost of health care down, but we don't have to have government insurance and government running health care to get that done.

June 28: Axelrod, Romney, Graham, roundtable - Meet the Press | NBC News
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So passing a shitty bill is a good thing because at least it's something.
Wouldn't it have been better to pass a good bill.

It would have been nice for the Republicans to offer some good ideas.

Good republican ideas have been offered; however, unless the ideas involved a massive government program that in effect takes over health care insurance, the left figuratively stick both fingers in their ears and chant "Nay nay nay nay......."
So passing a shitty bill is a good thing because at least it's something.
Wouldn't it have been better to pass a good bill.

It would have been nice for the Republicans to offer some good ideas.

Good republican ideas have been offered; however, unless the ideas involved a massive government program that in effect takes over health care insurance, the left figuratively stick both fingers in their ears and chant "Nay nay nay nay......."

Of course!

Because Obama et al. want the CONTROL over US. That's what they are all about.

Health care just happens to be their strongest vehicle for getting that power over us they want so badly.

When Government controls your health care, they control you.

And Obama CAMPAIGNED on the promise of single payor, i.e. government run insurance.
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