Everywhere Except Santa Clara University


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
Free speech - everywhere except Santa Clara University
Diversity - everywhere except Santa Clara University

At Santa Clara University, offended leftists are doing all they can to keep conservatives off campus.

Turning Point USA advertises itself as a group promoting “fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government.” Some Santa Clara students went before the school’s student senate to apply to start their own chapter on campus. A small group of students made their pitch, and then students and faculty at the school delivered speeches opposing the group.

In the end, the senate rejected the proposal, saying the group would make students feel “unsafe.”

“It was a lot of repetitive stuff,” Caleb Aleva, one of the Turning Points USA activists, told The Daily Caller. “A lot of them are lying about being afraid or they are genuinely in fear because of this false sense of danger promulgated by the media that anyone who is vaguely conservative is a Nazi or a white supremacist,” he said.

David Warne, one of the student senators at Santa Clara, told The Daily Caller that the group was compared to the alt-right in a presentation. “The order of the presentation goes like this: White Nationalists—>Alt-Right—>Identity Evropa—>Richard Spencer—>Milo Yiannopoulos—>Turning Point USA,” Warne wrote. Identity Evropa recently appeared on campus, but Warne said no one believes the posters were put up by students.

A few of Turning Point’s 350 chapters around the country have helped co-host Milo events, but the group a a whole doesn’t associate with him. The group’s events at college campuses haven’t led to major demonstrations or to outbreaks of violence.

Turning Point USA spokesman Matt Lamb contacted Santa Clara’s assistant director of student organizations to find out why the group was rejected. He told The Daily Caller that the assistant director “told the club to re-apply next quarter.” He then added that “she also said that one reason the student senate likely rejected us was because of the ‘mood’ after the last election.”

The group was voted down by a margin of 16-10, and the next step for them is to appeal the decision to the judicial branch of the student senate or wait until the next quarter.

Santa Clara University Bans Conservative Group, Saying It Makes Liberal Students Feel ‘Unsafe’
Free speech - everywhere except Santa Clara University
Diversity - everywhere except Santa Clara University

At Santa Clara University, offended leftists are doing all they can to keep conservatives off campus.

Turning Point USA advertises itself as a group promoting “fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government.” Some Santa Clara students went before the school’s student senate to apply to start their own chapter on campus. A small group of students made their pitch, and then students and faculty at the school delivered speeches opposing the group.

In the end, the senate rejected the proposal, saying the group would make students feel “unsafe.”

“It was a lot of repetitive stuff,” Caleb Aleva, one of the Turning Points USA activists, told The Daily Caller. “A lot of them are lying about being afraid or they are genuinely in fear because of this false sense of danger promulgated by the media that anyone who is vaguely conservative is a Nazi or a white supremacist,” he said.

David Warne, one of the student senators at Santa Clara, told The Daily Caller that the group was compared to the alt-right in a presentation. “The order of the presentation goes like this: White Nationalists—>Alt-Right—>Identity Evropa—>Richard Spencer—>Milo Yiannopoulos—>Turning Point USA,” Warne wrote. Identity Evropa recently appeared on campus, but Warne said no one believes the posters were put up by students.

A few of Turning Point’s 350 chapters around the country have helped co-host Milo events, but the group a a whole doesn’t associate with him. The group’s events at college campuses haven’t led to major demonstrations or to outbreaks of violence.

Turning Point USA spokesman Matt Lamb contacted Santa Clara’s assistant director of student organizations to find out why the group was rejected. He told The Daily Caller that the assistant director “told the club to re-apply next quarter.” He then added that “she also said that one reason the student senate likely rejected us was because of the ‘mood’ after the last election.”

The group was voted down by a margin of 16-10, and the next step for them is to appeal the decision to the judicial branch of the student senate or wait until the next quarter.

