Evidence of Andrew Weissman Giving “Head’s Up” to CNN for Roger Stone Arrest

Chris Wray is the guy Trump put in charge of the FBI. If this conspiracy theory is true and it is all a witch hunt then why is Wray going along with it?
You answered your own question....seems Trump can't get away from deep state operatives....leaking his schedule is PROOF that there are still many in positions of power that want to embarrass him if they simply can't drive him out of office. One way or the other!
So all these people Trump hires are just sewer rats who are out to get him, unless they are being arrested and in that case we think they are just innocent victims of a witch hunt... haha, ok, got it ;-)

That is 100% true. That you and others are too stupid to recognize the danger doesn't negate the danger.
Your narrative is such obvious propaganda bullshit, the fact that you buy into it and call it 100% true tells me that you are beyond reason. A simple look at the facts should tell you what is real but you don’t seem interested in looking at facts. Dismiss everything that is against trump and point the finger at anybody you can to distract... what an immature, petty and ignorant tactic. Keep it up if you want but don’t be surprised when nobody takes you seriously.

Man look around.

Think about this , the fucking justice deparment just used over 20 federal agents armed with automatic weapons , including 2 Navy Seals, and multiple vehicles to arrest a 72 year old man who is accused of LYING . I mean my God man , every last one of us should be scared to death of a government that can use that sort of fire power for no other reason that they hate Trump and everyone who has ever supported him.

And further, Wray and Rosenstein are BOTH people that Trump put into their positions and either of them could have said "no this is ridiculous overkill " in regards to that arrest, but neither did, why is that?
Yeah seems crazy. Why would Witacker and Wray approve that? you know these are guys appointed by Trump who have had his back in public before and after their appointments... Why is your first instinct about some crazy conspiracy? You realize you know absolutely nothing about the intel they had to make that decision... so why do you feel qualified to judge it?
It’s not just Mueller... my point is these actions and operations are approved by the director of the FBI so when you go after Mueller as some partisan anti Trump hack, you are also implicating Wray and the people that Trump has appointed to lead. People who have no reason to risk their freedom and careers to illegally or unethically screw trump over. You can’t just dismiss these questions by saying “ask Wray”. If you are going to claim a witch hunt conspiracy then you have to implicate Wray as well. Then perhaps you start to see how ridiculous these claims are. There is a slew of evidence and intel that you have not seen... The investigators and directors have seen all this info and they are the ones deciding to move forward with the investigation and indict the people they are indicting. So perhaps this big conspiracy only exist in right wing speculative propaganda and not in reality.
So you really think Wray isn't going to fly cover for career-long friends?

And while we're at it here, where are the FISA judges who got blatantly lied to insofar as the Carter Page warrants are concerned?

This shit is reminiscent of the Stasi.
I think Wray is in charge and capable of running a steady ship. He is also privy to intel that you are not. So I trust his opinion a hell of a lot more than I trust yours
You answered your own question....seems Trump can't get away from deep state operatives....leaking his schedule is PROOF that there are still many in positions of power that want to embarrass him if they simply can't drive him out of office. One way or the other!
So all these people Trump hires are just sewer rats who are out to get him, unless they are being arrested and in that case we think they are just innocent victims of a witch hunt... haha, ok, got it ;-)

That is 100% true. That you and others are too stupid to recognize the danger doesn't negate the danger.
Your narrative is such obvious propaganda bullshit, the fact that you buy into it and call it 100% true tells me that you are beyond reason. A simple look at the facts should tell you what is real but you don’t seem interested in looking at facts. Dismiss everything that is against trump and point the finger at anybody you can to distract... what an immature, petty and ignorant tactic. Keep it up if you want but don’t be surprised when nobody takes you seriously.

Man look around.

Think about this , the fucking justice deparment just used over 20 federal agents armed with automatic weapons , including 2 Navy Seals, and multiple vehicles to arrest a 72 year old man who is accused of LYING . I mean my God man , every last one of us should be scared to death of a government that can use that sort of fire power for no other reason that they hate Trump and everyone who has ever supported him.

And further, Wray and Rosenstein are BOTH people that Trump put into their positions and either of them could have said "no this is ridiculous overkill " in regards to that arrest, but neither did, why is that?
Yeah seems crazy. Why would Witacker and Wray approve that? you know these are guys appointed by Trump who have had his back in public before and after their appointments... Why is your first instinct about some crazy conspiracy? You realize you know absolutely nothing about the intel they had to make that decision... so why do you feel qualified to judge it?

