Ex-Gays Face Increasing Harassment

Militant gays hating on ex-gays, these people will do anything to advance their lifestyle

Ex-Gays Face Increasing Harassment

May 29, 2008 - Bart Allen is a name that most people haven't heard before. No one has made traveling plays about his tragic death nor have there been TV movies made about him nor hate crime legislation named in his honor.

Bart Allen's name, however, should be widely known and mourned. He was in the process of leaving the homosexual lifestyle when he was strangled and murdered by his gay roommate.

Allen's parents, Joe and Marion, founded Hope for the Broken Heart after his tragic murder at the hands of his gay lover. They have spoken at Exodus International events.

When Bart was struggling with unwanted homosexual feelings, he sought out a counselor for help. The counselor, however, told him he was born gay. According to Joe and Marion, "When Bart came out of her office, he looked like he had been given a death sentence. I know this lady did not realize what she was doing ... but she had told him he was born gay. She told him we were doing him an injustice by telling him this was wrong and he needed to go back [to the homosexual lifestyle].

Bart Allen did go back to homosexuality, but he couldn't accept it. His lover, however, refused to accept the fact that Bart wanted to leave homosexuality behind. While Bart was asleep, his partner strangled him to death with a dog leash.

Bart Allen's story is an extreme, but more and more ex-gays are reporting being targeted for ridicule or violence for openly leaving homosexual behaviors. In addition, professional groups are being pressured to remain silent about the possibility of change

There is no such thing as an "ex-gay" and no matter how hard you try, and no matter how many groups like NARTH you join, you will still be gay.


Til then you're just closeted.
I don't know if it needs to be cured, but it certainly would solve a lot of problems. There are medications for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. I predict there will be medications for homosexual behavior in the future.

Here's just one of hundreds of articles about the biology of homosexuality:

Homosexuality is biological, suggests gay sheep study

I doubt they will simply because if someone ever tried to make it they would be the target of a lot of bad press and if it didn't work then holy hell they would be in for a massive storm.

Granted it may come but I doubt it will be very soon.

I bet they'll sooner come up for a cure for pedophilia first. If a drug company really did find a cure for it they'd probably be heralded as heros.
no, I think i'll go ahead and let you provide support for your assertion, dude. You ARE capable of that, yes?

You know how it works. I post a link proving a liberal bias from the APA and you say it's from a conservative site. Then you post a link proving a conservative bias to whatever, and then I say it's from a liberal site. I guess that's one reason I'm neither liberal nor conservative. Therefore, there's nothing I can post that you'll believe.

Here's an interesting link (which I'm sure you won't read! :lol:):

Dr. Helen: Is the APA Biased?
You know how it works. I post a link proving a liberal bias from the APA and you say it's from a conservative site. Then you post a link proving a conservative bias to whatever, and then I say it's from a liberal site. I guess that's one reason I'm neither liberal nor conservative. Therefore, there's nothing I can post that you'll believe.

Here's an interesting link (which I'm sure you won't read! :lol:):

Dr. Helen: Is the APA Biased?

Perhaps because of all the repetition of untruths, lies and distortions which the right then calls "opposing viewpoints"...and pretends it's science.

BTW, some chick's blog which isn't peer reviewed has no weight.
I doubt they will simply because if someone ever tried to make it they would be the target of a lot of bad press and if it didn't work then holy hell they would be in for a massive storm.

Granted it may come but I doubt it will be very soon.

I bet they'll sooner come up for a cure for pedophilia first. If a drug company really did find a cure for it they'd probably be heralded as heros.

You make a good point. The gay community would be up in arms over this. Scientists could never get funding for a 'cure' for homosexuality.
There is no such thing as an "ex-gay" and no matter how hard you try, and no matter how many groups like NARTH you join, you will still be gay.


Til then you're just closeted.

There is no such thing as an ex-gay even though they exist? You posted this as a joke, right?
There is no such thing as an ex-gay even though they exist? You posted this as a joke, right?

There is no such thing as an "ex-gay". You are either gay or you are not.

you can, however, choose to be closeted.

Sorry... you're the one who must be joking. Cause no matter how many evangelical churches pretend that they can "change" people THERE IS NO SUCH THING.

How 'bout you wake up tomorrow and DECIDE to have sex with men. What? Can't do it? It would skeeve you?

Perhaps because of all the repetition of untruths, lies and distortions which the right then calls "opposing viewpoints"...and pretends it's science.

BTW, some chick's blog which isn't peer reviewed has no weight.

You've described the APA. Who do you think does the peer reviews?

Most Physics journals, for example, have great peer reviews. However, if you check out anything on Global Warming, you'll find a lot of junk science. Same with the APA.
There is no such thing as an "ex-gay". You are either gay or you are not.

you can, however, choose to be closeted.

Sorry... you're the one who must be joking. Cause no matter how many evangelical churches pretend that they can "change" people THERE IS NO SUCH THING.

How 'bout you wake up tomorrow and DECIDE to have sex with men. What? Can't do it? It would skeeve you?


:eusa_hand: So you're not joking. You're trying to make something black and white that isn't. Some people embrace the gay lifestyle because of something traumatic like abuse as a child. Does that mean they're gay? Yes and no. If they seek help and reject the gay lifestyle, they are straight.
but homosexuals do how ever overwhelmingly support abortion and stem cell research

Not the same thing.

Abortion doesn't pretend to cure people of anything.

As far as I'm aware stem cell research is only good for physical ailments.

Not to get off topic though but you reminded me of something George Carlin joked about (paraphrased)

'religious groups don't like abortions or gays. Why? Doesn't make much sense. Here's a group guaranteed to never have an abortion. Ever. You'd think they'd be a perfect fit.'
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:eusa_hand: So you're not joking. You're trying to make something black and white that isn't. Some people embrace the gay lifestyle because of something traumatic like abuse as a child. Does that mean they're gay? Yes and no. If they seek help and reject the gay lifestyle, they are straight.

People who are gay are so probably because of a combination of nature and nurture. But they do NOT decide to be gay. They just ARE.

And the people who think that they can change and spread stupidity that it's a "choice" and who create hate and prejudice are really dangerous.
Like I said... wake up tomorrow and decide to be gay...

go ahead.

let me know how it works out for you.

And mostly why on earth should you care?

Frankly, gays face harassment because of people like you.
People who are gay are so probably because of a combination of nature and nurture. But they do NOT decide to be gay. They just ARE.

And the people who think that they can change and spread stupidity that it's a "choice" and who create hate and prejudice are really dangerous.

They do not decide to be gay? Where is the evidence for this? There is none.

Thanks for playing.
Like I said... wake up tomorrow and decide to be gay...

go ahead.

let me know how it works out for you.

And mostly why on earth should you care?

Frankly, gays face harassment because of people like you.

Your intolerance is exactly what I'm talking about. If someone has an opposing viewpoint, you personally attack them. Who cares if they have evidence to back-up their statements. It is sad that intolerant people like yourself still exist in this world. Truly sad.
One page ago you posted evidence saying it was biological.

I said that there are cases where it can be biological, just like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia have a biological basis. Based on the evidence, some people embrace the homosexual lifestyle because of a traumatic childhood experience. We don't have all the answers yet.

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