Ex-Capitol Police Chief Confirms GOP’s Report On Pelosi’s Culpability for Jan. 6, Reveals FBI, DHS, And His Own Agency Knew About Planned Attack

In essence, it was our own Intel agencies and Pelosi who conspired to stage an insurrection against Trump on January 6. Benedict Pence signed and sealed Trump's fate allowing the usurper to illegally take over the oval office.

Another 'Conspiracy Theory', according to leftists / Democrats, proven to be TRUE!

Absolutely. How dare he send his mob to march on the Capital. What an irresponsible, anti-American piece of shit!
Hello, there were 3 white vans full of wilding radicals that were escorted right into the Capitol by Capitol police,,,,,those were leftist radicals paid by an intel agency. the vids were on u tube but may have been taken down
From the link.... It shows it was those working for Trump who were worried about optics and you are trying to blame it on Nancy....

“The FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and even his own agency’s intelligence unit had been alerted weeks earlier to reams of chilling chatter about right-wing extremists arming for an attack on the Capitol that day, Sund says, but didn’t take the basic steps to assess those plots or sound an alarm. Senior military leaders, citing political or tactical worries, delayed sending help.”

Sund said he was never warned about those red flags the FBI, DHS and his own intelligence unit had received: plots for protesters to come armed, attack Capitol tunnels and be willing to shoot police.

Sund writes that senior leaders in his department failed, too: The “biggest intelligence failure was within my department,” he wrote.

“Sund reserves his greatest outrage for those Pentagon leaders, recounting a conference call he had with two generals about 2:35 p.m., 20 minutes after rioters had broken into the Capitol and as Vice President Mike Pence and other lawmakers scurried to hiding places.”

“Sund writes that Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt told him he didn’t like the optics of sending uniformed Guard troops to the Capitol but could allow them to replace police officers at roadside checkpoints. Listening incredulously and trying to explain that he needed help to save officers’ lives, Sund said, he felt both “nauseated” and “mad as hell.”
General Walter Piatt.. Nancy in disguise according to Gym Shorts Jordan and the Q Krew
Imagine thinking Gateway Pundit is a legitimate news source with any sense of integrity.

Imagine being so desparate and all you have is claiming every one who exposes the Democrats' scandals, lies, sedition, Constitutional and Rule of Law violations, crimes, and treason 'is not a legitimate source'...

....especially when the main sources you have and still do rely on have been proven to have lied so much and are so untrustworthy that they almost went out of business or were proven to have received Pulitzers for years of writing fiction...

Oh, I forgot - you don't have to 'imagine'.

Democrats hate hoax.

Homos hate hoax.

Fascist hate hoax.

Democrats = fascist homos who hate hoax...
Imagine being so desparate and all you have is claiming every one who exposes the Democrats' scandals, lies, sedition, Constitutional and Rule of Law violations, crimes, and treason 'is not a legitimate source'...

....especially when the main sources you have and still do rely on have been proven to have lied so much and are so untrustworthy that they almost went out of business or were proven to have received Pulitzers for years of writing fiction...

Oh, I forgot - you don't have to 'imagine'.

They didn’t expose anything. They got a scrap of a text which says next to nothing and invented an entire story about it. It’s not unlike the time they posted a story off of a false doctored photograph.

You believe it because you want to believe it.

Should we bring up the fact that your conspiracy was that the FBI or antifa or someone else caused the riot? I see you want to sweep that under the rug.
Hate Hoaxes that involved Dykey Nancy

Paul's gay coke whore
Just a reminder that the DHS didn’t do shit with any of the information they had about violent Trump supporters, and that at the time it was being run by an illegally appointed Trump loyalist.
Hello, there were 3 white vans full of wilding radicals that were escorted right into the Capitol by Capitol police,,,,,those were leftist radicals paid by an intel agency. the vids were on u tube but may have been taken down
that sounds about as cuckoo as ... well, the Grassy Knoll stuff
In essence, it was our own Intel agencies and Pelosi who conspired to stage an insurrection against Trump on January 6. Benedict Pence signed and sealed Trump's fate allowing the usurper to illegally take over the oval office.

Statement of Steven Sund, Chief of Police, Regarding the Events of January 6, 2021 okay okay okay
In essence, it was our own Intel agencies and Pelosi who conspired to stage an insurrection against Trump on January 6. Benedict Pence signed and sealed Trump's fate allowing the usurper to illegally take over the oval office.

We gotta get you a refund on your education. But first, please ... did you attend Trump University?

In his testimony, Sund said, “We properly planned for a mass demonstration with possible violence. What we got was a military-style, coordinated assault on my officers and a violent takeover of the Capitol building.”

The bipartisan Senate committee found plenty of blame to go around: everything from intelligence, communication and planning failures to lapses in law enforcement leadership and inadequate equipment. Nowhere in the report does it suggest Pelosi bore any culpability for the failures that day.

Sounds like trump got enough rope to hang himself, not knowing any better or giving a damn about the country, he went ahead, hanging himself and a bunch of his more anti-American followers, some for the better part of the rest of their life. Your fake news label confirms what I always thought. To you dolts, fake news is anything said, that you do not like.
Someone needs a mirror

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