First, you don't have any idea what I do or don't know.

Second when I compare the arrest of a 72 year old man to the arrest of a known violent drug cartel leader and realize that the FBI devoted more resources to arresting the 72 year old, yes I think to myself "hmmm , something fishy here"

But, just for shits and grins feel free to tell me ANYTHING you think the FBI may have known about Stone that would have justified that over the top arrest?
It’s not just Mueller... my point is these actions and operations are approved by the director of the FBI so when you go after Mueller as some partisan anti Trump hack, you are also implicating Wray and the people that Trump has appointed to lead. People who have no reason to risk their freedom and careers to illegally or unethically screw trump over. You can’t just dismiss these questions by saying “ask Wray”. If you are going to claim a witch hunt conspiracy then you have to implicate Wray as well. Then perhaps you start to see how ridiculous these claims are. There is a slew of evidence and intel that you have not seen... The investigators and directors have seen all this info and they are the ones deciding to move forward with the investigation and indict the people they are indicting. So perhaps this big conspiracy only exist in right wing speculative propaganda and not in reality.
So you really think Wray isn't going to fly cover for career-long friends?

And while we're at it here, where are the FISA judges who got blatantly lied to insofar as the Carter Page warrants are concerned?

This shit is reminiscent of the Stasi.
I think Wray is in charge and capable of running a steady ship. He is also privy to intel that you are not. So I trust his opinion a hell of a lot more than I trust yours

Yes, until the FBI comes out and says "no criminal behavior by Trump" and then of course you will believe Wray is inept.

Dumb fuck.
I think Wray is in charge and capable of running a steady ship. He is also privy to intel that you are not. So I trust his opinion a hell of a lot more than I trust yours
I don't....I don't trust a singe one of them....Least of all that little shit biscuit Andrew Weissman....And I think you're fool if you do....We're living exactly what I warned about, when we got the Patriot Act shoved up our asses...It's not paranoia when you end up being right.

More leftist "logic" on display

"Why did that cop shoot Michael Brown, I mean we all know they fought for a good 5 minutes before the shooting and that Brown had beat the shit out of the cop, tried to grab his gun and shit but shooting Brown because his life was in danger is a complete over reach of police power"

same leftist

"Hey, we don't know if the FBI had good reason to send 28 agents equipped with night vision and automatic weapons in 17 vehiclles , plus 2 Navy Seals in the harbor to arrest one 72 year old man who had been cooperating with the FBI and was neither likely to be violent nor a flight risk or not, there are situations in which such an arrest would be perfectly reasonable"

Leftists are truly mentally ill.
So all these people Trump hires are just sewer rats who are out to get him, unless they are being arrested and in that case we think they are just innocent victims of a witch hunt... haha, ok, got it ;-)

That is 100% true. That you and others are too stupid to recognize the danger doesn't negate the danger.
Your narrative is such obvious propaganda bullshit, the fact that you buy into it and call it 100% true tells me that you are beyond reason. A simple look at the facts should tell you what is real but you don’t seem interested in looking at facts. Dismiss everything that is against trump and point the finger at anybody you can to distract... what an immature, petty and ignorant tactic. Keep it up if you want but don’t be surprised when nobody takes you seriously.

Man look around.

Think about this , the fucking justice deparment just used over 20 federal agents armed with automatic weapons , including 2 Navy Seals, and multiple vehicles to arrest a 72 year old man who is accused of LYING . I mean my God man , every last one of us should be scared to death of a government that can use that sort of fire power for no other reason that they hate Trump and everyone who has ever supported him.

And further, Wray and Rosenstein are BOTH people that Trump put into their positions and either of them could have said "no this is ridiculous overkill " in regards to that arrest, but neither did, why is that?
Yeah seems crazy. Why would Witacker and Wray approve that? you know these are guys appointed by Trump who have had his back in public before and after their appointments... Why is your first instinct about some crazy conspiracy? You realize you know absolutely nothing about the intel they had to make that decision... so why do you feel qualified to judge it?

First, you don't have any idea what I do or don't know.