Santa Clara University Bans Conservative Group, Saying It Makes Liberal Students Feel ‘Unsafe’
So.... what; you want the government to intervene for those poor snowflakes or something?
Free speech - everywhere except Santa Clara University
Diversity - everywhere except Santa Clara University

At Santa Clara University, offended leftists are doing all they can to keep conservatives off campus.

Turning Point USA advertises itself as a group promoting “fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government.” Some Santa Clara students went before the school’s student senate to apply to start their own chapter on campus. A small group of students made their pitch, and then students and faculty at the school delivered speeches opposing the group.

In the end, the senate rejected the proposal, saying the group would make students feel “unsafe.”

“It was a lot of repetitive stuff,” Caleb Aleva, one of the Turning Points USA activists, told The Daily Caller. “A lot of them are lying about being afraid or they are genuinely in fear because of this false sense of danger promulgated by the media that anyone who is vaguely conservative is a Nazi or a white supremacist,” he said.

David Warne, one of the student senators at Santa Clara, told The Daily Caller that the group was compared to the alt-right in a presentation. “The order of the presentation goes like this: White Nationalists—>Alt-Right—>Identity Evropa—>Richard Spencer—>Milo Yiannopoulos—>Turning Point USA,” Warne wrote. Identity Evropa recently appeared on campus, but Warne said no one believes the posters were put up by students.

A few of Turning Point’s 350 chapters around the country have helped co-host Milo events, but the group a a whole doesn’t associate with him. The group’s events at college campuses haven’t led to major demonstrations or to outbreaks of violence.

Turning Point USA spokesman Matt Lamb contacted Santa Clara’s assistant director of student organizations to find out why the group was rejected. He told The Daily Caller that the assistant director “told the club to re-apply next quarter.” He then added that “she also said that one reason the student senate likely rejected us was because of the ‘mood’ after the last election.”

The group was voted down by a margin of 16-10, and the next step for them is to appeal the decision to the judicial branch of the student senate or wait until the next quarter.

Santa Clara University Bans Conservative Group, Saying It Makes Liberal Students Feel ‘Unsafe’
So.... what; you want the government to intervene for those poor snowflakes or something?


You're record is still intact.

You haven't made sense in over a year. Just another shining example of liberal immaturity.
Free speech - everywhere except Santa Clara University
Diversity - everywhere except Santa Clara University

At Santa Clara University, offended leftists are doing all they can to keep conservatives off campus.

Turning Point USA advertises itself as a group promoting “fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government.” Some Santa Clara students went before the school’s student senate to apply to start their own chapter on campus. A small group of students made their pitch, and then students and faculty at the school delivered speeches opposing the group.

In the end, the senate rejected the proposal, saying the group would make students feel “unsafe.”

“It was a lot of repetitive stuff,” Caleb Aleva, one of the Turning Points USA activists, told The Daily Caller. “A lot of them are lying about being afraid or they are genuinely in fear because of this false sense of danger promulgated by the media that anyone who is vaguely conservative is a Nazi or a white supremacist,” he said.

David Warne, one of the student senators at Santa Clara, told The Daily Caller that the group was compared to the alt-right in a presentation. “The order of the presentation goes like this: White Nationalists—>Alt-Right—>Identity Evropa—>Richard Spencer—>Milo Yiannopoulos—>Turning Point USA,” Warne wrote. Identity Evropa recently appeared on campus, but Warne said no one believes the posters were put up by students.

A few of Turning Point’s 350 chapters around the country have helped co-host Milo events, but the group a a whole doesn’t associate with him. The group’s events at college campuses haven’t led to major demonstrations or to outbreaks of violence.

Turning Point USA spokesman Matt Lamb contacted Santa Clara’s assistant director of student organizations to find out why the group was rejected. He told The Daily Caller that the assistant director “told the club to re-apply next quarter.” He then added that “she also said that one reason the student senate likely rejected us was because of the ‘mood’ after the last election.”

The group was voted down by a margin of 16-10, and the next step for them is to appeal the decision to the judicial branch of the student senate or wait until the next quarter.

