Ex-Justice Department Official Testifies They Were Told to Ignore Cases...

Interesting on its face....however, I notice the link is the Opinion page. Curious about that one.

Well, the MSM is not covering it, because it would look bad for the administration (I guess. Who can ascribe motivation for their inaction?) And, I didn't want to post the Fox News link, because you know the kind of back blast you get here if you post Fox, it's like posting an MSLSD link.

I actually saw the event on election day. Fox was showing it as it happened.

If this gets brushed aside, I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't a lot of people with different political views from the Black Panthers showing up at polling places "helping" with security. Both situations represent a horrific event in our electoral process history.

This type of stuff cannot be allowed to happen on either side.

Without looking I know fox and cbs are reporting on it........aren't they the msm?

Depends who you talk to and yes, respectively. I didn't know CBS was covering it. Surprising really.
Well it looks like some retirees from DOJ are ready to stand with Adams:

Pajamas Media BREAKING: Former DOJ Officials Stepping Forward to Support J. Christian Adams (Updated)

...First, here is Asheesh Agarwal. From 2006-2008, Asheesh Agarwal served as a deputy assistant attorney general in the Civil Rights Division. In that position, Agarwal supervised the Division’s Voting Section, which included Adams, and worked directly with Adams on several matters. Agarwal is currently an attorney in private practice.

During his tenure with the Department of Justice’s Voting Section, J. Christian Adams was a model attorney who vigorously enforced federal voting rights laws on behalf of all voters, without respect to race or ideology. Mr. Adams was also one of the most productive and successful voting attorneys in recent memory.

His victories include two cases on behalf of African-American voters under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, two cases on behalf of white voters under Section 2, and six cases on behalf of Hispanic voters under Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act. He also brought and won three cases on behalf of military voters. Having worked closely with Mr. Adams for several years, I can attest to the unsurpassed quality of his character, judgment, and commitment to the cause of civil rights on behalf of all Americans.

– Asheesh Agarwal

UPDATE: Mark Corallo, former Department of Justice director of public affairs, submits a statement to Pajamas Media:

As the Department of Justice director of public affairs under Attorney General John Ashcroft, I witnessed the hostility of the “career” Civil Rights Division attorneys firsthand.

Internal disagreements over policy routinely became matters for the press, via leaks to reporters or leaks to Democrat members of Congress. They had no compunction about breaking the ethical requirement of attorneys to keep those internal deliberations confidential.

I am not surprised that the Department is attacking J. Christian Adams. The Civil Rights Division attorneys have no interest in the rule of law as written and passed by Congress — the New Black Panther case is glaring proof that the Division has an agenda. If Congress was truly interested in oversight, there would be hearings on this case and others.

J. Christian Adams did the honorable thing in resigning and speaking out.

Democrats constantly complained about the lack of oversight when Republicans were the majority party in Congress. Can any reasonable person imagine the Democrats ignoring a case of blatant violations of the Voting Rights Act (captured on video) brought by career Civil Rights Division attorneys being dismissed by a Republican attorney general?

Any veteran of the Justice Department should be outraged.

More are expected in the coming days...
Without looking I know fox and cbs are reporting on it........aren't they the msm?

Deadly weapons and racist slurs outside a polling booth by Democrat activists and the Administration is being accused of criminal racism and prosecutorial crimes and you aren't concerned that only two networks are reporting it?

Can you imagine the outrage if Bush admin had done this?

You keep proving to be a fucking eeediot. Read my post again.

Tell me.. what did I miss. I will apologize publicly if appropriate.
Does anyone doubt that the actions of this Hussein regime reflect that of a dictator?

I might be more likely to find this believable with names and locations....but whatever.

I guess you didn't read the OP. Hussein thugs get to do whatever the hell they want, the law doesn't apply to them.

Dictators are all about imposing law, except when their own thugs are breaking the rules of course.
Deadly weapons and racist slurs outside a polling booth by Democrat activists and the Administration is being accused of criminal racism and prosecutorial crimes and you aren't concerned that only two networks are reporting it?

Can you imagine the outrage if Bush admin had done this?

You keep proving to be a fucking eeediot. Read my post again.

Tell me.. what did I miss. I will apologize publicly if appropriate.

I said:

"Without looking I know Fox and CBS are reporting on it."

