Bi-Partisan Committee Report On 6 Jan Capitol Violence Released

Despite President Trump recommending the National Guard be activated and present, despite the FBI discovering social media ‘chatter’ about potential planned violence in advance, the National Guard were not activated and used to deter / prevent the violence.

yet he did nothing also..Even after the fact he did nothing..Because he was the instigator.
Yep, that was the lamest thing about this report. They didn’t bother examining Trumpy Bear’s role. And WTF was he doing for 3 hours other than watching TeeVee with glee?
Being disappointed that nothing was going to keep him in power.
And 3.5 hours later this is what he told his goons:

President Trump’s Chilling Message to Violent Mob Overtaking Capitol: ‘Go Home. We Love You, You’re Very Special’​

Not to mention the role certain members of congress and Rump’s pals. Roger Stone was there too flanked by members of the Proud Boys. Have we looked at all their phone logs? We damn well should!

The article posted stated no agency found any evidence that would lead them to believe such a large violent event had been planned.

Incited spontaneous event?

The report is a rebuke of the FBI and other Intel collection / sharing agencies, the Capitol Police, and members of the house and Senate (Sgts-at-Arms) who were unprepared to truly protect the Capitol and who rejected 'common sense' precautionary actions like activating the National Guard and having them in place in advance. They failed to prepare, prevent, and protect.
Despite President Trump recommending the National Guard be activated and present, despite the FBI discovering social media ‘chatter’ about potential planned violence in advance, the National Guard were not activated and used to deter / prevent the violence.

yet he did nothing also..Even after the fact he did nothing..Because he was the instigator.
Yep, that was the lamest thing about this report. They didn’t bother examining Trumpy Bear’s role. And WTF was he doing for 3 hours other than watching TeeVee with glee?
Being disappointed that nothing was going to keep him in power.
And 3.5 hours later this is what he told his goons:

President Trump’s Chilling Message to Violent Mob Overtaking Capitol: ‘Go Home. We Love You, You’re Very Special’​

Way to Cherry-pick a slice of whatwas truly fully said. The gtruth, the whole truth, shall set you free.

Not to mention the role certain members of congress and Rump’s pals. Roger Stone was there too flanked by members of the Proud Boys. Have we looked at all their phone logs? We damn well should!

The article posted stated no agency found any evidence that would lead them to believe such a large violent event had been planned.

Incited spontaneous event?

The report is a rebuke of the FBI and other Intel collection / sharing agencies, the Capitol Police, and members of the house and Senate (Sgts-at-Arms) who were unprepared to truly protect the Capitol and who rejected 'common sense' precautionary actions like activating the National Guard and having them in place in advance. They failed to prepare, prevent, and protect.
Easy, They even lost this one. It's truly amazing how many people see the demofks for who they really are. scum of the scum.
Will there be a bi-partisan congressional report on the ongoing violence and arson in the north west? Probably not.
The NY Times reported the DC national Guard were activated immediately AFTER the 6 Jan violence and that all 1,100 had arrived and helped set up a perimeter around the Capitol by 6pm that night.
- This proves the National Guard had been told to be ready to be activated in advance. The violence officially began at 12:53pm - it is virtually impossible to recall 1,100 National Guard Members, have them report, assemble, travel to a DC force deployment/dispersion point, and assist in creating a perimeter in 5 hours unless they have been told in advance to be ready.

"I was in Staten Island with the 101st Cavalry when we got the call to be in Manhattan that evening," said Master Sgt. Edgar Ponce, a parts manager that supports the maintenance of equipment for the division. "We rushed, got our gear and took the ferry over and started pulling security. I remember just seeing the body bags being pulled from the rubble."

New York National Guard units closest to the World Trade Center towers were three battalions from the 3rd Brigade, 42nd Infantry Division: the 1st Battalion, 101st Cavalry from Staten Island; the 1st Battalion, 258th Field Artillery from Queens; and the 1st Battalion, 69th Infantry, headquartered in Manhattan just over 2 miles north of what would quickly become known as "ground zero."

Also responding were B & C Companies of the 1st Battalion, 105th Infantry and New York's 2nd Civil Support Team (Weapons of Mass Destruction).
We have a bipartisan report we have their findings and recommendations there seems to be no need for another one.
It seems they were only investigating preparedness and response and nothing else...

This would be like investigating how well the firemen who ran up those flights of stairs in 911 and ignoring the hijackers...

It is obviously not a thorougher investigation?
The article posted stated no agency found any evidence that would lead them to believe such a large violent event had been planned.

Incited spontaneous event?

That was after only 1 month of investigation. The FBI has been investigating for several months, and found organizations like the oath keepers, having planned the insurrection for months.

It takes a while (and a lot of grand jurys) to unearth that information.
The media didn't want to address allegations that the Va. democrat governor invited and bussed in thugs and told the VSP to stand down and watch the fun in Charlottesville. My guess is that the same dirty tricks agenda was in place in Washington on Jan 6 and democrats have been milking it ever since while cities burn.
Fascinating that Trump knew that the rally was likely to turn violent but had it anyway.

Food for thought.
And then did nothing to stop it until hours later.

In fact he NEVER called out the NG (which would have had an instant and unambiguous response)
Not to mention the role certain members of congress and Rump’s pals. Roger Stone was there too flanked by members of the Proud Boys. Have we looked at all their phone logs? We damn well should!

The article posted stated no agency found any evidence that would lead them to believe such a large violent event had been planned.

Incited spontaneous event?

The report is a rebuke of the FBI and other Intel collection / sharing agencies, the Capitol Police, and members of the house and Senate (Sgts-at-Arms) who were unprepared to truly protect the Capitol and who rejected 'common sense' precautionary actions like activating the National Guard and having them in place in advance. They failed to prepare, prevent, and protect.
Bullshit. It never addressed that issue
Bullshit. It never addressed that issue
dude, can you hear yourself. You just wrote bullshit to something you later agree wasn't there making it so. How do you eat, when one half of you puts the food in and the other half takes it back out?
Bullshit. It never addressed that issue
dude, can you hear yourself. You just wrote bullshit to something you later agree wasn't there making it so. How do you eat, when one half of you puts the food in and the other half takes it back out?
Actually the wording is similar how Donald Rumsfeld talked about intelligence information.

Absence of evidence, isn't evidence of absence.

Just because the agencies didn't find, after their short investigation, evidence of a pre-planned insurrection, doesn't mean the insurrection wasn't pre-planned.,

In fact the FBI now has evidence that the oath keepers were one of the groups that pre-planned the insurrection.
You will be seeing more of the following which the media will try and hide- After the protestors were let inside and things were going well there was a sudden, late surge of about 25 people from the outside, through the doors and to the back of the peaceful group. They are where the trouble came from and They Are the Pelosi plants.

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