Santa Clara University Bans Conservative Group, Saying It Makes Liberal Students Feel ‘Unsafe’
So.... what; you want the government to intervene for those poor snowflakes or something?


You're record is still intact.

You haven't made sense in over a year. Just another shining example of liberal immaturity.
Either you're okay with Santa Clara U banning a hate group, or you want something. What is it that you want here?
Free speech - everywhere except Santa Clara University
Diversity - everywhere except Santa Clara University

At Santa Clara University, offended leftists are doing all they can to keep conservatives off campus.

Turning Point USA advertises itself as a group promoting “fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government.” Some Santa Clara students went before the school’s student senate to apply to start their own chapter on campus. A small group of students made their pitch, and then students and faculty at the school delivered speeches opposing the group.

In the end, the senate rejected the proposal, saying the group would make students feel “unsafe.”

“It was a lot of repetitive stuff,” Caleb Aleva, one of the Turning Points USA activists, told The Daily Caller. “A lot of them are lying about being afraid or they are genuinely in fear because of this false sense of danger promulgated by the media that anyone who is vaguely conservative is a Nazi or a white supremacist,” he said.

David Warne, one of the student senators at Santa Clara, told The Daily Caller that the group was compared to the alt-right in a presentation. “The order of the presentation goes like this: White Nationalists—>Alt-Right—>Identity Evropa—>Richard Spencer—>Milo Yiannopoulos—>Turning Point USA,” Warne wrote. Identity Evropa recently appeared on campus, but Warne said no one believes the posters were put up by students.

A few of Turning Point’s 350 chapters around the country have helped co-host Milo events, but the group a a whole doesn’t associate with him. The group’s events at college campuses haven’t led to major demonstrations or to outbreaks of violence.

Turning Point USA spokesman Matt Lamb contacted Santa Clara’s assistant director of student organizations to find out why the group was rejected. He told The Daily Caller that the assistant director “told the club to re-apply next quarter.” He then added that “she also said that one reason the student senate likely rejected us was because of the ‘mood’ after the last election.”

The group was voted down by a margin of 16-10, and the next step for them is to appeal the decision to the judicial branch of the student senate or wait until the next quarter.

Santa Clara University Bans Conservative Group, Saying It Makes Liberal Students Feel ‘Unsafe’
So.... what; you want the government to intervene for those poor snowflakes or something?


You're record is still intact.

You haven't made sense in over a year. Just another shining example of liberal immaturity.
Either you're okay with Santa Clara U banning a hate group, or you want something. What is it that you want here?

I must admit I know nothing about Turning Point USA (but you can be damned sure I'm about to learn).

But, you know what? I don't need to know anything about them ... they have just as much right to freedom of speech as anyone else in this country.

Why is it that it is always liberals that try to ban someone, muffle someone, and excommunicate someone? Is it because they aren't smart enough to present a reasoned argument to what the opponents are saying? Or, are they just afraid that people will find out how hollow the liberal cause really is?
Free speech - everywhere except Santa Clara University
Diversity - everywhere except Santa Clara University

At Santa Clara University, offended leftists are doing all they can to keep conservatives off campus.

Turning Point USA advertises itself as a group promoting “fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government.” Some Santa Clara students went before the school’s student senate to apply to start their own chapter on campus. A small group of students made their pitch, and then students and faculty at the school delivered speeches opposing the group.

In the end, the senate rejected the proposal, saying the group would make students feel “unsafe.”

“It was a lot of repetitive stuff,” Caleb Aleva, one of the Turning Points USA activists, told The Daily Caller. “A lot of them are lying about being afraid or they are genuinely in fear because of this false sense of danger promulgated by the media that anyone who is vaguely conservative is a Nazi or a white supremacist,” he said.

