Evidence of ancient cities beneath the Amazon rainforest...

Modern archeologists "believe" in old earth. Sounds like a religion of the atheists.
Actually, again, there has been no evidence that any of the uncovered ruins are more than 3, 000 or 4,000 years old.
  • Damascus, Syria – 11,000 years old.
  • Aleppo, Syria – 8,000 years old.
  • Byblos, Lebanon – 7,000 years old.
  • Athens, Greece – 7,000 years old.
  • Susa, Iran – 6,300 years old.
  • Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan – 6,000 years old.
  • Sidon, Lebanon – 6,000 years old.
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10 oldest cities in the world - EducationWorld

https://www.educationworld.in › 10-oldest-cities-in-the-...
Israel was Jacob of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jacob had 12 sons who developed into 12 tribes of Israel.
Genesis 25:9 His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite,

Genesis 47:30 but when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me [ Israel ] where they are buried." "I will do as you say," he said. ;

Genesis 49:31 There Abraham and his wife Sarah were buried, there Isaac and his wife Rebekah were buried, and there I buried Leah.

Genesis 50:10 And they came to the threshingfloor of Atad, which is beyond Jordan, and there they mourned with a great and very sore lamentation:

Genesis 50:13 For his sons carried him [ Israel ] into the land of Canaan, and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the field for a possession of a buryingplace of Ephron the Hittite, before Mamre.

Genesis 50:14 After burying his father, Joseph returned to Egypt, together with his brothers and all the others who had gone with him to bury his father.

Cougarbear, you are mistaken, they were buried on the east side of the Nile River.
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With Moses, they were led to the Promised Land
Once again, Cougarbear, you are mistaken

Promised Land
Moses went up Mount Nebo to the top of Pisgah, looked over the promised land of Israel spread out before him, and died, at the age of one hundred and twenty, according to Talmudic legend on 7 Adar, his 120th birthday exactly.

Moab is the historical name for a mountainous strip of land in modern-day Jordan running along the eastern shore of the Dead Sea. In ancient times, it was home to the kingdom of the Moabites, a people often in conflict with their Israelite neighbors to the west.
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Modern archeologists "believe" in old earth. Sounds like a religion of the atheists. Actually, again, there has been no evidence that any of the uncovered ruins are more than 3, 000 or 4,000 years old.
In today's Turkey, excavations of several former settlements (complex stone architecture) along the Black Sea coastline are dated from 8000 to 12000 BC - just to name one example of many.
Once again, Cougarbear, you are mistaken

Promised Land
Moses went up Mount Nebo to the top of Pisgah, looked over the promised land of Israel spread out before him, and died, at the age of one hundred and twenty, according to Talmudic legend on 7 Adar, his 120th birthday exactly.

Moab is the historical name for a mountainous strip of land in modern-day Jordan running along the eastern shore of the Dead Sea. In ancient times, it was home to the kingdom of the Moabites, a people often in conflict with their Israelite neighbors to the west.
And after having wiped out the original civilization in Canaan (e.g. Jericho) around 1400 B.C. and it's surroundings, the Hebrews rewrote history to make it "their" promised land.
Once again, Cougarbear, you are mistaken

Promised Land
Moses went up Mount Nebo to the top of Pisgah, looked over the promised land of Israel spread out before him, and died, at the age of one hundred and twenty, according to Talmudic legend on 7 Adar, his 120th birthday exactly.

Moab is the historical name for a mountainous strip of land in modern-day Jordan running along the eastern shore of the Dead Sea. In ancient times, it was home to the kingdom of the Moabites, a people often in conflict with their Israelite neighbors to the west.
But 4500 years earlier Proto Hebrews were in that region as were Early Assyrians.
The oldest Cities are 9,000-11,-000 yr old. And there are Hominis dating back miul;ion and hominids Hundreds of thousands.
Homo Sapien, Neanderthal, etc.

Great Basin Bristlecone Pine

""However, one species in particular outlives them all. The Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) has been deemed the oldest tree in existence, reaching an age of over 5,000 years old. The bristlecone pine's success in living a long life can be attributed to the harsh conditions it lives in."