I never said there are only 2, I said I know of two.
CL the coverage by FOX has been linked to death. I just went looking for CBS coverage, funny think, can't find anything from this year.
CL the coverage by FOX has been linked to death. I just went looking for CBS coverage, funny think, can't find anything from this year.

Since they only put the story out a week ago I'm not surprised you couldn't find it. Dumbasses like you think the US is still looking for wmd in iraq.

CBS News Mobile Ex-Justice Dept Lawyer Says Whites' Rights Ignored

I'm not such a dumbass as the likes of you, who doesn't bother to read what others post. Thanks for the link.

For those who'd like to look at the non-mobile, more in-depth coverage referred to in wap:

Ex-Justice Dept Lawyer Says Whites' Rights Ignored - CBS News
CL the coverage by FOX has been linked to death. I just went looking for CBS coverage, funny think, can't find anything from this year.

Since they only put the story out a week ago I'm not surprised you couldn't find it. Dumbasses like you think the US is still looking for wmd in iraq.

CBS News Mobile Ex-Justice Dept Lawyer Says Whites' Rights Ignored

I'm not such a dumbass as the likes of you, who doesn't bother to read what others post. Thanks for the link.

For those who'd like to look at the non-mobile, more in-depth coverage referred to in wap:

Ex-Justice Dept Lawyer Says Whites' Rights Ignored - CBS News

Show me what you posted that I didn't read. You said you couldn't find anything from this year so I gave you a story they put out last week.
If the KKK or White Supremacists were standing out front of a polling station brandishing clubs and Bush's DOJ declined to prosecute we all know what the LSM reaction would have been. Oh Yeah. THe NYT would have had it in 8 inch letters on the front page for six months.

Wonder if Holders DOJ would have declined to prosecute the KKK and White Supremacists??

Don't think I would put any money on that one.
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I believe those voting cases should have been prosecuted.
However, it amazes me how naive and gulluible you folks are. The justice department is, as is has been for the last 100 years, over loaded with work.
Would you have them prosecuting terrorists, bank executive embezzlers, counterfeiters and the other 1000 more pressing cases of the day?
Or would you rather them prosecute a dumb ass bro intimidating a voter where many of them already plead guilty and got a sentence, be it a sentence that was too lenient?
The civil right voting dept investgates civil rights voting problems; not terrorist cases. Sheez.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN67KJdd6Mw]YouTube - The Obama Administration Protected Black Panther Who Advocates Killing White Babies[/ame]

Hot Air Video: The nice young man Eric Holder let off the hook

"I hate all white people. You will have to kill white people. Kill their babies."

This is the person in the case the DOJ dropped as "being without merit."

If this had been someone saying this about black people and black babies, he would be in jail now.

But, once again, we find that racism is okay with liberals. Where is the color blind society Martin Luthor King wanted? You won't find it with liberalism and you certainly won't find it, in the Barack Obama admin.

Now wait for liberals to tell us this is just "one isolated person" and it doesn't matter.

But be white, republican and say "Macaca" and Wowee!!!!!!!! :eek:

Suddenly it's not "isolated." It's a sign of the "pervasive racism" in the GOP and white redneck America in general. Another sign of how far we have to go to end racism, blah blah blah."

The rank hypocrisy and the real racism could not be more clear, which is why liberals will simply try to deflect, attack, and not address this honestly. :doubt:

To be honest would be to accept their messiah's admin steeped in race baiting politics.

I'm just waiting for the first liberal that will claim, I'm really the "racist" for pointing this out.


Merged with existing thread. Care
the main stream media did not cover the intimidation of the tumultuous conservatives that were flown in to miami by the Republican Party to cause a ruckus so to stop the Miami recount in the 2000 election....

Looks like it is an equal opportunity situation that media chooses to ignore?

I hate that the media gets to pick and choose what they get to cover though... :(
The overt demonstration of "Racism" is quite evident in this case.

I believe now is the time for one of the "Injured Parties" to file a Civil Suit in State Court.

I don't believe there is any other avenue available at the Imperial level.
The civil right voting dept investgates civil rights voting problems; not terrorist cases. Sheez.

Well no shit as that proves my point.
Would you rather we have the resources there or in another area of the Justice Dept?
The above posts brought to you from our sponsor, The Neo-KKK. An organization of individuals so cowardly they lack the courage to go public wearing traditonal garb of white robes, who chose to affect the Conservative Way by labeling others with the offenses they commit: Racism, Hypocrisy, Lawlessness and Extremism.

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