David Warne, one of the student senators at Santa Clara, told The Daily Caller that the group was compared to the alt-right in a presentation. “The order of the presentation goes like this: White Nationalists—>Alt-Right—>Identity Evropa—>Richard Spencer—>Milo Yiannopoulos—>Turning Point USA,” Warne wrote. Identity Evropa recently appeared on campus, but Warne said no one believes the posters were put up by students.

A few of Turning Point’s 350 chapters around the country have helped co-host Milo events, but the group a a whole doesn’t associate with him. The group’s events at college campuses haven’t led to major demonstrations or to outbreaks of violence.

Turning Point USA spokesman Matt Lamb contacted Santa Clara’s assistant director of student organizations to find out why the group was rejected. He told The Daily Caller that the assistant director “told the club to re-apply next quarter.” He then added that “she also said that one reason the student senate likely rejected us was because of the ‘mood’ after the last election.”

The group was voted down by a margin of 16-10, and the next step for them is to appeal the decision to the judicial branch of the student senate or wait until the next quarter.

Santa Clara University Bans Conservative Group, Saying It Makes Liberal Students Feel ‘Unsafe’
So.... what; you want the government to intervene for those poor snowflakes or something?


You're record is still intact.

You haven't made sense in over a year. Just another shining example of liberal immaturity.
Either you're okay with Santa Clara U banning a hate group, or you want something. What is it that you want here?

I must admit I know nothing about Turning Point USA (but you can be damned sure I'm about to learn).

But, you know what? I don't need to know anything about them ... they have just as much right to freedom of speech as anyone else in this country.

Why is it that it is always liberals that try to ban someone, muffle someone, and excommunicate someone? Is it because they aren't smart enough to present a reasoned argument to what the opponents are saying? Or, are they just afraid that people will find out how hollow the liberal cause really is?
Good for you admitting you don't know anything about this. Learn about it and then post again.
Interesting group, not sure they are racist by any stretch. I'm curious why the left isn't tolerant of free speech and diverse opinions.
Free speech - everywhere except Santa Clara University
Diversity - everywhere except Santa Clara University

At Santa Clara University, offended leftists are doing all they can to keep conservatives off campus.

Turning Point USA advertises itself as a group promoting “fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government.” Some Santa Clara students went before the school’s student senate to apply to start their own chapter on campus. A small group of students made their pitch, and then students and faculty at the school delivered speeches opposing the group.

In the end, the senate rejected the proposal, saying the group would make students feel “unsafe.”

“It was a lot of repetitive stuff,” Caleb Aleva, one of the Turning Points USA activists, told The Daily Caller. “A lot of them are lying about being afraid or they are genuinely in fear because of this false sense of danger promulgated by the media that anyone who is vaguely conservative is a Nazi or a white supremacist,” he said.

David Warne, one of the student senators at Santa Clara, told The Daily Caller that the group was compared to the alt-right in a presentation. “The order of the presentation goes like this: White Nationalists—>Alt-Right—>Identity Evropa—>Richard Spencer—>Milo Yiannopoulos—>Turning Point USA,” Warne wrote. Identity Evropa recently appeared on campus, but Warne said no one believes the posters were put up by students.

A few of Turning Point’s 350 chapters around the country have helped co-host Milo events, but the group a a whole doesn’t associate with him. The group’s events at college campuses haven’t led to major demonstrations or to outbreaks of violence.

Turning Point USA spokesman Matt Lamb contacted Santa Clara’s assistant director of student organizations to find out why the group was rejected. He told The Daily Caller that the assistant director “told the club to re-apply next quarter.” He then added that “she also said that one reason the student senate likely rejected us was because of the ‘mood’ after the last election.”

The group was voted down by a margin of 16-10, and the next step for them is to appeal the decision to the judicial branch of the student senate or wait until the next quarter.

Santa Clara University Bans Conservative Group, Saying It Makes Liberal Students Feel ‘Unsafe’
So.... what; you want the government to intervene for those poor snowflakes or something?
We just want them to go constitutional on you snowflake asses....:lol:
Free speech - everywhere except Santa Clara University
Diversity - everywhere except Santa Clara University

At Santa Clara University, offended leftists are doing all they can to keep conservatives off campus.