The Oldest Tree in the World - Trees Atlanta

https://www.treesatlanta.org/news/the-oldest-tree-in-the-world/#:~:text=However, one species in particular,harsh conditions it lives in.
That's just all bogus from "scientists" thinking that their ways of dating are correct based on observations. We know that the the fold of Adam and Eve began about 6,000 years ago. The things you dig up are either improperly dated which happens quite often or of other life forms like apes. Those buildings and other things were by highly intelligent human beings which didn't exist before the last ice age.
Genesis 25:9 His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite,

Genesis 47:30 but when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me [ Israel ] where they are buried." "I will do as you say," he said. ;

Genesis 49:31 There Abraham and his wife Sarah were buried, there Isaac and his wife Rebekah were buried, and there I buried Leah.

Genesis 50:10 And they came to the threshingfloor of Atad, which is beyond Jordan, and there they mourned with a great and very sore lamentation:

Genesis 50:13 For his sons carried him [ Israel ] into the land of Canaan, and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the field for a possession of a buryingplace of Ephron the Hittite, before Mamre.

Genesis 50:14 After burying his father, Joseph returned to Egypt, together with his brothers and all the others who had gone with him to bury his father.

Cougarbear, you are mistaken, they were buried on the east side of the Nile River.
Why are you talking about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when wanting to know about the land of Israel? Where they were buried has nothing to do with where Moses led the sons of Israel to.
Once again, Cougarbear, you are mistaken

Promised Land
Moses went up Mount Nebo to the top of Pisgah, looked over the promised land of Israel spread out before him, and died, at the age of one hundred and twenty, according to Talmudic legend on 7 Adar, his 120th birthday exactly.

Moab is the historical name for a mountainous strip of land in modern-day Jordan running along the eastern shore of the Dead Sea. In ancient times, it was home to the kingdom of the Moabites, a people often in conflict with their Israelite neighbors to the west.
Let me help you: Moses ascended Mount Nebo, in the land of Moab (today in Jordan), and from there he saw the Land of Canaan (the Promised Land), which God had said he would not enter; Moses then died there. "The most fantastic of claims with regard to Moses' whereabouts was that upon his death he was taken up to heaven or that he never actually died, but ascended to heaven in the fashion of Elijah or Enoch. The clearest evidence for the belief that Moses never died is found in rabbinic and early Christian texts." We teach the same thing that Moses was taken to heaven as was Elijah. No one actually saw him die.
Karahan Tepi
And Gobekli Tepi region is a Mega Community / City from 14 +
Thousand years ago and May predate last Ice Age by thousands of years
Nope. Just more fuzzy words, "may." When you read stuff like this, note the non-scientific words called "Fuzzy Words"; May be, might be, possibly be, could be"
Forget about human evolution and everything for a second.....how old do you think the Earth is ?
According to the big bang theory Earth is about 4 billion and the "known" Universe 13.7 billion years old. I however have my personal doubts in regards to the calculation formula of these timelines.
But 4500 years earlier Proto Hebrews were in that region as were Early Assyrians.
What is a Proto Hebrew?

Hebrews only came into existence upon the manufacturing of the Bible - aka Old testimony.

Also Noah got e-mails and phone-calls from God - nowhere is it proven that he was a Hebrew - no one can even date the Biblical Flood.
Archeological evidence points presently towards the present Black Sea and the breach of the Dardanelles due to a possible earthquake - thus flooding the former valley which now constitutes as the Black Sea. Those excavations along the higher elevated Turkish northern coast - thus spared from the flood, are dated as stated before 8000-12000 BC. The geological theory of the Dardanelles breach, dates to around 14000-20000 BC.

The Israelite kingdom via taking over former Canaan - see excavations at Jericho can be traced at maximum to around 1100-1200 BC - this corresponds with Egyptian texts dating Moses and his peasant uprising at around 1200 BC. Thus taking around 50 years to reach Canaan and then destroying them. It is also matches the timeline when the Old testament was started to be written. - entirely by then self-termed Hebrews. The term Hebrew also does not show up in Assyrian text's before 1100 BC, because there was no collision - contact between the Assyrian Empire and Hebrews - before they arrived and took over Canaan.

There is no proof either that those "slaves" workers and peasants - rallied by Moses, were not Egyptians or so called 2nd class Egyptians. Only according to the Bible those people were supposedly from the tribes of Israel - longing to go home to the promised land.

Ergo - if they supposedly originate from Canaan (however there are no archeological traces of other civilizations around Jericho) - with Jericho itself dating back to 2500-3000BC. then why is it referred to as the Promised Land? and not simply their Homeland? or ex Homeland?

There are also no records from the Minoan culture or even the Greeks (aka Homer and Troy) Troy siege being dated around 1200 BC that ever mentions a group of people or a civilization, or statehood that only pray to a single God - aka Hebrews.

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