Second when I compare the arrest of a 72 year old man to the arrest of a known violent drug cartel leader and realize that the FBI devoted more resources to arresting the 72 year old, yes I think to myself "hmmm , something fishy here"

But, just for shits and grins feel free to tell me ANYTHING you think the FBI may have known about Stone that would have justified that over the top arrest?
Do you have access to the classified intel that the FBI and DOJ have in relation to this case. If you do then I apologize.

Also I don’t know why the arrest went down the way it did. I think questioning the use of force is totally legit and I’d expect congress to ask that question at the next oversight hearing. That’s where it is at right now so I’m reserving judgement until I hear the answer. Why are you so eager to pass judgement without all the facts
It’s not just Mueller... my point is these actions and operations are approved by the director of the FBI so when you go after Mueller as some partisan anti Trump hack, you are also implicating Wray and the people that Trump has appointed to lead. People who have no reason to risk their freedom and careers to illegally or unethically screw trump over. You can’t just dismiss these questions by saying “ask Wray”. If you are going to claim a witch hunt conspiracy then you have to implicate Wray as well. Then perhaps you start to see how ridiculous these claims are. There is a slew of evidence and intel that you have not seen... The investigators and directors have seen all this info and they are the ones deciding to move forward with the investigation and indict the people they are indicting. So perhaps this big conspiracy only exist in right wing speculative propaganda and not in reality.
So you really think Wray isn't going to fly cover for career-long friends?

And while we're at it here, where are the FISA judges who got blatantly lied to insofar as the Carter Page warrants are concerned?

This shit is reminiscent of the Stasi.
I think Wray is in charge and capable of running a steady ship. He is also privy to intel that you are not. So I trust his opinion a hell of a lot more than I trust yours

Yes, until the FBI comes out and says "no criminal behavior by Trump" and then of course you will believe Wray is inept.

Dumb fuck.
I think Wray is doing a fine job and I don’t expect Trump to be indicted for criminal activity. So you are dead wrong... shocking
I think Wray is in charge and capable of running a steady ship. He is also privy to intel that you are not. So I trust his opinion a hell of a lot more than I trust yours
I don't....I don't trust a singe one of them....Least of all that little shit biscuit Andrew Weissman....And I think you're fool if you do....We're living exactly what I warned about, when we got the Patriot Act shoved up our asses...It's not paranoia when you end up being right.

View attachment 244290
You don’t believe any of our intel heads but you are going to believe Trump who is a notorious liar and propagandist? Ok, that’s your choice, but don’t expect anybody to respect you for that.
I think Wray is doing a fine job and I don’t expect Trump to be indicted for criminal activity. So you are dead wrong... shocking
Trump can't be indicted....That's the law since Nixon, which also was applied to Clinton...So if you didn't know that little detail, what would make anyone believe that you're such a big savant as to which swamp reptiles are trustworthy and which are not?
More leftist "logic" on display

"Why did that cop shoot Michael Brown, I mean we all know they fought for a good 5 minutes before the shooting and that Brown had beat the shit out of the cop, tried to grab his gun and shit but shooting Brown because his life was in danger is a complete over reach of police power"

same leftist

"Hey, we don't know if the FBI had good reason to send 28 agents equipped with night vision and automatic weapons in 17 vehiclles , plus 2 Navy Seals in the harbor to arrest one 72 year old man who had been cooperating with the FBI and was neither likely to be violent nor a flight risk or not, there are situations in which such an arrest would be perfectly reasonable"

Leftists are truly mentally ill.
What about giving law enforcement the benefit of the doubt until questions are answered is mentally ill? That’s all Ive advocated. You on the other hand go off on over emotional rants insults and conspiracy theories. So who exactly is having the issue here? Get a mirror.
It’s not just Mueller... my point is these actions and operations are approved by the director of the FBI so when you go after Mueller as some partisan anti Trump hack, you are also implicating Wray and the people that Trump has appointed to lead. People who have no reason to risk their freedom and careers to illegally or unethically screw trump over. You can’t just dismiss these questions by saying “ask Wray”. If you are going to claim a witch hunt conspiracy then you have to implicate Wray as well. Then perhaps you start to see how ridiculous these claims are. There is a slew of evidence and intel that you have not seen... The investigators and directors have seen all this info and they are the ones deciding to move forward with the investigation and indict the people they are indicting. So perhaps this big conspiracy only exist in right wing speculative propaganda and not in reality.
Okay, no matter who sent this SWAT team, to take what is essentially an elderly man into custody, it was a disturbing show of police state power and totally unnecessary and wasteful and pointless.