Turning Point USA advertises itself as a group promoting “fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government.” Some Santa Clara students went before the school’s student senate to apply to start their own chapter on campus. A small group of students made their pitch, and then students and faculty at the school delivered speeches opposing the group.

In the end, the senate rejected the proposal, saying the group would make students feel “unsafe.”

“It was a lot of repetitive stuff,” Caleb Aleva, one of the Turning Points USA activists, told The Daily Caller. “A lot of them are lying about being afraid or they are genuinely in fear because of this false sense of danger promulgated by the media that anyone who is vaguely conservative is a Nazi or a white supremacist,” he said.

David Warne, one of the student senators at Santa Clara, told The Daily Caller that the group was compared to the alt-right in a presentation. “The order of the presentation goes like this: White Nationalists—>Alt-Right—>Identity Evropa—>Richard Spencer—>Milo Yiannopoulos—>Turning Point USA,” Warne wrote. Identity Evropa recently appeared on campus, but Warne said no one believes the posters were put up by students.

A few of Turning Point’s 350 chapters around the country have helped co-host Milo events, but the group a a whole doesn’t associate with him. The group’s events at college campuses haven’t led to major demonstrations or to outbreaks of violence.

Turning Point USA spokesman Matt Lamb contacted Santa Clara’s assistant director of student organizations to find out why the group was rejected. He told The Daily Caller that the assistant director “told the club to re-apply next quarter.” He then added that “she also said that one reason the student senate likely rejected us was because of the ‘mood’ after the last election.”

The group was voted down by a margin of 16-10, and the next step for them is to appeal the decision to the judicial branch of the student senate or wait until the next quarter.

Santa Clara University Bans Conservative Group, Saying It Makes Liberal Students Feel ‘Unsafe’
So.... what; you want the government to intervene for those poor snowflakes or something?


You're record is still intact.

You haven't made sense in over a year. Just another shining example of liberal immaturity.

Kudo's and I agree.

If I were these students I'd pack my bags and find a better place to get an education and I'd take my money with me.

If Santa Clara wants to be a bastion of liberal idiocy they let em.
So.... what; you want the government to intervene...

The US Constitution is the law of the land and it demands protection of free speech. So yes, it is one of the few responsibilities of the US government, to protect free speech whether insane, clueless, delusional, nazi-chasing idiots classify free speech as "love speech" or "hate speech" or whatever.
Awwwwww... poor little snowflakes...
Santa Clara University is a private Jesuit School.
Since they take public money, Bake the fucking cake.....:lol:

How do you know they take public money? Does Liberty University have to have accept a gay/straight alliance?

SCU accepts many federal and state grant programs.

Scholarships and Grants - Types of Aid - Financial Aid - Santa Clara University

So does Liberty University.

Grants | Financial Aid | Liberty University
Santa Clara University is a private Jesuit School.
Since they take public money, Bake the fucking cake.....:lol:

How do you know they take public money? Does Liberty University have to have accept a gay/straight alliance?

SCU accepts many federal and state grant programs.

Scholarships and Grants - Types of Aid - Financial Aid - Santa Clara University

So does Liberty University.

Grants | Financial Aid | Liberty University

So Liberty University should have to have a GSA if Santa Clara has to have this group, right?
Santa Clara University is a private Jesuit School.
Since they take public money, Bake the fucking cake.....:lol:

How do you know they take public money? Does Liberty University have to have accept a gay/straight alliance?

SCU accepts many federal and state grant programs.

Scholarships and Grants - Types of Aid - Financial Aid - Santa Clara University

So does Liberty University.

Grants | Financial Aid | Liberty University

So Liberty University should have to have a GSA if Santa Clara has to have this group, right?

Now Seawytch, you know how I am, what is good for the goose, is good for the gander.

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