Ex-Cop Daniel Holtzclaw Sentenced to Full 263 Years in Prison

To normal people rape is rape and it's illegal and if you're not going to just execute the bastards, then you send them to prison and throw away the key.

:iagree: yet i know of a little 11 y.o. girl who was raped repeatedly for two years by a 31 y.o. male he only got 10 to 15 years. i know the family quite well, this beautiful young lady, now 15 y.o. is having some serious psychological problems, she hates every thing and every body, except her Dad.., oooh !! BTW.., the rapists name is "Billy", must be something about those "Billy" dirt bags who carry their brains between their legs. :up:

personally i would have killed the son-of-a bitch and trusted 12 people to decide my fate!! :up:

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