Having said that I don't see any motivation for Christopher Wray to pull tis bullying stunt but this is right up Mueller's alley if you look into his history of abuse of power and prosecutorial over kill. Revealed: Mueller's FBI Repeatedly Abused Prosecutorial Discretion

You can simply ignore Mueller's record or say I don't believe it (with no explanation whatsoever why not) or I don't care or whatever other rationale you can come up with. But this is what it is and the Roger Stone fiasco shows Mueller can't change his stripes at this point. Or if he can he chooses not to.
I think Wray is doing a fine job and I don’t expect Trump to be indicted for criminal activity. So you are dead wrong... shocking
Trump can't be indicted....That's the law since Nixon, which also was applied to Clinton...So if you didn't know that little detail, what would make anyone believe that you're such a big savant as to which swamp reptiles are trustworthy and which are not?
I just said he wouldn’t be indicted... what are you smoking?
You don’t believe any of our intel heads but you are going to believe Trump who is a notorious liar and propagandist? Ok, that’s your choice, but don’t expect anybody to respect you for that.
Our "intel heads" are the same assholes who got Murica involved up to our asses in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and elsewhere....If you trust them any farther than you can throw your car, your an even bigger fool than I thought.
That is 100% true. That you and others are too stupid to recognize the danger doesn't negate the danger.
Your narrative is such obvious propaganda bullshit, the fact that you buy into it and call it 100% true tells me that you are beyond reason. A simple look at the facts should tell you what is real but you don’t seem interested in looking at facts. Dismiss everything that is against trump and point the finger at anybody you can to distract... what an immature, petty and ignorant tactic. Keep it up if you want but don’t be surprised when nobody takes you seriously.

Man look around.

Think about this , the fucking justice deparment just used over 20 federal agents armed with automatic weapons , including 2 Navy Seals, and multiple vehicles to arrest a 72 year old man who is accused of LYING . I mean my God man , every last one of us should be scared to death of a government that can use that sort of fire power for no other reason that they hate Trump and everyone who has ever supported him.

And further, Wray and Rosenstein are BOTH people that Trump put into their positions and either of them could have said "no this is ridiculous overkill " in regards to that arrest, but neither did, why is that?
Yeah seems crazy. Why would Witacker and Wray approve that? you know these are guys appointed by Trump who have had his back in public before and after their appointments... Why is your first instinct about some crazy conspiracy? You realize you know absolutely nothing about the intel they had to make that decision... so why do you feel qualified to judge it?

First, you don't have any idea what I do or don't know.

Second when I compare the arrest of a 72 year old man to the arrest of a known violent drug cartel leader and realize that the FBI devoted more resources to arresting the 72 year old, yes I think to myself "hmmm , something fishy here"

But, just for shits and grins feel free to tell me ANYTHING you think the FBI may have known about Stone that would have justified that over the top arrest?
Do you have access to the classified intel that the FBI and DOJ have in relation to this case. If you do then I apologize.

Also I don’t know why the arrest went down the way it did. I think questioning the use of force is totally legit and I’d expect congress to ask that question at the next oversight hearing. That’s where it is at right now so I’m reserving judgement until I hear the answer. Why are you so eager to pass judgement without all the facts

Dude, get over the "we don't know all the facts" we don't have to know the facts to know that the arrest of Roger Stone was COMPLETELY overkill. There is not one single valid reason for using that kind of overwhelming force to arrest someone like Roger Stone.

The ONLY question to be asked is if Wray is supposed to be Trump's man, why the hell would he okay such a blatantly over the top arrest by the Special Counsel? Hell, if Wray were at best a completely agnostic defender of the law, why would he okay such an arrest? The answer is obvious, Wray is NOT an uninterested party, he's up to his neck in swamp.

Forget about Trump for just a moment, and consider this. If the people in the government can do this kind of thing to the current US President and his supporters, especially a President who is wealthy and powerful before he became President, what could they do if they decided to squash a bug like you or me?

Do you seriously not see the danger of a government entity that can just run unchecked by any elected leaders and crush any American who does not agree with them?

The idea that Trump is a Russian agent is laughable. The man has done so many things since becoming President that directly conflict with Russian goals that no serious person actually believes he's working with or for the Russians. This was and continues to be a ruse devised by those within the government who do not share Trump's vision for America, and they are resisting at all costs.

