Evolution: Machete/Dragon/Apes [Sci-Fi Developments]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Anyone a fan of dimension/species sci-fi?

This 'limerick' was inspired by Planet of the Apes and Gremlins.

Sci-fi storytelling can be rather...'environment-intensive' (a trend we've seen since the days of The Outer Limits and Buck Rogers).

Anyone a fan of Priest?

In the days of Sherlock Holmes, theosophy/metaphysics was considered 'good sci-fi,' something David Cronenberg tried to 'resurrect' with his films Videodrome and The Fly.

I'm a big fan of Titan A.E.



Ajay Satan made countless obsessive stick-figure doodles of 'evil elves' and pasted them all over his walls in his Manhattan apartment. He became so obsessed that one night he went into such a lucid dream about evil elves that he was transported to a different dimension, one of violence and anarchy.


Ajay was now surrounded by cruel/savage super-intelligent apes who enslaved humans in a post-nuclear Earth and used them as food and toys.


Ajay met a band of humans who lived in abandoned homes left untouched from the 'old world.' These humans fled from the cruel apes (who wielded sledgehammers, sabres, and rifles) and sometimes fought each other. Two rival human gang leaders, Leatherface and Ninja, were always trying to prove who was more intelligent between the two. Ajay Satan realized this was a dimension of pure vigilantism-oriented insanity.


Ajay drew sketches of humans running from their ape-jailors like angels in the wind. This was evolution gone in the wrong direction and the arrow of time was melting...


Ajay met a kingdom of men ruled by one ape-king named Ganges. This kingdom was very cruel and they took the female apes of the ape-clans they fought and burned them alive. Ajay wondered if this dimension had any overseeing God, but it was highly-doubtful.


Ajay then met a human group playing ice-hockey on a reconstructed rink, complete with found equipment and masks/helmets and gloves. These games were a testament of hope, but Ajay noted how the human players played with a glimmer of pure angst in their eyes.


Ajay then met a demonic 'gate-keeper' in this eerie dimension he was transported to while dream-sleeping. This 'minion' was Wolverine, and he had knuckle-blades protruding from his fists, which he used to rip off the skin of the ape-soldiers he fought to make sure no one opened the gate to the Underworld of Infinite Darkness. Ajay discovered Wolverine was surprisingly...human.


Ajay then found a basement-warehouse clan of female humans who engaged in combat-rituals but never to the death. Yes, swords and knives were involved, but any cutting/slashing would result in exile. These women were desperate to 'feel free' but were incredibly gorgeous.


Finally, Ajay asked an ape why he wielded terrible weapons against humans, and the cold gorilla replied, "We decapitate and mutilate and hobble and hammer humans and sometimes burn them for pleasure...because humans are simply very ugly to us 'evolved primates'."


Ajay was taken to an outland where a great Red Dragon flew around and explained to Ajay that this dimension was insane, because violence and anarchy had replaced the good sensibilities regarding negotiation and customs. This was a dimension of instinct and non-tempered passion. It was a place where fire reigned instead of sugar.


Ajay met a very attractive swords-woman named Ayla who tried to fight the apes on her own, and he became so hypnotized by her that he made love to her and married her. She made him promise to help her destroy this 'dominion of savage apes' who beat humans with hammers and axes. Ayla was like an angel of love to Ajay and he'd do anything for this sword-wielding wanderer, even betray his own consciousness.


Ajay and Ayla met a flesh-mutating creature in a barren wasteland named Carnage who brought messages about the corruptibility and flammability of the flesh. Carnage told the love-birds that decapitation represented purity, since it was evidence of the 'energy' of death-strokes. Carnage cared nothing for the 'sanctity of bones' or the 'holiness of flesh' or the 'beauty of peace' or the 'preciousness of souls.' Carnage was the prince of darkness in this dominion Ajay Satan found himself discovering. Ajay and Ayla fled from Carnage with great speed.


Ajay and Ayla remained in that dominion as eternal lovers, and Ajay never returned from his dream-sleep. He was an immortal now, his perceptual state having transported him to a completely different dimension, a dimension where his love Ayla could love him in return. Ajay was now the same 'species' as Ayla.


AJAY: Are you happy I stayed here with you?
AYLA: Yes, but why did you stay in a place filled with blood-machetes?
AJAY: You're here too...
AYLA: What about the Red Dragon and the savage apes?
AJAY: I'd rather be your species than alone!
AYLA: We're not the same.
AJAY: We love the same, and we love each other; that's enough 'science.'
AYLA: We'll be wanderers...
AJAY: We'll be more vital in each other's arms.
AYLA: I dreamt we'd live on a moon, not a war-zone.
AJAY: Dreams of love and peace fill any dominion with the 'waters' of imagination.
AYLA: Alright; let's carry on.
AJAY: Paradise will be found!




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