I pray they never decide to resist you and I..
It’s not just Mueller... my point is these actions and operations are approved by the director of the FBI so when you go after Mueller as some partisan anti Trump hack, you are also implicating Wray and the people that Trump has appointed to lead. People who have no reason to risk their freedom and careers to illegally or unethically screw trump over. You can’t just dismiss these questions by saying “ask Wray”. If you are going to claim a witch hunt conspiracy then you have to implicate Wray as well. Then perhaps you start to see how ridiculous these claims are. There is a slew of evidence and intel that you have not seen... The investigators and directors have seen all this info and they are the ones deciding to move forward with the investigation and indict the people they are indicting. So perhaps this big conspiracy only exist in right wing speculative propaganda and not in reality.
Okay, no matter who sent this SWAT team to take what is essentially an elderly man, into custody it was a disturbing show of police state power and totally unnecessary and wasteful and pointless.

Having said that I don't see any motivation for Christopher Wray to pull tis bullying stunt but this is right up Mueller's alley if you look into his history of abuse of power and prosecutorial over kill. Revealed: Mueller's FBI Repeatedly Abused Prosecutorial Discretion

You can simply ignore Mueller's record or say I don't believe it (with no explanation whatsoever why not) or I don't care or whatever other rationale you can come up with. But this is what it is and the Roger Stone fiasco shows Mueller can't change his stripes at this point. Or if he can he chooses not to.
Mueller may have pushed that tactic but it was approved and executed by the FBI which Wray runs. This means whatever reasoning Mueller had, Wray agreed with. These are the people who have seen the intel. We have not. You are judging something from a place of ignorance.

I agree it looked wildly unnecessary and I think it should be questioned, but beyond that we don’t know enough to pass judgement at this point.
You don’t believe any of our intel heads but you are going to believe Trump who is a notorious liar and propagandist? Ok, that’s your choice, but don’t expect anybody to respect you for that.
Our "intel heads" are the same assholes who got Murica involved up to our asses in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and elsewhere....If you trust them any farther than you can throw your car, your an even bigger fool than I thought.
No they aren’t. Completely different people all appointed by Trump. Nice try though.
More leftist "logic" on display

"Why did that cop shoot Michael Brown, I mean we all know they fought for a good 5 minutes before the shooting and that Brown had beat the shit out of the cop, tried to grab his gun and shit but shooting Brown because his life was in danger is a complete over reach of police power"

same leftist

"Hey, we don't know if the FBI had good reason to send 28 agents equipped with night vision and automatic weapons in 17 vehiclles , plus 2 Navy Seals in the harbor to arrest one 72 year old man who had been cooperating with the FBI and was neither likely to be violent nor a flight risk or not, there are situations in which such an arrest would be perfectly reasonable"

Leftists are truly mentally ill.
What about giving law enforcement the benefit of the doubt until questions are answered is mentally ill? That’s all Ive advocated. You on the other hand go off on over emotional rants insults and conspiracy theories. So who exactly is having the issue here? Get a mirror.

Benefit of what doubt? You have as of yet not given me one single thing that leads you to believe that maybe the government has reason to arrest Stone in the manner in which they did.

"They were afraid he'd destroy evidence" LOL Seriously? If that is of some concern, then riddle me this, why was Hillary Clinton given a week to present herself to the FBI for an interview even after it was already revealed that she actually HAD destroyed evidence? And yes , she most certainly did, and this is known fact. But did the FBI send DEVGRU in to arrest her? No, they called her attorney and arranged an interview. Proving CONCLUSIVELY that they don't take "destroyed evidence" all that seriously.
You don’t believe any of our intel heads but you are going to believe Trump who is a notorious liar and propagandist? Ok, that’s your choice, but don’t expect anybody to respect you for that.
Our "intel heads" are the same assholes who got Murica involved up to our asses in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and elsewhere....If you trust them any farther than you can throw your car, your an even bigger fool than I thought.
No they aren’t. Completely different people all appointed by Trump. Nice try though.

I work with the so called intelligence community nearly every day. They aren't that intelligent and who's in charge doesn't change much in terms of how the agencies operate , the civil service employees are the ones doing the work and providing intel nd such. For the most part the people advising Trump are the same people who were advising Obama who were the same people who advised Bush.

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